Attached herewith is an excerpt from the DepEd Joint Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-316 dated August 12, 2021, titled Presentation Portfolio Assessment for ALS Elementary and Junior High School Program Completers of SY 2020–2021 and Previous Years.
Table of Contents
The presentation portfolio is a collection of a learner’s achievements, assembled specifically for assessment. It contains formal records that document the learner’s background and experience, the learning process she/he has followed, and work samples selected by the learner to show what she/he can do. It also contains records documenting the learner’s prior learning and records documenting the learner’s progress toward achieving stated learning goals.
The presentation portfolio contains formal records, completed by the learner or with the assistance of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator and work samples. The ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator is responsible for certifying the formal records. The work samples may include a project undertaken by the learner, either individually or as a member of a group, and samples of activities undertaken by the learner that demonstrate learning accomplishments. The work samples, the formal records, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), and the Assessment Records should, in total, provide evidence of the learner’s achievements across all six (6) Learning Strands in the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).
Formal Records
The following nine (9) records are prerequisites to be eligible for presentation portfolio assessment. If one (1) of the document is lacking, the learner’s presentation portfolio is automatically disqualified to proceed to the assessment process:
- ALS Form 2 (Enrollment Form);
- Personal Information Sheet (PIS);
- Functional Literacy Test (FLT) Pre and Post Test;
- Individual Learning Agreement (ILA) (Assessment Form 1);
- Record of Module Use and Monitoring of Learner’s Progress (Assessment Form 2);
- Documentation of Life Experiences (RPL Form 1);
- Record of Training/Skills (RPL Form 2);
- Summary of Work History (RPL Form 3); and
- Learner’s Checklist of Competencies (RPL Form 4).
Note: In case the ALS program completer does not have any entry in either or both RPL Form 2 and RPL Form 3, the ALS program completer shall write “Not Applicable” to these forms and affix his or her signature together with his or her ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator.
Work Samples
Work samples are written and performance outputs of the learners that demonstrate learning accomplishment across all six (6) Learning Strands in the ALS K to 12 BEC. These shall contain comments, feedback, remarks and signature of the ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator. Below are the possible work samples that can be included in the presentation portfolio:
Completed learning module self-assessment activities pre-tests and post-tests and module assignment | Training certificates |
Activity sheets | Life skills activities and projects |
Life skills written outputs | Research |
Essay/reflections/journals | Individual and group project outputs |
Summative test | Creative arts (Slogan, poster, illustration, graphic organizers etc.) |
Narrative report | Digitized outputs (powerpoint presentation, animation etc.) |
Compositions (poems, songs, short stories, scripts etc.) | Documentation of performances (role playing, interviews, simulations etc.) |
Community service |
In selecting their work samples for inclusion in the presentation portfolio, the learners, with the assistance of their ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator, shall choose those samples, which provide the best or strongest evidence of their mastery of competencies of the ALS K to 12 BEC.
- Selected Work Samples for each Learning Strand shall provide evidence of mastery of different competencies (not multiple samples covering the same competency) based on their level.
- Quality of the learning samples is very important. The presented work sample must manifest clarity, completeness, neatness, and originality.
The learners shall sign a declaration that all submitted learning outputs are their own work and that all information contained in RPL records are accurate. The ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator shall also certify that all the learning contents of the presentation portfolio are their learners’ own individual work. (Attachment no. 6).
The ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator shall conduct initial assessment of the submitted presentation portfolio of their learner using the ALS Presentation Portfolio Initial Assessment Form (Attachment No. 2). All presentation portfolios that passed the initial assessment of the ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator shall be submitted to the designated District Validator.
The designated District Validator shall conduct a district validation to quality assure the submitted presentation portfolio using the ALS Presentation Portfolio Initial Assessment Form (Attachment No. 2). All quality assured presentation portfolio shall be forwarded to the Education Program Specialist II for ALS (EPSA) for final assessment.
Final assessment of presentation portfolio shall be done by the EPSA using the following checklist criteria:
The minimum total passing score is 28 points. However, an ALS completer must have at least four (4) valid work samples for each learning strand to be able to pass the presentation portfolio assessment. Failure to satisfy this provision shall mean exclusion from the Masterlist of EL and JHSL completers.
ALS Presentation Portfolio Initial Assessment Form
Guide Questions for the Revalida of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment
- What was your overall score in the pretest in your FLT and its equivalent literacy level?
- What learning goals were stated in your Individual Learning Agreement (ILA)?
- What are the contents of your presentation portfolio?
- Cite at least three (3) best work samples across six learning strands which you are most proud of.
- Cite at least three (3) significant learning you gained from the ALS interventions that you can apply in real life situation?
- Questions may be contextualized, and the learner shall answer in the appropriate grade level language.
- ALS program completers should demonstrate proficiency in reading and writing.
- Failure to answer at least three (3) questions and earn 2 points in reading and writing respectively, shall invalidate the result of presentation portfolio assessment and exclusion from the Masterlist of EL and JHSL completers.
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Presentation Portfolio Assessment for ALS Elementary and Junior High School Program Completers
I thought My Presentation Portfolio Assessment for ALS Junior High School Level Program Completers SY/2023.2024 is same previous ALS Completers 2021.2022 but this is not same.
Sir ano pong equivalent ng 4 marks sa card po? I mean kung ibebase siya as Philippine standard grading system? Thank you.
I recently discovered a portfolio with an assessment format like this one