August 31, 2016
DepEd Memorandum No. 135, s. 2016
Creation of National Records Inventory Committee
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Secretary, ARMM
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
All Others Concerned
1. Pursuant to the implementation of Republic Act No. 9470, otherwise known as The National Archives Act of 2007, the National Records Inventory Committee is created to be composed of the following:
Chairperson/ Executive Coordinator: Undersecretary for Administration Co-Chairperson/Executive Co-Coordinator: Director IV, Administrative Service
Vice Chairperson: Chief Administrative Officer, Records Division
Members: Central Office – Chief Administrative Officer Records Division
Regional Office – All Regional Records Officers
Schools Division Office – All Division Records Officers or Custodians
Attached Agencies – All Delegated Records Custodians
2. The Committee shall perform the following functions, among other tasks:
a. Coordinate with the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP) on the National Inventory Seminar for the Department, its regional offices, and schools division offices;
b. Echo the training to all concerned personnel in their respective offices;
c. Undertake inventory of their respective records in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by NAP;
d. Follow up submissions of inventory of their respective offices; and
e. Collate and submit all inventories to NAP.
3. The Chairperson shall also act as the Department Executive Coordinator to the NAP on the National Inventory of Records (NIoR) and other related projects. He/She will also attend executive meetings on NIoR to be scheduled by NAP and shall avail of the services.
4. The Committee shall be guided by NAP General Circular No. IV dated November 28, 2012 entitled Guidelines on National Inventory of Records and shall avail of the services of NAP for advice regarding Records Inventory.
5. For more information, all concerned may contact the Administrative Service-Records Division, Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone nos. (02) 687-1449; (02) 633-7218.
6. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.