Due to various forms of technological advancements nowadays, the younger generation’s attention to reading is now being diverted to different things — and sadly, most of the time, they miss the fun of learning by themselves because they don’t get a chance to know the pleasure of reading.
Yes, it is true: that reading is now one of the neglected forms of communication skills.
This sounds alarming for us, teachers. As people who help them shape their future, we know how important it is to make them get fond of reading.
So, what to do with this?
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To which types of students can I read aloud to?
- Every teacher can read aloud to their students regardless of the grade level.
- It is very effective for high school students too. People are the most curious when they are in the adolescence stage. Reading aloud to them and giving them fresh ideas would push them to discover more about the things mentioned in the class.
- Students ages 5-12 need to be read aloud more often. Parents can make it their daily habit too as it helps their children improve their listening skills. It is also a good form of bonding between parents and children.
Here are the things that will encourage you to read aloud to your students:
Benefits of Reading Aloud to Your Students
- Children can widen their vocabulary. When they are being read to, again and again, they get themselves familiarized with different sophisticated words. It also gives them a chance to ask for the meaning of the words they already encountered before but didn’t have the opportunity to know the definition.
- Reading aloud builds curiosity as they get excited about what you read. They tend to research about the story themselves and enjoy discovering related topics.
- Reading aloud promotes the love of reading. When students find how exciting it is to be understood to, they will try reading by themselves, and this will encourage the life-long love of reading.
- Reading aloud can influence the language development of the students. They will get some techniques and on how to speak and how to pronounce words well by mimicking and their teacher.
How can I read aloud efficiently? How can I make my students pay attention while I read to them?
- Pick a topic that would interest them. Search the social media and get yourself updated of worth-reading news or stories that students can relate with.
- Create a feeling of suspense. Stop reading when you find them getting more excited and ask them questions.
- Ask them to predict what’s going to happen next in the story.
- Show them pictures. It is proven that we learn more using our sense of sight. According to Mind Tools, 65% of the population are visual learners. Hyerle (2000) also stated that 90% of the information that comes to the brain is visual.
- Ask them to share their experiences similar to the story.