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NCAE Examiner’s Handbook

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Pasig City, Philippines



This Examiner’s Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of assessment for Grade Nine students. It outlines the activities to be undertaken at various stages of the test. To ensure a standardized test administration, this Handbook is necessary.

The functions of the Room Examiner are the following:

  1. receives the Test Booklets (TBs) and Answer Sheets (ASs) from the Chief Examiner and signs the Form 3;
  2. counts the TBs and ASs while the plastic bag is still sealed, before proceeding to his/her room assignment;
  3. posts the replica of the Name Grid and boardwork;
  4. gives the general directions to the examinees before distributing the TBs and ASs;
  5. distributes the TBs and ASs to the examinees;
  6. administers the test according to the Examiner’s Handbook;
  7. checks if the examinees shaded the Name Grid and other information on the first page of the AS correctly, before proceeding to the test proper;
  8. keeps the excess TBs inside the plastic bag while the test is in progress. The examiner is not allowed to read the contents of the TBs as stipulated in DepED Order No. 85, s. 1999;
  9. retrieves the TBs and ASs simultaneously. The AS must be inserted inside the TB.
  10. arranges the used and unused TBs consecutively by serial number and puts them back in the plastic bag with the Batch Slip. Used ASs must be placed in the original plastic bag, while the unused ASs are returned to the Chief Examiner;
  11. seals the Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope (ETRE) containg the used AS while still inside the examination room;
  12. returns the TBs and ETRE to the Chief Examiner.


To the Room Examiner:

An important factor that affects performance in a test is the psychological climate in the testing room. It is important therefore to be very pleasant during the test. Rapport must be established with the examinees because they work better when they are relaxed and properly motivated.

The activities pertaining to the test have to do with: pre-test, test proper and post-test. Check (√) each subpart after a specified activity / instruction has been done/given. Follow the succeeding instructions strictly to ensure fair and standardized test administration.


2.1.1. Board Work

Coverage of the Test

Schedule for Examinees – Morning Session

NCAE Examiner's Handbook Schedule of Examinees
Morning Session

Schedule for Examinees- Afternoon Session

NCAE Examiner's Handbook Schedule of Examinees Afternoon
Afternoon Session

2.1.2. Entrance and Seating Arrangement

1. Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing room. There should be six rows by 5 lines of armchairs. The seats should be spaced far enough from each other to discourage unnecessary talking among examinees.

2. To facilitate control of passing in and out of the room, only one door should be kept open.

3. Instruct the examinees to line up outside the room in alphabetical order of their surnames.

4. Instruct them to enter the room also in alphabetical order. Let the first six examinees occupy the front line first, then the second, until the last line, as shown on next page.

Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6
Line 1123456
Line 2789101112
Line 3131415161718
Line 4192021222324
Line 5252627282930

5. In no case shall there be more than 30 examinees in a room.

6. Check the attendance by calling out the names of the examinees from the list, prepared by the School Principal/Testing Coordinator.

7. Check the identity of the examinees inside the examination room using the following procedure:

a. Countercheck the identity through the school ID.
b. If the school ID is not available, ask the examinee to present a notebook or any belonging bearing his/her name.
c. In the absence of requirements a & b, ask the other test takers to attest the identity of the examinee.

8. Inspect the chairs of the examinees to ensure that only pencils and blank sheets of paper for computation purposes are there.

9. Instruct them that all belongings must be placed beneath the blackboard

2.1.3. Orientation of the Examinees

After the examinees are seated and all chairs are cleared, say:

Good morning everybody. I am (State your name). There are some points you should remember to follow while taking the test. I shall read each one.

Read the following slowly and clearly:

1. You will answer two Test Booklets: TB1 with red cover for the NCAE Core areas and TB2 with blue cover for the NCAE Tracks and Technical –Vocational Aptitude. Half of the class will answer TB1 first and the other half, TB2.
2. You are not allowed to leave the room once the test has started.
3. Do not open your Test Booklets until you are told to do so.
4. If you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly, raise your hand so I can help you.
5. Questions on the directions or on any test item will not be entertained after the test has started.
6. Do not write anything on the Test Booklet. Each will be provided with two double-sided (back-to-back) answer sheets having similar Examinee Number. When answering the Mathematical Ability test, you may use a clean sheet of paper for your computation but submit this to me after the test.
7. Use lead pencil in answering the test.
8. Select your answer from the given choices and blacken the circle that corresponds to your Answer in the appropriate item number on your Answer Sheet.
9. Remember to keep your Answer Sheets clean and free from unnecessary marks. DO NOT fold, crumple, or crease any portion of it, otherwise it may be rejected by the scanning machine.
10. You may change your answer by erasing it neatly. Liquid and tape erasers are NOT allowed.
11. Work quietly and mind only your own work. Do not use books, dictionaries, rulers, calculators, cell phones, and other electronic devices inside the testing room.
12. Refrain from cheating. If you are caught cheating and have been warned twice, but persist on cheating, you will not be allowed to take the test any further.
13. You may choose any subtest that you prefer to answer first. You don’t necessarily have to follow the sequence of subtest in the board work. However, you are expected to answer all items and follow the time allocation per subtest.
14. The total time for the test will be 7 hours and 30 mins. You will be given a 10-minute break in the morning, a 1-hour lunch break and a 10-minute break in the afternoon.
15. Work fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time. If you finish the test ahead of time, review your answers.
16. I will announce when the given time to finish the test is up.
17. When I say STOP, put your pencils down.

