July 21, 2016
DepEd Memorandum No. 112, s. 2016
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned
1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 10689 entitled An Act Declaring August 9 as National Indigenous Peoples Day and Mandating the Meaningful Observance Thereof, the Department of Education (DepEd) enjoins all its offices and schools to observe the said national celebration, declared as a special working holiday, through various commemorative and advocacy activities.
2. As the primary government agency mandated to protect and promote the right of every Filipino learner to basic education, including the inculcation of values that promote recognition of the nation’s cultural diversity, it is imperative for DepEd to actively contribute to the nation’s meaningful observance of the National Indigenous Peoples Day.
3. This is consistent with the aims of the K to 12 Basic Education Program and the National Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Policy Framework (DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011), which stipulates that “within the framework of maintaining inclusive and effective learning environments, the DepEd shall nurture, among all learners and DepEd teaching and non-teaching personnel, respect for human rights and cultural diversity” and that DepEd shall “promote greater awareness and appreciation of the Indigenous Peoples’ cultural heritage and history – an integral, yet often neglected, part of the Philippine nation’s cultural heritage and history” (Section 15-g).
4. In line with the abovementioned policy and program thrusts, the regional and schools division offices, and schools are enjoined to support the national celebration by undertaking appropriate and relevant activities from August 8 to 12, 2016 through, but not limited to, the following:
a. Conduct of appropriate learning activities that promote the objectives and message of the national celebration (e.g., activities that promote awareness of and respect for indigenous cultural communities, particularly those within or proximal to the school vicinity);
b. Conduct of advocacy activities for teaching and non-teaching personnel, and other stakeholders;
c. Hanging of streamers/banners in strategic places in the vicinity of DepEd offices and schools (an electronic file of the standard layout shall be provided to regional offices by the DepEd Indigenous Peoples Education Office/IPsEO); and
d. Featuring of the event and other IPEd-related activities on the website and other communications media of the regional and schools division offices, and schools.
5. All activities to be undertaken should not disrupt classes nor compromise their supervision pursuant to DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.
6. For DepEd personnel, it is highly encouraged that the National Celebration be maximized as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of key DepEd policies on IPEd, such as the IPEd Curriculum Framework (DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2015), and the implementation of the IPEd Program.
7. It is reiterated that the planning and conduct of activities are to be guided by the Department’s Guidelines on the Conduct of Activities and Use of Materials Involving Aspects of Indigenous Peoples Culture (DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2014), which are meant to provide guidance on the ethical assessment of the conduct of learning activities and related engagements of schools, DepEd offices, and other education initiatives which involve various aspects of indigenous peoples culture. Likewise, field offices and schools are enjoined to consult and collaborate with indigenous community elders and other culture bearers as appropriate in the conduct of activities.
8. Regional and schools division offices, through the IPEd Focal Persons, shall ensure the proper coordination of activities and compliance with the guidance provided in this Memorandum. Expenses incurred relative to the conduct of activities for the said celebration shall be charged to local funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
9. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Read: Guidelines on the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus for the Department of Education Employees and Officials for Fiscal Year 2015
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