Home » Buhay Guro » Advancing Philippine Education: A Comprehensive Analysis of DepEd Programs and Projects for Fiscal Year 2023

Advancing Philippine Education: A Comprehensive Analysis of DepEd Programs and Projects for Fiscal Year 2023

Basey Samar Basey I Central Elementary School
Basey I Central Elementary School – Basey, Samar
Photo taken by Mark Anthony Llego on July 31, 2024

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines has implemented a wide array of programs and projects for Fiscal Year 2023, aimed at enhancing the quality of basic education and addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by learners, educators, and the education system as a whole. This article provides an in-depth examination of these initiatives, their objectives, and their potential impact on the Philippine education landscape, within the context of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030).

Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030)

The BEDP 2030 serves as the overarching framework for DepEd’s programs and projects. Adopted through DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2022, this plan is rooted in DepEd aspirations and priorities, national government development agenda, international commitments, and global trends in education adapted to the Philippine context.

Key aspects of the BEDP 2030 include:

  1. Goal: All Filipinos can realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to a cohesive nation through the protection and promotion of the right to education.
  2. Priority Development Areas:
  • Pivoting to quality
  • Expanding access to education for disadvantaged groups
  • Empowering learners to be resilient and acquire life skills
  • Strengthening the promotion of learners’ overall well-being
  1. Implementation Strategy: The plan will be implemented in two phases:
  • Phase 1 (2022-2026): Focuses on post-COVID-19 recovery, addressing access gaps, and improving education quality.
  • Phase 2 (2026-2030): Concentrates on sustaining gains, evaluating programs, and addressing emerging education issues.

Challenges in Philippine Education

The BEDP 2030 identifies several key challenges in the Philippine education system:

  1. Access and Efficiency:
  • Incremental increase in participation yet to reach universal access
  • Prevalence of out-of-school children and youth
  • Lack of data on disadvantaged groups
  1. Quality:
  • Low performance in reading and numeracy tests
  • Inadequate coverage of 21st-century skills in teaching
  • Gender disparity in attendance and learning proficiency
  1. Governance:
  • Need for stronger vertical and horizontal integration in program management
  • Capacity building requirements for DepEd field units
  • Need to strengthen public-private complementarity in education

Programs and Projects of DepEd for Fiscal Year 2023

1. Education Policy Development Program

Policy and Research Program (PRP)

The Policy and Research Program (PRP) supports DepEd in strengthening evidence-based decision-making through oversight, promotion, and conduct of policy development, research, and sector monitoring and evaluation.

Key components:

  • Policy development
  • Research management
  • Sector monitoring and evaluation
  • Basic Education Research Fund (BERF)


  • Improve basic education governance through evidence-based decision-making
  • Encourage all operating units to practice evidence-based planning

Key policies:

  • DO 13, s. 2015: Established the policy development process
  • DO 39, s. 2016: Adopted the Basic Education Research Agenda
  • DO 29, s. 2022: Introduced the Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

2. Basic Education Inputs Program

Basic Education Facilities (BEF)

The Basic Educational Facilities Fund (BEFF) addresses classroom gaps in high-priority schools nationwide.


  1. Construction of School Buildings
  2. Classroom Repair and Rehabilitation
  3. Provision of School Furniture
  4. Electrification of Schools
  5. Priority School Health Facilities


  • Achieve ideal classroom-to-pupil ratios
  • Provide complete sets of school furniture
  • Energize off-grid and on-grid schools
  • Supply ideal and sufficient school health facilities

Gabaldon Heritage Schools Restoration and Conservation

This project aims to preserve and restore Gabaldon Schoolhouses and other heritage school buildings.

Goal: Restore and conserve existing Gabaldon School Buildings based on IRR of RA No. 11194.

Quick Response Fund (QRF)

The QRF is designed to fast-track recovery programs for school communities affected by disasters, calamities, epidemics, pandemics, or complex emergencies.

Last Mile School Program (LMSP)

The LMSP aims to ensure that no learner is left behind and no area is underdeveloped.


  • Construct standard classrooms
  • Provide electricity and potable water
  • Supply standard school furniture and learning materials

Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials

This program provides learning resources covering textbooks, teacher’s manuals, supplementary learning resources, and other instructional materials.

Goal: Provide all public school learners and teachers nationwide with complete access to quality, relevant, inclusive, and curriculum-compliant text-based learning resources by 2030.

DepEd Computerization Program (DCP)

The DCP focuses on providing e-classroom packages and other e-learning devices for learners and teachers.

Goal: All learners to be ICT literate and competent in using ICT-based tools.

Learning Tools and Equipment – Science & Mathematics (LTE-SM)

This initiative provides curriculum-aligned learning tools and equipment for Science and Mathematics to all DepEd-managed public schools.

Goal: Provide curriculum-aligned LTE-SM to all DepEd-managed public schools with an ideal ratio of one package for every seven sections by 2025.

Learning Tools and Equipment – Technical-Vocational Livelihood (LTE-TVL)

The LTE-TVL program provides TVL learning tools and equipment to public Senior High Schools offering the TVL track.

Goal: Provide one complete package of learning tools and equipment per TVL specialization to all eligible DepEd-supervised public Senior High Schools by 2025.

New School Personnel Position (NSPP)

The NSPP program aims to create new teaching positions to attain the ideal teacher-learner ratio in every public school nationwide.

Goal: Achieve standard teacher-learner ratio in at least 95% of public schools by 2030.