After you have read the guidelines, allow examinees to go out to attend to personal needs (i.e., restroom), if necessary, before distributing the materials.

2.1.4. Distributing the Answer Sheets (ASs) and Test Booklets (TBs)

Open one end of the plastic bags containing the TBs and ASs. Check their quantity and see to it that these are complete.There are thirty (30) TBs in a pack (15 TB1 and 15 TB2). Each examinee will use two (2) TBs and a set of ASs (two sheets).

IMPORTANT: Make sure that each examinee will receive two sheets of AS with the same barcode (Examinee Number).

In the distribution of TBs in the morning and afternoon, follow the diagrams below:

A. Morning Session’s Seat Plan

15 – TB1 Red – odd numbered rows
15 – TB2 Blue – even numbered rows

Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6
Line 1123456
Line 2789101112
Line 3131415161718
Line 4192021222324
Line 5252627282930

B. Afternoon Session’s Seat Plan

15 – TB1 Red – even numbered rows
15 – TB2 Blue – odd numbered rows

Row 1Row 2Row 3Row 4Row 5Row 6
Line 1123456
Line 2789101112
Line 3131415161718
Line 4192021222324
Line 5252627282930

In the distribution of the ASs follow the numbering of examinees shown above. Start with the examinee in Number 1 by giving him/her the AS with the lowest serial number and end with the examinee in Number 30, giving him/her the highest serial number.

Seats of the latecomers/absentees should be left vacant but the allocated TMs should be in the custody of the Room Examiner.

2.1.5. Checking the Test Booklets and Answer Sheets

After each Examinee has received a TB and a set of ASs, say:

Everybody, put the Answer Sheet on your chair/desk.  (Wait until everybody has done this.) Look at your Test Booklets. (Pause.)  Check the pages one by one.  If you notice any misprint or a missing page, raise your hand and I will change it.

Pause. Wait until everybody has done this. Then say:

Everybody, look at your Answer Sheet. Find out if there are defects. In case there are, raise your hand and I will change it.

Pause.   Look for raised hands. In case a TB or an AS is defective, the whole set must be changed. Get this from the regular pack, if there are extras; if none, request the Room Supervisor to give you the exact number of copies needed from the buffer which is in the custody of the Chief Examiner. This should be noted in the Examiner’s Report.  When all TBs and ASs have been checked, keep the unused TBs and ASs in your custody while the test is in progress, and to be packed with the others upon submission of reports to the Chief Examiner during the post test.

Continue Reading….


  1. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Overview
  2. NCAE Test Administration Guidelines

Source: DepED Quezon City Website

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

15 thoughts on “NCAE Examiner’s Handbook”

  1. What will happen if my son didn’t take the NCAE? Because he was absent on the first day of exam. When he arrived on the 2nd day, my son was told to go home and will no longer can take an exam? Does he need this examination it for senior high? I hope my son could take an NCAE

  2. Hello sir can i get my copy of NCAE result because i lost it and i need that for the requirement of senior high.

  3. good pm sir po
    sir can i get copy of NCAE RESULT, i really need it for senior high.
    Name: john calilung lerma jr
    school: palawan national high school ppc
    year take: 2015-2016
    email: johncalilong@yahoo.com

  4. Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Hi. Can I have another copy of my NCAE result? I really need it for senior high. Thank you!

  5. good evening sir. how can i get a copy of my NCAE result.i don’t know what to do, because if i lost it. i can’ turn into grade 11 if i dont get a copy of it. please help me! just PM me on facebook sir. i need a copy of it as soon as possible. thank you!

  6. Hi. Can I have another copy of my NCAE result? I really need it for senior high. Thank you!


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