Home » Issuances » DepEd Memoranda » National Autism Consciousness Week 2020 Theme, Gameplan, and Calendar of Activities

National Autism Consciousness Week 2020 Theme, Gameplan, and Calendar of Activities

National Autism Consciousness Week 2020

January 24, 2020

DepEd Memorandum No. 05, s. 2020



Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

The Department of Education (DepEd) will join in the Celebration of the 24th National Autism Consciousness Week from January 20 to 26, 2020. This is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 711 dated January 4, 1996.

The weeklong celebration aims to create an environment that will allow persons with autism to enjoy productive lives through raising public awareness about autism and its effects, as well as its early detection.

Concerned schools in the National Capital Region, Region IV-A, and other schools interested may participate in the following activities:

Flag Ceremony with Pangako Campaign. The toolkit can be downloaded from http://bit.ly/lnasalpangakoTo generate support for persons with autismJanuary 20, 2020 (Monday)All regions, schools divisions, and schools
Workshop for First-time Voters on the SpectrumTo discuss voting procedures and to simulate actual voting process with machine and formsJanuary 20, 2020 (Monday)City of Manila/City of Makati
Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs on the SpectrumTo showcase abilities of persons with autism on entrepreneurshipJanuary 24, 2020
7:00 a.m. –
5:00 p.m.
Makati City
Angels Walk for AutismTo increase awareness on Autism Spectrum DisorderJanuary 26, 2020 7:00 a.m.
SM Mall of Asia-Arena Pasay City

All activities to be conducted for the celebration shall be in accordance with DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 titled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. The list of activities on the celebration can be accessed through http://bit.ly/nacw-2020.

For more information, please contact the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Student Inclusion Division (BLD-SID), 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, Department of Education (DepEd), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at bld.sid@deped.gov.ph or at telephone no. (02) 8631-9993.

Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


National Autism Consciousness Week
Autism Society Philippines Gameplan
20-26 January 2020


  1. The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is one with the nation in celebrating the Philippine National Autism Consciousness Week to be held from 20 to 26 January 2020.
  2. This annual observance was made possible by President Fidel Ramos’ Proclamation 711 of 1996 – in inspiring acceptance, accommodation and appreciation of persons on the autism spectrum in society.
  3. The activities of the week promote action by the public and private sectors towards enabling persons on the autism spectrum to live with dignity, enjoy equal rights and access, function independently and contribute productively.
  4. ASP would like society to strive beyond “consciousness” or “awareness” and to inspire genuine inclusion — through acceptance, accommodation and appreciation!
  5. Public and private institutions are encouraged to spearhead creative activities, events and programs, towards building opportunities for our neurodiverse population, all over the country.

Governing Principles

  1. The ASP National will represent its 98 chapters at the National Working Committee; and will coordinate government memos, calendars, and other instructions, as needed.
  2. Provincial chapters are free to coordinate with provincial, local and private stakeholders in their respective areas. They must provide details to ASP National for the purpose of consolidation.
  3. The ASP shall coordinate internally and with their national, local and private stakeholders in provisioning of resources to execute events and projects.
  4. Social media hashtags: #AutismOKPH #NACW2020


2020: (For finalization when the National Working Committee convenes in January)

  • Aksyon Para sa Autismo — Ngayon Na!
  • Advancing the Protection, Participation and Provision for Pinoys on the Autism Spectrum

2019: “Pagtuon: Tugon sa mga Pilipinong May ‘K’ dulot ng Autismo” #Kakayahan #Kagalingan #Kakanyahan #Katalinuhan #Kapansanan

2018: “From Autism Awareness to Acceptance, Accommodation and Appreciation”

2017: “Onwards to an Autism-OK ASEAN”

2016: “Onwards to an Autism-OK Philippines”

2015: “Autism Inclusive Philippines: Aim High! Fly High!”

2014: “Katuparan ng Karapatan ng Pilipinong may Autismo: Isulong mo, Ngayon na!”

2013: “Autismo Alamin: Pagtangap at Pag-unawa Palaganapin”

2012: “Making the Rights Real for Filipinos with Autism”

2011: “Autismo Paghandaan: Maagap na Deteksyon at Interbensyon Isakatuparan”

2010: “Giant Leaps.. Transcending Boundaries”

2009: “ASP @ 20 – Sharing HOPES. Building DREAMS”

2008: “Hope Abounds for Individuals Living with Autism”


Web Article: http://bit.ly/nacw-2020

One-Page Summary: http://bit.ly/nacw2020-calendar

Media Activities

Broadcast: UNTV Cable Channel

“Kids n Cuddlers”, 13-17 January 2020, 0800H-0830H

Rep: Perlita So, ASP Vice President

Broadcast: GODisable on DZAS 702

Rep: Joyla Ofrecia, ASP Trustee

Press Conference: National Autism Consciousness Week

19 January 2020, Sun, 1300H

Dencio’s, Tomas Morato, Quezon City

National Events

1Bansa, 1Pangako

13 Jan 2020, Mon: Commission on Higher Education

20 Jan 2020, Mon: Commission on Election, LGU Baguio

The Autism Society Philippines invites the country — government agencies, businesses, schools and other institutions — to spark the conversation on autism inclusion, by making the 1Pangako oath during the Monday morning flag ceremony. The toolkit can be downloaded from: http://bit.ly/1bansa1pangako. Groups are encouraged to post materials on their social media accounts with the abovementioned hashtags.

