Enclosed is DepEd Memorandum DM-HROD-2021-0054 entitled “Calibration of the Office Performance Commitment Review Form (OPCRF) and Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) for Calendar Year (CY) 2021 pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 2, s. 2015”, for information and guidance of all concerned.
School Heads, unit/division heads are hereby advised to read carefully all the provisions in the said memorandum.
Table of Contents
Calibration of the Office Performance Commitment Review Form (OPCRF) and Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) for Calendar Year (CY) 2021 pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 2, s. 2015
With reference to DepEd Order (DO) No. 2, s. 2015 entitled Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education, Section 35 provides that:
“In exceptional cases, and only if the situation warrants, a one-time recalibration of office and individual objectives shall be allowed during the mid-year review. Exceptional cases shall include instances when high-level decisions are taken into effect such as changes in strategic direction, and circumstances beyond the control of the ratee such as natural and/or man-made calamities including typhoon, earthquake, and other fortuitous events.”
In view of the ongoing pandemic and the fast-changing circumstances both in the external and internal environment of the Department, all offices and personnel in the Central Office, Regional Office, and Schools Division Office shall be allowed to calibrate their respective Office Performance Commitment Review Form (OPCRF) and Individual Performance
Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) for CY 2021, provided that the adjustments to be made shall fall under the following reasons and factors considered beyond the control of the office and individual personnel:
- Changes/adjustments on the strategic directions and/or reprioritization of programs, activities, projects anchored on and in support to the implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), as approved by the Head of Office;
- Changes/adjustments in the systems, processes, and strategies involved in the delivery and/or performance of planned/committed targets due to the pandemic (e.g., use of alternative strategies or remote modalities); and
- Changes/adjustments in necessary administrative, procurement, financial, and other processes and procedures that are outside the control of the office.
To facilitate the performance calibration process, attached to this memorandum are the following:
- Guide on How to Calibrate CY 2021 Office/Individual Performance Targets (Annex A-1 and A-2); and
- Prescribed Office and Individual Calibration Forms (Annex B-l and B-2).
The proposed calibration on the OPCRF, if deemed necessary, shall be agreed upon by the rater and ratee, and shall be reflected in the Office Performance Calibration Form (Annex B-l). The duly accomplished Annex B-l shall be submitted to the designated Performance Management Team (PMT), through the Personnel Division/Section/Unit in the respective governance level, for the review and recommendation of the PMT to the approving authority (per Rater-Ratee-Approving Authority Matrix in DO 2, s. 2015) for final approval and signature. Submission details shall be as follows:
Governance Level | Required Documents | Deadline | Receiving Office |
Central Office | Accomplished Office Performance Calibration Form (Annex B-l), duly signed by the rater and ratee Photocopy of initial CY 2021 OPCR (accomplished during Phase 1 -Performance Planning and Commitment) | August 25, 2021 | CO-Personnel Division bhrod.pd@deped.gov.ph printed or e-copy are accepted |
Regional Office | Accomplished Office Performance Calibration Form (Annex B-l), duly signed by the rater and ratee Photocopy of initial CY 2021 OPCR (accomplished during Phase 1 -Performance Planning and Commitment) | August 31, 2021 | Administrative Division – Personnel Section printed or e-copy are accepted |
Schools Division Office | Accomplished Office Performance Calibration Form (Annex B-l), duly signed by the rater and ratee Photocopy of initial CY 2021 OPCR (accomplished during Phase 1 -Performance Planning and Commitment) | August 31, 2021 | OSDS – Personnel Unit printed or e-copy are accepted |
The approved calibrated OPCRF shall be the basis for the calibration of IPCRFs within the office. IPCRFs shall be agreed upon by the rater and ratee and approved by the approving authority. The PMT review of the IPCRF shall no longer be necessary; provided that, the calibration is anchored on the approved calibrated OPCRF. The office and employee calibration forms duly signed by the approving authority shall be returned to the Head of Office for record-keeping until the date for the submission of the calibrated OPCRFs and IPCRFs.
For any questions on this memorandum, you may coordinate with the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) at bhrod.hrdd@deped.gov.ph, or your respective Personnel Division/ Section /Unit.
DepEd Memorandum DM-HROD-2021-0054

DepEd Guide on How to Calibrate Office Performance Targets
DepEd Guide on How to Calibrate Individual Performance Targets