The Department of Education (DepEd) releases Joint Memorandum DM-OUCI-2021-316 dated August 12, 2021, titled Presentation Portfolio Assessment for ALS Elementary and Junior High School Program Completers of SY 2020–2021 and Previous Years.
Table of Contents
Please be informed that per the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), the administration of Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program Completers will not be possible due to the restrictions imposed by the government in view of the COVID – 19 pandemic.
In lieu of the administration of the aforesaid test, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Curriculum and Instruction strand and the ALS Task Force (ATF), announces that the result of the presentation portfolio assessment (Attachment no. 3) for ALS Elementary Level (EL) and Junior High School Level (JHSL) Program Completers of SY 2020-2021 and previous years in the Learner Information System (LIS) shall be used as basis for the issuance of an EL or JHSL Certificate (Attachment no.11).
The following are the ALS program completers eligible to submit their presentation portfolio for assessment:
a. SY 2020-2021 ALS program completers in the LIS;
b. SY 2019-2020 ALS program completers and previous years in the LIS who did not meet the minimum required points for the 1st presentation portfolio assessment and underwent additional learning intervention certified by the ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators (Attachment no. 5);
c. SY 2019-2020 and previous years ALS program completers provisionally enrolled in Grades 7 and 11 for SY 2020-2021 but did not pass the 1st presentation portfolio assessment and underwent additional learning intervention (Attachment no. 5); and
d. Previous ALS program completers in the LIS who underwent additional intervention in the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) certified by the ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators (Attachment no. 5).
ALS program completers who shall undergo the process of presentation portfolio assessment shall be at least 12 years old for EL and at least 16 years old for JHSL on or before the start of district validation on August 16, 2021.
Only those who met the minimum required points and passed the presentation portfolio assessment are eligible to receive the Certificate of Completion (Attachment No. 11). The certificate shall have the Community Learning Center (CLC) Number, year and sequential unique number as the ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number (Example: 31707833-2020-0123). The ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number shall be placed in the upper right corner of the certificates. Issuance of certificates shall be until September 30, 2021.
In lieu of the A&E Certificate of Rating (COR) number, the ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number shall serve as:
a. One of the requirements in registering the presentation portfolio passers (EL and JHSL) in the LIS in Grades 7 and 11; and
b. Basis in updating the status of provisionally enrolled ALS learners in Grades 7 and 11 in the LIS.
To ensure common understanding, the following terms in the guidelines are defined as:
refers to the unique number assigned by the Schools Division Office to the Certificate of Completion of successful passer of ALS presentation portfolio assessment.
refers to documents issued to ALS Elementary or Junior High School completers who successfully passed the presentation portfolio assessment.
refers to the control number assigned by the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) to the Certificate of Rating of an Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) test taker.
To ensure the validity and credibility of the assessment, ALS program completers identified as eligible for presentation portfolio assessment in Item 3, are allowed to submit their presentation portfolio only once in the final assessment (from September 1-17, 2021). Completers who receive below the minimum required points after the final assessment shall not proceed to the inter- District revalida. They shall be advised to undergo additional learning interventions in preparation for future presentation portfolio assessment or A&E Test.
All duly designated officials and staff who shall serve during the presentation portfolio assessment shall be given service credits/compensatory time off (beyond official time). Other expenses relative to the presentation portfolio assessment process except honorarium, shall be charged against the downloaded Calendar Year (CY) 2021 ALS Program Support Funds (PSF), issued through DepEd Order 27, s. 2021 or the Division Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).
The Regional and Division Focal Persons shall conduct a re-orientation on interdistrict validation of presentation portfolio. They shall also monitor the actual conduct of the final assessment.
In addition, the District/Division Office in coordination with the Regional Office shall come up with the mechanism, schedule, and modality of all activities related to the Presentation Portfolio Assessment depending on the quarantine protocol level set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF).
An inter-district revalidation with ALS program completers shall be conducted to ensure that the presentation portfolios are original outputs of the program completers (Attachment no. 4). Further, a reading and writing proficiency test (English) shall be part of the revalida to ensure that ALS program completers are ready for the next level of learning. The District or Division Office shall develop their own mechanism in conducting the reading and writing proficiency test appropriate to the level of the ALS program completer.
The rubric below shall be used in assessing the reading and writing proficiency of an ALS program completer:
Score | Description |
3 | Can read all the words correctly and clearly. Can speak clearly and audibly. |
2 | Can read most of the words correctly and clearly. Can speak clearly and audibly most of the time. |
1 | Can read clearly but has the tendency to mispronounce some words. Frequently unable to speak clearly and audibly. |
0 | Cannot read the selection. Mispronounce most of the words. Cannot speak clearly and audibly. |
Score | Description |
3 | Can write legibly and provide clear and correct answers to the questions. The ideas are logically sequenced and stated in a complete sentence. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuations are evident. |
2 | Can write legibly and provide broad answer to the questions. The ideas are not sufficiently developed yet they are stated in a complete sentence. Only few errors in grammar, spelling and punctuations are observed. |
1 | Can write legibly but answers to the questions are incomplete. The ideas lack organization, and they are stated in fragments. There are several errors in grammar, spelling and punctuations that are identified and somehow affect the understanding of the answers. |
0 | No written answer. The answer is inaccurate or not related to the question. Sloppy handwriting that makes it difficult to read with numerous errors in grammar, spelling and/or spelling that impedes understanding. |
Note: Priority shall be given to ALS Program Completers who shall apply for the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) for SY 2021-2022.
