January 21, 2016
DepEd Memorandum 9, s.2016
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), joins the Colgate-Palmolive Philippines Inc. (CPPI) in the conduct of the 2016 My Bright Smile Global Calendar Art Contest of the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures from January 22 to May 27, 2016.
2. The Art Contest aims to promote self-esteem and oral health awareness among school children aged 6-9 years old.
3. The Contest is open to all Grades 1 to 3 learners from public elementary schools nationwide.
4. Three winners at each grade level will be selected from the entries submitted by the regional offices during the conduct of the national level contest. All schools and learner-winners will be awarded prizes and certificates as listed in the enclosure. Prizes for the learner-winners will be given in a form of checks under their names and will be delivered to their respective schools division offices. Only national winners’ artworks will be included in the Global Art Contest in New York City, United States of America (USA).
5. The following documents are enclosed for ready reference:
- Enclosure No. 1 – Entry Form;
- Enclosure No. 2 – Parent Consent Form;
- Enclosure No. 3 – Table of Prizes; and Enclosure No. 4 – Contest Rules and Regulations.
6. For more information, interested participants may contact Ms. Belinda C. Beltran, Health Education and Promotion Officer II, Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no. (02) 632-9935 or email at bel_rnd@yahoo.com.
7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Bright Smiles, Bright Futures’ Global Art Poster Making Contest Rules and Regulations
Theme: “Healthy Teeth, A Factor to Academic Excellence”
Who may enter?
The contest is open to public school children ages 6-9 at time of entry. Employees of Colgate-Palmolive Company and their promotion and/or fulfillment agencies and immediate family members of these employees are not eligible.
Must artwork be original?
Yes. Artwork must be original, created by the student without assistance from others. Artwork cannot be copied or traced from a book or other material. Photos and computer-generated graphics will be disqualified.
It is encouraged that at least 2 photos of the student while doing the artwork be enclosed in the entry upon submission to the division, regional and national levels.
What type/ medium of art entry is acceptable?
Black and white or color artwork depicting the theme “Healthy Teeth, A Factor to Academic Excellence” may be submitted including line drawings, and artwork using crayon, paint, regular or colored pencil, acrylic pastel, magic markers, ink or any combination.
How should the entries be submitted?
Each entry must include a completed entry form with 2×2 ID picture and be submitted to the Division Office. The division office shall identify winning entries per grade level to be submitted to the Regional Office. The Regional Office will judge the received entries entry per grade level to compete for the National Level contest.
The entry form may be photocopied. Entries should be mailed flat or in mailing tubes to the Department of Education, Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City no later than May 27, 2016. Colgate-Palmolive Company is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected mail.
What size should the entry be?
Entries should be a minimum of 8 1/2 x 11 inches and cannot exceed 11×17 inches.
Will entries be returned?
No. Entries become sole property of Colgate-Palmolive Company and will not be returned.
How will the entries be judged?
Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, imagination, and best rendering of the theme “Healthy Teeth, A Factor to Academic Excellence”.
Colgate-Palmolive and Department of Education will choose 9 winners. The artwork of these winners will be submitted to the Global Judging for final selection of the 12 global winners to be featured on the Global Calendar.
Decisions of the judges are final.
How will the winners be notified?
Philippine Winners will be notified by the 3rd week of June Global winners will be notified via mail by 2nd week of September
If the pupil should win, he/she should agree to submit a photograph to Colgate-Palmolive Company within 10 days of notification along with a completed “Winner’s Biographical information form”.
What are the requirements to enter?
By completing the entry form, entrants agree to the reproduction, use, display and exhibition of their artwork in the Global Calendar and traveling exhibit. Entrants also agree to use their name, photograph or likeness and personal information in advertising, promotional and publicity materials and the final calendar for global distribution.
What is the timetable?
- Entry deadline – May 27, 2016
- Philippine Winners notified – June 17, 2016
- Global winners notified – September 16, 2016
Any question?
For more information about the contest, contact Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures, Public Health/Digital Manager, Mr. Diomar Escat at: (02) 8027943 or Department of Education, BLSS-School Health Division, Health Education and Promotion Officer II, Belinda C. Beltran at (02) 632 9935.
very nice contest