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PowerPoint: DepEd Enrollment Guidelines for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Relative to DepEd Order Number 3, series of 2018 entitled Basic Education Enrollment Policy, the field is informed of the new enrollment system for all incoming learners for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 as a proactive response from the current COVID-10 pandemic.



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school year will open on August 24, 2020.

The Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) outlines various modalities in delivering basic education for the school year.

DepEd seeks to ensure that learners are enrolled in the system and map their contexts to provide appropriate learning interventions. However, we need to modify enrollment procedures taking into consideration the public health situation.


  1. Enrollment for SY 2020-2021 shall primarily be administered remotely
  2. The first two weeks shall completely be remote enrollment, where there will absolutely be no face to face
  3. Submissions of accomplished LESF shall be done remotely through emails, messengers and other means of electronic submission
  4. Physical submission of LESF to school or Barangay Hall shall be the last option and shall only be done by parents or guardians on the 3rd week of the enrolment period.



  • Registration of learners for the school year. Collection of basic profile of every learner

Learner Mapping Survey

  • Gather information on household capacity to access various modalities (i.e. available gadgets, possible facilitators, etc.)


Teacher-Led Enrollment

  • For learners already in the system, teachers will contact their students from the previous year and encode survey information using LIS

Enrollment Hotlines

  • Enrollment focal person/s (EFPs) will be designated to receive calls and queries from parents of incoming learners (for Kindergarten, transferees, Balik-Aral, and ALS learners)


  • Phone Call (landline, mobile phones)
  • SMS/Text Messaging
  • Online Submission (i.e. messenger, email, Viber, among others)


  • Any form of physical contact will be the last option for all SDOs and schools
  • Distribution of printed LESF shall be coordinated to LGU
  • If parents/guardian are not able to submit enrollment data remotely,, schools, in close coordination with LGU, shall set up physical platforms (i.e kiosk/booth) to collect LESF
  • All physical contact shall be in strict compliance with the minimum health and safety standards

READ: DepEd Automated Learner Enrolment and Survey Form for SY 2020-2021


For Grades 1 to 12 Learners

Parents of incoming Grades 1 to 12 learners will be contacted by their previous advisers for remote enrollment. However, to expedite the process, parents/guardians may also reach out to their child’s adviser for the enrolment through the contact numbers published by the school.

The physical presence of parents or guardians in school for enrollment shall be the last option and shall only be allowed in the 3rd week of June with strict adherence to minimum health and safety standards.

For Incoming Kinder Learners

Parents of incoming kindergarten learners shall contact the school to communicate their intent to enroll via digital and/or physical enrolment platforms established in the schools and barangay halls.

For transferees

Learners planning to transfer from one school (“the originating school”) to another (“the receiving school”) shall directly contact the receiving school through its published enrollment contact details.

For Balik-Aral enrollees

All Balik-Aral enrollees shall directly contact preferred schools. Receiving schools shall register enrollee’s enrolment and survey data.

For ALS Learners

ALS enrollees may communicate their intent to enroll via digital and/or physical enrollment platforms established by schools and barangays with community learning centers (CLC). The form to be used is ALS Form 2 based on DepEd Order No. 58, s. 2017. This will be made available in digital and physical format.


Major Stages

  1. pre-data collection
  2. data collection, and
  3. data retrieval


How do we ensure that enrolment guidelines and enrollment forms are widely disseminated, clearly communicated, and understood?

Designate teachers to facilitate remote enrollment

  • Class advisers shall be assigned to facilitate the remote enrollment of learners from their advisory class from the previous school year (i.e. SY 2019-2020).

Appoint Enrollment Focal Person

  • Teachers without advisory classes shall be appointed as Enrollment Focal Persons (EFPs). Schools must ensure that each grade level has an appointed EFP to accommodate kindergarten, transferees, and Balik Aral enrollees. ALS teachers shall act as EFPs in order to accommodate ALS enrollees.
  • EFPs’ contact information shall be publicly posted to be easily accessed by prospective enrollees.

Establish digital and physical enrollment platforms

  • SDO and schools shall make the LESF available and accessible, either in digital and print format, whichever is the safest way to access it.
  • Setting up of kiosks in the school and barangay halls shall happen only after exhausting all possible means for remote enrollment. These enrollment booths/kiosks do not necessarily have to be manned by school personnel for as long as necessary information materials and LESFs are made available to the public.
  • ROs and SDOs shall establish hotlines in line with Operation Balik Eskwela to disseminate information and respond queries on enrollment procedures.

Defer deadlines for submission of documentary requirements

  • Deadlines for the submission of documentary requirements required under Section V-A of DepEd Order 3, s. 2018 shall be deferred to December 2020. This shall apply in both public and private schools.
  • Only schools and their personnel shall coordinate the transmission of learners’ records, whether internally (e.g. between a learner’s previous and incoming class advisers) or externally (i.e. between schools).
  • Schools shall not compel learners and their parents/guardians to take responsibility for the transmission of school records.

Disseminate information on enrollment procedures

  • DepEd shall disseminate information on the enrolment procedures to the public thru print, social media, radio, and television. Specifically, schools shall publish a contact number of schools and/or designated teachers for queries and enrollment process.
  • A digital format shall be made accessible/downloadable from the websites of Central Office, Regional Offices, School Division Offices, and Schools. It shall also be made available in the Learner Information System (LIS) homepage.