Step-by-Step Process of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment
The step-by-step process of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment is as follows:
a. ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators shall conduct an initial assessment of the presentation portfolio of their completers. They shall check the basic requirements such as ALS Form 2 (Enrollment Form 2), Personal Information Sheet (PIS), Functional Literacy Test (FLT) Pre and Post, Assessment Forms and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Forms before submitting to the designated District Validator.
A district validation shall be conducted from August 16 to August 31, 2021 before the final evaluation of the Education Program Specialist II for ALS (EPSA) using the guidelines (Attachment no. 1). An ALS Teacher shall be designated by the Division ALS Focal Person as District Validator to quality assure all submitted presentation portfolios. In case the submitted presentation portfolio does not pass the district validation, it shall be returned to the ALS program completer through his or her ALS Teacher/Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator for improvement within 1-2 days only. Failure to comply shall be used as grounds for non-inclusion in the next step. The District Validator shall then submit all presentation portfolios that passed the validation to the EPSA for final evaluation.
The EPSA shall conduct the final assessment from September 1-17, 2021 and prepare the list of qualified ALS program completers for inter-district revalida (Attachment no. 7), including the submitted portfolio of said completers. The District/Division Office in coordination with the Regional Office shall come up with the mechanism, schedule, and modality of district validation.
b. An inter-district (within the division) revalidation with ALS program completers shall be conducted from September 18 to 30, 2021 by the EPSA with the assistance of ALS Teachers to ensure that the presentation portfolios are original outputs of the completers (Attachment no. 4). The EPSA shall prepare the list of qualified completers for revalida (Attachment no. 7), including the submitted portfolio of said completers. The Division ALS Focal Person or Public Schools District Supervisor (PSDS) can assume the task in the absence of the EPSA. Those who did not pass the inter-district revalida shall not be included in the Masterlist of EL and JHSL completers.
The District/Division Office in coordination with the Regional Office shall come up with the mechanism, schedule, and modality of interdistrict revalida.
In case the personnel involved in the presentation portfolio assessment finished each step ahead of the given schedule or time frame, they can proceed to the next step provided they complete the whole process.
c. After the inter-district revalida, the EPSA shall prepare the Masterlist of EL and JHSL completers (Attachment no. 8), as well as the Summary Report (Attachment no. 9), both in MS Excel Format and the Certificate of Completion of all passers (Attachment no. 11) for submission to the ALS Division Focal Person for verification.
To Illustrate the Process:
d. The verified master list, together with the corresponding Certificates shall be forwarded to the Curriculum and Implementation Division (CID) Chief, as the recommending approval, for endorsement to the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) for approval;
e. Upon approval of the SDS, the EPSA shall assist the Division Records Officer/s in the issuance of the Certificate of Completion of all passers;
f. The ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators shall accomplish the Revised ALS Form 5 (AF 5) (Attachment No. 12) of their EL and JHSL completers certified correct by the Division ALS Focal Person.
g. The Division ALS Focal Person shall submit the duly signed Masterlist of EL and JHSL completers (Attachment no. 7) and Summary of Report (Attachment no. 8), in PDF File to their ALS Regional Focal Person for consolidation, filing, and reference on or before October 8, 2021.
The Regional ALS Focal Person shall submit the soft copy of the Consolidated Summary Report (PDF format) duly signed by the Regional Director (Attachment 10) and all the Masterlists of EL and JHSL completers (PDF Format) submitted by the SDOs through email on or before October 16, 2021.
In summary, this shall be the timeline of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment for ALS EL and JHSL Program Completers of SY 2020-2021 and previous years:
Activity | Date |
Initial Assessment | |
District Validation | August 16 – 31, 2021 |
Final Assessment | September 1 – 17, 2021 |
Inter-District Revalida | September 18 – 30, 2021 |
Issuance of Certificate of Completion | Until September 30, 2021 |
Submission of Report to RO | October 8, 2021 |
Submission of Report to CO | October 16, 2021 |
School Heads of public elementary and junior high schools shall accept ALS program completers who passed the final assessment to temporary enroll in Grades 7 or 11 while waiting for the result of the inter-district revalida. In case, the temporary enrolled ALS program completers failed to pass the inter-district revalida, they are encouraged to attend additional learning intervention in ALS in preparation for future presentation portfolio assessment or A&E test.
SDOs shall conduct the Graduation Ceremony for ALS EL completers and Moving Up Ceremony for ALS JHSL completers upon submission of Masterlist of ALS EL and JHSL completers to the Regional Office. The conduct of said Graduation and Moving-Up Ceremonies shall be in accordance to DepEd Memorandum No. 27, s. 2021 – Conduct of the K to 12 Basic Education Program End-of-School Year Rites for School Year 2020-2021 In Light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
For any clarification or inquiry, contact the ALS Task Force at (02) 8636-3603 or through the aforesaid email address.
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