Sensitivity Training for Government Frontliners

20 January 2010, Mon, 1000H-1200H | Quezon City Public Library | By Invitation/Sign-Up

Organized by: ASP, Quezon City Public Library

The seminar to be delivered by persons on the spectrum aims to equip government frontliners with basic skills in dealing with citizens on the autism spectrum. For details, contact: periodicalqcpubliclibrary@gmail.com.

Workshop for First-Time Voters on the Spectrum

(Postponed) 23 January 2020, Wed

Organized by: ASP, Commission on Elections

First time voters with autism and intellectual disabilities are invited to participate in a workshop discussing voting procedures and simulating the voting process (complete with machines and forms).  This is a unique opportunity to discover ways to improve and facilitate the voting experience for those who may have sensory or cognitive challenges.

ASP Autism Works Open House

24 January 2020, Thu, 0900H-1500H | Legend Villas, Mandaluyong City | Open

Organized by: ASP, Leonard Cheshire Disability Philippines Foundation

Adults on the autism spectrum are invited for job-readiness assessment, interviews at the ASP Autism Works Open House.  The ASP Autism Works program creates genuine, sustainable economic empowerment opportunities in compassionate workplaces nationwide. First launched in 2016 as an employment initiative, ASP’s CBR-inspired model empowers PWAs and their families towards success at work and guides the enterprise towards a sustainable process of assimilating persons with autism into the workforce.

Angels Walk for Autism 2020

26 January 2020, Sunday, 0630H | Pasay City | Public Event

Organized by: ASP, SM Cares, MOA Arena, SM MOA, National Council on Disability Affairs, ASEAN Autism Network, Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Since it began in 2007, the walk continues to advocate for acceptance, accommodation and appreciation of Filipinos with autism towards an Autism-OK Philippines. This year’s Angels Walk for Autism celebrates our nation’s strong familial bonds that have pushed our advocacy from the boundaries of our nation, to the communities of the ASEAN and the world!

The event marks the launch of ASP AUthletics — ASP’s wellness and athlete development program for individuals on the spectrum. After the walk, athletes on the spectrum will congregate at the SM MOA Music Hall for a Takkyu Volley Tournament. (Takkyu Volley Video: http://bit.ly/2XuWIIr)

Tickets: https://angelswalk2020.eventbrite.ca

Updates: http://bit.ly/2p4OVUP

Downloadable Poster: http://bit.ly/2MWKymE

ASP AUthletics Tournament

26 January 2020, Saturday, 1300H | Pasay City | By sign-up

Organized by: ASP, SM Cares, MOA Arena, SM MOA

The Autism Society Philippines AUthletics is envisioned as a nationwide initiative on 1) wellness through movement; and 2) competitive athlete development for individuals on the autism spectrum. The program will promote well-being, friendship, and achievement; as well as will inspire genuine acceptance, accommodation and appreciation in an Autism-OK Philippines. Read more: http://bit.ly/AUthx-Jan20

Local Events

Benguet: Baguio

For details, contact: belette.n.vizcocho@gmail.com

  • Autism Seminar. 22 Jan 2020, Wed.
  • Colors of “A” Spectrum Exhibit. 22-23 Jan 2020, Baguio City Hall.

Cebu: Cebu City

For details, contact: slespina135@gmail.com

  • Angels Walk for Autism Cebu. 26 Jan 2020, Sun, 0900H. Venue: SM City Cebu.
  • Adaptation for Children on the Spectrum: Grocery Shopping. 26 Jan 2020, Sun, 1100H. Venue: SM City Cebu
  • Seminar on Applied Behavior Analysis. 28 Jan 2020, Tue, 1300H. Venue: ???
  • Adaptation for Children on the Spectrum: Hair Cut, Restaurant. 29 Jan 2020, Wed, 1000H. Venue: ???.
  • NACW Cebu Closing Ceremonies. 31 Jan 2020, Fri, TBD. Venue: ???.

Davao del Sur: Davao City

  • Angels Walk for Autism Davao. 26 Jan 2020, Sat, 1300H. Venue: SM City Ecoland. Details: http://bit.ly/39UGApr.

Iloilo: Iloilo City

For details, contact: joaniven.abello@gmail.com.

  • Angels Walk for Autism Iloilo. 01 Feb 2020, Sat, 1330H. Venue: SM City Iloilo.

Leyte: Tacloban

  • Angels Walk for Autism Tacloban. 26 Jan 2020, Sun. Venue: Robinsons North Abucay.

Negros Occidental: Bacolod City

For details, contact: arroyo_wendy72@yahoo.com.

  • Angels Walk for Autism Bacolod. 26 Jan 2020, Sun. Venue: SM City Bacolod.

Quezon: Lucena

  • Angels Walk for Autism Lucena. 26 Jan 2020, Sun. Venue: SM City Lucena.

Zambales: Olongapo

  • Angels Walk for Autism Olongapo. 26 Jan 2020, Sun. Venue: SM Central.

Zambales: Subic

For details, contact: autismphils@gmail.com.

  • Angels Take Flight. Venue: First Aviation Academy. First Aviation Academy will open their flight operations facilities to children and adults on the spectrum to experience being pilots for a day, using high-technology flight simulators. Organized by: ASP, First Aviation Academy

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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