September 28, 2016
DepEd Memorandum No. 161 s. 2016
Table of Contents
Conduct of Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Early Registration for School Year 2016-2017
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this Memorandum for the Conduct of Senior High School (SHS) Career Guidance Program (CGP) and Early Registration for School Year (SY) 2016-2017. This CGP aims to guide Grade 10 students in making informed decisions regarding their choice of SHS track suitable to their skills and interest. This will also enable them to pre-register into SHS for SY 2017-2018.
2. The schools are encouraged to use the same Career Guidance Modules for Grade 10 which were rolled-out nationwide on September 2015 per DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2015 entitled Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Early Registration.
3. The Grade 10 Career Guidance Manual shall be carried out following the timeline below. The teachers may conduct the respective modules in any day within the week designated per module.
Date | Activity |
October 3-7, 2016 | Conduct of Module 1 Conduct of Module 2, Session 1 Conduct of Module 2, Session 2 Conduct of Module 3 |
October 10-14, 2016 | Career Guidance Week |
October 15, 2016 | Parent-Teacher Conference |
October 16-29, 2016 | Senior High School Early Registration |
October 31-November 18, 2016 | LIS Submission/Encoding for Grade 10 students (LIS SHS Registrants) |
November 18, 2016 | Submission of SHS Registration Forms (Annex 3) to Division SHS Coordinator |
November 25, 2016 | LIS Submission/Encoding for Non-LIS SHS Registrants |
4. After the conduct of the Grade 10 Career Guidance Program, the school guidance counselors or school guidance coordinators/advocates shall accomplish the monitoring and evaluation report provided in Enclosure No. 1. Soft or hard copies of these documents shall be submitted to the division Youth Formation Program (YFP) coordinators of Division School Governance and Operations (SGOD) exactly one week after the conduct of CGP on or before October 14, 2016.
5. The division YFP coordinators of Division SGOD shall collate the submitted schools’ monitoring reports. After collating all the school’s monitoring reports, the designated YFP coordinators of SGOD shall forward soft or hard copies of the said documents to the designated regional YFP coordinator of Education Support Services Division (ESSD) on or before October 21, 2016.
6. The designated regional YFP coordinator of Education Support Services Division (ESSD) shall collate, organize and forward the soft or hard copies to the Office of Youth Formation Division, Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS) on or before October 28, 2016.
7. Designated YFP coordinators at the RO’s and SDO’s are expected to submit monitoring reports to the Office of Youth Formation Division, Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS), Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no. (02) 637-9814 or through email address: The deadline of the submission is on October 28, 2016.
8. Upon the culmination of the CGP, the SHS Early Registration shall be conducted from October 16 to 29, 2016. All Grade 10 students in SY 2016-2017 in all public and private secondary schools, including state universities and colleges (SUCs), shall submit to their respective class advisers their choice of school and programs using the SHS Preference Slip contained in Enclosure No. 2. It shall be expected that the student’s preferences have been discussed with their parents.
9. The class advisers shall register the students for SHS and submit their preference through the Learner Information System (LIS) from October 31 to November 18, 2016. The procedural guide for encoding of the learners’ preference in the LIS is detailed in Enclosure No. 3.
10. High school graduates who are passers of the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Examination for JHS Level, and other learners outside the formal system (those who are not covered by the LIS), may register in any of the schools offering SHS using the SHS Registration Form found in Enclosure No. 4.
11. The school head shall forward to the Schools Division SHS coordinator the duly accomplished registration forms (Enclosure 4) of all non-LIS SHS registrants not later than November 18, 2016. The school shall maintain a duplicate a copy of the said forms for records purposes.
12. The Schools Division SHS coordinator, with the assistance of the planning officer and/or IT coordinator, shall enrol the non-LIS SHS registrants in the LIS. The detailed procedural guide for encoding the learners’ information and preference shall be posted at the The log-in accounts of the planning officer or IT coordinator can temporarily be used for purposes of SHS registration.
13. All regional directors, schools division superintendents, and school heads are enjoined to extend full support to the program.
14. Expenses relative to the implementation of the program shall be charged to local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
15. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Career Guidance Program Monitoring and Evaluation Form Department of Education
Senior High School Preference Slip 
Senior High School Registration Form
Sir welcome po tagal nyo nawala