Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own. – Nikos Kazantzakis
Teachers are one of the most vital professions in our society. From the moment we are born, we enter a world full of new things to learn. Our first teachers were our parents and family members who often pushed us and pulled us, and sometimes allowed us to fail, so that we could learn, discover and experiment in our world. They acted as bridges that helped us expand our knowledge and skills as we explored and developed. As classroom teachers, we never stop building a multitude of cognitive bridges for our students. That is the only way we can get them off the island of dependence and inexperience to the mainland of independence, competence and passion for life-long learning.
For my students:
I pray that I have reached you, and taught you more than English. I pray that I have done more than read to you and make you read. I pray that something in my words and actions has said to you, “I love you. All of you.” And if you feel funny about that that’s okay. I still love you. Everyone deserves to be loved, and what’s more, each of you is so special, so priceless, you truly need to understand your worth and purpose in this life. I pray that you have learned to believe in yourself and to repel negativity. You are good enough. You will make it. Prove wrong any liar who says otherwise. Let your light shine!
Bagong Nayon II National High School
Antipolo City