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Why Is There an Existence of Different Levels of Education?

Education can simply be described as the act of providing information to people for them to gain skills or knowledge on something. It is said that education is the key to success but I can add to you that education is the success by itself. For a person to be educated, first, they have to learn. Years back in some countries, education was set for some specific categories of people. For instance, you could find a place where education was for the male gender only. In those places, the female gender was set aside to participate in duties like household chores. In the current state, nearly all countries encourage that education is for both genders.

Types of Education

There are three forms of education. This will depend on the place where education is being implemented. These are:

  • Formal education
  • Informal education
  • Non-formal education

Formal Education

The type of education that is being passed to a generation in an organized structure is termed as formal education. The structure in this context is a classroom. In this type of education, the person who provides the education should be trained to be in a position to give the right information. Formal education can be further categorized into different levels which are: kindergarten, primary, secondary, and tertiary.


Another simple term that can be used to define a kindergarten is a pre-school or a nursery school. This is an educational level where learning is provided to small children who haven’t attained the right age of joining primary school. At this stage, the children are being taught how to learn things through playing and singing. The purpose of this level is to prepare the kids well for their primary school levels. Also, it exposes them to a different society where they can mingle with other kids and develop a good social relationship. In addition to that, children are also being taught how to live a morally upright life.

Primary School

At this level of education, the children are taught how to read and write. Also, they are provided with knowledge on how to handle mathematics. This level is for children between the ages of six to eleven. Here, children are being prepared for their secondary education. At the primary levels, children are always tested to check if they understand what they are taught. These tests are usually expressed as homework, classwork, continuous assessment tests, or even exams. The results of these tests will determine if the student has understood a topic or the whole course and can proceed to the next level. This stage is fundamental for anybody who wants to proceed to higher levels of education.

Secondary School

This is a stage in education where children are being taught of the basic skills for the different kinds of jobs or work. In some places, it is divided into two i.e. the middle and high school levels. When in secondary schools, children are exposed to a wider range of subjects. With this, they are enlightened on the things that affect our day to day life. The success of an individual in this level will depend fully on whether they understand the concept or not. Any person who passes this stage is fit to join the tertiary school levels. This will be determined through assessments as well.

Tertiary School

This level of education is usually composed of fully mature people who can differentiate between good and bad without necessarily being told. Here, people are being provided with information and skills on how to handle work. At this stage, most people pursue different courses depending on their careers of choice. Colleges and universities are the major bodies that usually offer tertiary education. The success of an individual in this stage will be used to judge whether they are fit to join the workforce or not.

It is known that most students at this level participate in other hustles to save money for their studies or even personal up-keep. By so doing, they lack enough time to handle their papers. As such, most of these students find help from essay writing service companies in handling their academic work. With this, they can manage their academic work and handle other commitments with ease.

Informal Education

Education that is not limited to organized structures such as classrooms is termed as informal education. Here, people are being exposed to reality and learn from what they see. A good example of informal education is the one being taught at museums. Informal education links the reality to what is being presented in formal education.

Non-formal education

This type of education is taught through practice. Things like sports such as swimming are categorized into this type of education.

The Importance of Education

The success in education for any individual is affected by many factors which could either be positive or negative. In as much as this is true, education has its importance to the whole society in general. Every level of education plays an important role in the life of a person. First, it exposes an individual to a society where they can make decisions on their own. Education allows a person to secure good jobs. With this, they can improve their living standards. The country also benefits from education through the increase in production that is triggered by educated people. With a good education, everything is possible.

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