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2016 Metrobank Foundation Search for Outstanding Teachers

DepEd Memorandum No. 21, s. 2016


Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

  1. The Metrobank Foundation Inc. (MBFI), in cooperation with the Department of Education (DepEd), announces the launching of the 2016 Search for Outstanding Teachers. On its 32nd year, the Search has awarded a total of 346 outstanding teachers from public and private schools nationwide.
  2. The Search bestows honor upon the teaching profession by according special recognition to teachers who manifest profound commitment to the development of the youth through exemplary competence, remarkable dedication to their work and effective educational leadership.
  3. The Search is open to teachers who are Filipino citizens teaching at the elementary, secondary or tertiary levels, including alternative learning system, with full-time or permanent appointment and with full-load. Nominees should have been actively teaching in the Philippines for the last ten years, inclusive of leaves not exceeding three years, provided that the nominee is not on leave, (i.e. actually teaching at the time of nomination). However, the nominee must not be on leave for more than two years immediately prior to nomination.
  4. Nominees must be teachers with valid Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) license.
  5. Their average performance ratings for the last five years should be at least Very Satisfactory with no rating below Satisfactory. For those who have been on official/study leave or on secondment, performance ratings for five years closest to the period of nomination should be provided.
  6. Elementary school heads (SHs) are entitled to nominate two teachers: one each for the primary (Kinder to Grade 3) and intermediate (Grades 4 to 6), while each high school head is entitled to nominate only one teacher.
  7. Nominees need to accomplish a two-page Basic Information Sheet (BIS) without attachments yet. The form is downloadable on Metrobank Foundation website: mbfoundation.org and at the DepEd schools division offices (SDOs) or through Facebook page: FB/mbfi.sot.
  8. The hardcopy accomplished BIS should be submitted to any Metrobank Branch nearest the nominee’s school or sent via courier to Metrobank Foundation, 4th Floor, Executive Offices, Metrobank Plaza, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City on or before February 14, 2016. There is no need to submit a nomination form and supporting documents.
  9. The nominees must be officially endorsed by the school principals/heads or head teachers (HTs) who are the only ones authorized to nominate teachers to the Search. For DepEd schools without school principals, teachers-in-charge (TICs) can nominate, but the schools division superintendents (SDSs) must endorse the nomination. The HTs, TICs, assistant school principals are eligible to join the Search provided they carry a teaching load of at least 50% of the total load required by the nominating school for full-time faculty. However, they should be endorsed by any of the schools division/district supervisors, and the SDSs concerned should be the official nominators.
  10. Winners of other searches/awards for outstanding teachers conducted by reputable organizations at the regional, national and international levels are deemed automatic provincial finalists, provided that they meet the basic eligibility requirements of tenure, performance and teaching load and passed the different levels of screening. Awardees to be considered are only those at the level of a particular nominee. Moreover, nominees must go through the usual nomination process and submit the duly accomplished BIS and nomination form on or before the deadlines.
  11. Past regional finalists and national finalists of the Search who meet the basic eligibility requirements and have shown sustained good moral standing in the community, are deemed automatic provincial finalists. As a privilege and to give premium to them, there is no need to submit their respective accomplished nomination forms immediately on February 22, 2016. Instead, they will submit the accomplished form together with their supporting documents which are due on April 25, 2016. However, to make their nominations official, they still need to submit their duly accomplished BIS on January 30, 2016.
  12. Each DepEd SDO is directed to generate a minimum of five nominations and to encourage schools principals to nominate their best candidates. However, screening at the school division level is not necessary. To report on the compliance, the MBFI will submit a list of DepEd SDOs which met the target of five nominations to the Office of the Secretary for his record.
  13. The Foundation has increased the cash prizes from P 350,000.00 to P 500,000.00 for each of the ten awardees, part of which will go to the school for faculty development program. Each of the national finalists will receive P 20,000.00, while each of the regional finalists who will not make it as winners will receive P 10,000.00.
  14. Other details on the Search are contained in the Guidelines posted on http: / /www.mbfoundation.org.ph.
  15. Requests for additional forms, questions and suggestions maybe addressed to Ms. Dyan Tee of Metrobank Foundation, 4th Floor, Executive Offices, Metrobank Plaza, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City with telephone nos. 898-8898 and 857-0618; telefax nos. 750-0837; 818-5656 or through email addresses mbfi.sot@gmail.com and aareyes@metrobank.com.ph or facebook page MBFI_SOT.
  16. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.



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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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