The Department of Education, Dagupan City Division Officials and Staff join me in congratulating you, graduates of SY 2015-2016, your parents, relatives and friends who have helped you in achieving this milestone.
The theme, “Kabataang Mula sa K to 12, Tagapagdala ng Kaunlaran sa Bansang Pilipinas”, focuses on the K to 12 Basic Education Program as a transformative vehicle for local and national development. Through the program, graduates are better prepared for the future. They acquire enough knowledge, competencies, skills and values to be employable and have better work opportunities.
The 21s* Century is filled with opportunities. Keep in mind that opportunities come to those who arc prepared. Therefore, preparation is the key.
The K to 12 program will be the key to the attainment of the department’s most aspired educational standards which will play a great role in our country’s development.
As you leave the gates of your alma mater, embody the ideals that your teachers and parents instilled in you. Possess the vision of holding the light of the future to show the world your potential as an individual and as a global citizen.
Let us celebrate this day therefore, with rejoicing and thanksgiving.
Congratulations and Good Luck!
Froserfina J. Bravo
Officer In-Charge
Schools Division Superintendent
The Department of Education, Dagupan City Division officials and staff join me in wishing you the best on your 10,h Grade Moving Up Ceremony.
Your parents and teachers also deserve accolades for the work they have done and for instilling confidence in you. They have invested not only in your academic growth but also in your personal growth.
Your success in hurdling grade level involves some level of mentorship. Your teachers care enough and think of each one of you as special and important.
Moving up, the work will get harder but if you have confidence and continue to strive, success will follow. Think about how you want next year to be. Then, put your thoughts into actions. Everything is possible as long as you put your heart and mind to it.
Congratulations on Moving Up to Senior High School!
Froserfina J. Bravo
Officer In-Charge
Schools Division Superintendent