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Format of Enhanced-School Improvement Plan (E-SIP)

Relative to the submission of the Enhanced-School Improvement Plan, all Schools are requested to follow the prescribed format below.

I. Vision, Mission & Goal

II. Current Situation (in Narrative Form)

III. Planning Worksheet

A. List of identified PIAs

B. Planning Worksheet

C. Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

D. Annual Implementation Plan (for 3 years; include budget of different projects developed)

IV. Monitoring & Evaluation

A. Gantt Chart of activities per project (Identified PIAs)

B. Project Monitoring Report Form


A. Annex 11 SRC Summary of Information

B. Gap Analysis Template

C. PIA Scoring Rubric

Also submit the School Report Card (SRC) separately bound including the mandatory expenses in your AIP, revised APP, include the budget of your project/s to be implemented in the first year (2016-2017) of E-SIP.

All templates used to develop E-SIP should be intact in your school.


Adornado Nath’s (ESIP 2016 Silangan NHS)

[scribd id=319830477 key=key-DPcGMUcn12W8ANE1DPDT mode=scroll]


Francis Kenneth D. Hernandez
OIC – Principal II
Paliparan III Senior High School

[scribd id=319830694 key=key-sVErMEzwvuHFHIZVlRM2 mode=scroll]

Downloadable resources are located in our online catalog. Just click on the filename to download an electronic file of the resource.


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

2 thoughts on “Format of Enhanced-School Improvement Plan (E-SIP)”

  1. If you have , share it and God will give you more than what you’ve shared.hope others will follow your footstep.Thank you and God bless you .


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