This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the nature of Earth and Life Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Table of Contents
Senior High School (SHS) Earth and Life Science Self-Learning Module (SLM)
The module is composed of one lesson, namely:
- Lesson 1 – Effects of Marine and Coastal Processes
After going through this module, you are expected to:
- describe how marine and coastal processes result to coastal hazards; and
- explain how coastal erosion, submersion and saltwater intrusion occur.
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 19: Marine and Coastal Processes
ELS_Q1_Module-19_Marine-and-Coastal-ProcessesREAD MORE:
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 1: Origin and Structure of the Earth (Planet Earth)
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 2: Origin and Structure of the Earth (The Subsystem)
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 3: Minerals
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 4: Rocks
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 5: Exogenic Processes
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 6: The Earth’s Internal Heat
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 7: Magmatism
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 8: Changes in Mineral Components and Texture of Rocks (Metamorphism)
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 9: Igneous Rocks: How Are They Formed?
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 10: Movements of Plates and Formation of Folds and Faults
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 11: Formation of Rock Layers
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 12: Relative and Absolute Dating
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 13: Geologic Time Scale: Relative and Absolute Dating
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 14: Geologic Timeline
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Modules 15-17: Geologic Processes and Hazards
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 18: Hydrometeorological Phenomena and Hazards
Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 – Module 20: Mitigation to Coastal Processes and Hazards