3. Inclusive Education Program

Special Education (SPEd) Program

The SpEd Program aims to develop the maximum potential of learners with disabilities and ensure their inclusion in the formal basic education system.


  • Provide adequate and relevant education programs and services for learners with disabilities
  • Convert 446 SpEd Centers into Inclusive Learning Resource Centers by 2030

Madrasah Education Program

This program provides Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant educational opportunities within the context of their cultures, customs, traditions, and interests.

Goal: Serve 1,044,258 (75%) Muslim learners across 16 regions by 2030, ensuring proficiency in Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education.

Indigenous People’s Education (IPEd) Program

The IPEd Program promotes the implementation of a culturally responsive K-12 Basic Education Curriculum for Indigenous Peoples (IP).

Goal: 100% of IP learners in IPEd implementing schools to achieve high proficiency levels in Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (ELLN) and cultural competencies by 2030.

Alternative Learning System (ALS)

ALS provides an alternative learning path for Out-of-School Youth and Adults (OSYA) who need to complete ten years of basic education.

Goal: 75% of out-of-school children, youth, and adults to participate in the ALS Program by 2030.

Flexible Learning Option – Alternative Delivery Mode (FLO-ADM)

The FLO-ADM program implements flexible learning options responsive to individual circumstances.

Goal: 90% of at-risk learners to benefit from appropriate equity initiatives and attain key stage standards by 2030.

4. Support to Schools and Learners

School-Based Feeding Program

This program provides hot meals/nutritious food products and milk to severely wasted and wasted Kindergarten to Grade 6 learners.


  • Address short-term hunger and malnutrition
  • Encourage learners to enroll
  • Improve nutritional status of learners

Government Assistance and Subsidies

This program strengthens access to quality secondary education through financial assistance to learners in private schools.


  1. Education Service Contracting Program (ESC)
  2. Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP)
  3. Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP)

Goal: Decongest public schools and improve learners’ access to quality education through strengthened public-private complementarity.

5. Education Human Resource Development

This program fosters and supports the professional development and career advancement of personnel in schools and learning centers.

Goal: Improve competence of teaching and teaching-related staff through relevant, responsive, integrated, and programmatic professional development.

Implementation Strategy

As outlined in the BEDP 2030, the implementation strategy consists of two phases:

Phase 1 (2022-2026):

  • Post-COVID-19 recovery and transition
  • Addressing remaining access gaps
  • Focusing on quality improvement
  • System-wide capacity development

Phase 2 (2026-2030):

  • Sustaining gains and evaluating programs
  • Operationalizing innovations from the Education Futures Programme
  • Developing new programs for emerging education issues
  • End-of-plan assessment

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment Mechanisms

The BEDP Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment (MEA) Framework outlines:

  • Scope: Outcomes, intermediate outcomes, strategies, and enabling mechanisms
  • Indicators: Disaggregated by sex, disadvantaged learners, regions, provinces, and school types
  • Processes: Six integrated strategies for validating results and supporting decision-making

Financial Framework

The financial aspects of these programs include:

  • Budget cycle: Preparation, legislation, execution, and accountability
  • Funding sources: DepEd budget, Special Education Fund (SEF) from local government units, external partners, and community contributions
  • Challenges: Need for increased education spending (target of 20% of national budget, with 80% for basic education)

Future Planning and Research

The Education Futures Programme focuses on:

  1. Maximizing technologies for remote learning
  2. Reframing curriculum priorities
  3. Anticipating educational opportunities from innovations
  4. Reinforcing learning sciences and assessments
  5. Co-creating future learning spaces

Research priorities include studying COVID-19 impacts, human resource supply and demand, language of instruction, academic achievement, public finance, continuity and resiliency, teacher quality, and technology in education.

Linkages with Other Education Sectors

The BEDP 2030 acknowledges the importance of linkages with other education sectors, including early childhood education (Early Childhood Care and Development Council), technical-vocational education (Technical Education Skills and Development Authority), and higher education (Commission on Higher Education).


The Department of Education’s programs and projects for Fiscal Year 2023, guided by the BEDP 2030, demonstrate a comprehensive approach to improving the Philippine basic education system. These initiatives address various aspects of education, including policy development, infrastructure, inclusive education, and human resource development.

As these programs continue to be implemented and evaluated, DepEd’s ability to monitor progress, assess impact, and make necessary adjustments will be crucial. The success of these initiatives will play a significant role in shaping the future of education in the Philippines, preparing Filipino learners to become productive and engaged citizens in an increasingly globalized world.

The comprehensive nature of these programs reflects DepEd’s commitment to addressing the diverse needs of learners across the country. From improving basic infrastructure and providing modern learning tools to implementing inclusive education programs and supporting professional development for educators, these initiatives form a holistic approach to enhancing the quality of education in the Philippines.

As the education landscape continues to evolve, particularly in light of global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, DepEd’s ability to adapt and refine these programs will be crucial. Continuous evaluation, stakeholder engagement, and a willingness to innovate will be key factors in ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of these educational initiatives.

Ultimately, the success of these programs will be measured by their impact on learners – their academic achievements, personal growth, and readiness for future challenges. By investing in these comprehensive educational initiatives, the Philippines is taking significant steps towards building a stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous nation through education.

This article, “Advancing Philippine Education: A Comprehensive Analysis of DepEd Programs and Projects for Fiscal Year 2023,” was authored by Mark Anthony Llego and published on August 10, 2024.

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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