Encourage stakeholder participation

  • Active participation of stakeholders is crucial in this school year’s enrollment. DepEd shall implement various means to engage stakeholders from information dissemination to the actual conduct of the enrollment particularly in enforcing physical distancing
  • Parents/guardians, in particular, shall communicate to previous teachers of their child for the enrollment, except for incoming kindergarten, transferees, Balik Aral, and ALS enrollees.


How do we ensure that all potential enrollees are able to submit LESF in the safest way possible?

Through class advisers

  • Class advisers shall contact each learner in their advisory class from SY 2019-2020 using the contact information found in the SF 1 and data obtained from early registration
  • Contact shall as much as possible be done remotely, with priority given to phone calls, SMS, and social media (e.g. Facebook Messenger), which is mutually convenient for both parties.

Through the initiative of parents/guardians

  • Schools shall provide specific instructions on how parents/ guardians of prospective enrollees may contact appointed EFPs.
  • Once contacted by the parents/guardians of prospective enrollees, appointed EFPs shall collect the necessary data.
  • EFPs shall accommodate inquiries and facilitate data collection as remotely as possible, whether via phone call, SMS, and social media, whichever is mutually convenient to both parties.

Through hotlines, social media and other online messaging platforms

  • Schools shall establish other means of communication such as emails, phone calls, SMS, Facebook, and other messaging platforms for those that cannot be contacted by class advisers.
  • Parents/guardians may send their accomplished LESF through school email address published in their respective advocacy materials and webpage.

Electronic LESF Template

  • Teachers shall encode their LESF data upon collection in the provided electronic LESF template while waiting for the deployment LIS encoding module and possible schedules.
  • The digital format of the enrolment form and the electronic consolidation template can be accessed through the LIS.
  • Advisers will use the summary template and save the file
  • Send the file to their respective grade heads for consolidation. Grade head shall copy and paste the summary results of the class advisers to his Grade Head Summary Sheet (same file type advisers are using) and consider it as a Grade Level Master Summary Sheet (GLMSS).
  • Grade heads will submit their consolidated GLMSS to the School Focal Person for consolidation of the School Master File Summary. The same process of copy-pasting is done in the School Master File Summary with those of the GLMSS.
  • For teachers without laptops and internet connectivity, any physical reporting to school to encode LESF data shall strictly adhere to the minimum health and safety standards. If conditions will not allow for physical reporting in school, filled out hard copies of the LESF will be compiled until the LIS opens for encoding.
  • Teachers with existing medical conditions shall be provided with assistance during data collection

LIS Encoding

For Existing Learners

Following the same process in updating the enrollment status of learners at the End of School Year (EOSY Updating), the enrollment status of learners in a school’s registry shall be updated based on their SF-9 (Learner Progress Report Card).

For this purpose, the previous class adviser shall encode collected learner data from the LESF in the LIS.

For Incoming Kindergarten, Transferees, Balik-Aral, and ALS Learners

For incoming kindergarten, transferees, Balik-Aral, and ALS learners, the designated EFP shall encode collected learner data from the LESF in the electronic LESF template. This template shall be forwarded by schools to the Planning and Research Unit at the SDO for consolidation.

  • LIS encoding may be scheduled once the system experienced congestion. Encoding schedule and instructions shall be posted on the LIS.
  • School heads shall ensure that all teachers have the means and support to encode LESF data. School heads shall also extend encoding assistance to teachers who have existing medical conditions and are not permitted to leave their homes.
  • Public and private schools shall complete their encoding of LESF data in the LIS EOSY module no later than 07 July 2020.


How do we ensure that LESF data will inform policy and program design and implementation?

Central Office

Analysis and evaluation

  • Retrieve necessary data from the LIS
  • Process results from the LESF
  • Assess how these results may inform related policies and programs

Regional and Division Offices

Analysis and evaluation

  • Access summary of results from the LIS Dashboard
  • Assess the implications of results on learning delivery


Analysis and evaluation

  • Assess the summary of results from the Electronic LESF Template
  • Assess how these results may affect learning delivery.
Learner Enrolment and Survey Form (LESF)

a tool that will be used to register learners for the school year and gather information on household capacity to facilitate the administration of various learning modes (i.e. available devices, possible facilitators, etc)

Electronic Learner Enrolment and Survey Form Template

an automated version of the LESF that will serve as encoding interface that consolidates all entries made by a teacher available in an excel format.



Pre-Data CollectionData CollectionData Retrieval
Policy and planning

Issue guidelines on enrollment procedures

Monitor data encoding in the system
Analysis and evaluation

Retrieve necessary data from the LIS

Process results from the LESF

Assess how these results may inform related policies and programs
Data and resource management

Design the LESF and offline encoding for data collection

Modify LIS to accommodate new data requirements
Support and assistance

Provide necessary support and assistance to the field

Provide information materials on the modified enrollment procedures

Disseminate information on the enrollment


Pre-Data CollectionData CollectionData Retrieval
Policy and planning

Issue regional policy document echoing national policy as necessary

Monitor data collection and encoding in the system
Analysis and evaluation

Access summary of results from the LIS Dashboard

Assess the implications of results on learning delivery


Pre-Data CollectionData CollectionData Retrieval
Support and assistance

Print enrollment form and excel template for data collection

Monitor data collection and encoding in the system
Analysis and evaluation

Access summary of results from the LIS Dashboard

Assess the implications of results on learning delivery.
Coordination and linkages

Coordinate with the LGU on the conduct of modified enrollment
Support and assistance

Provide support and assistance to schools

Disseminate information on the enrollment

Conduct orientation on the modified enrollment procedures


Pre-Data CollectionData CollectionData Retrieval
Support and assistance

Ensure that all teachers have facility and assistance in data collection and LIS encodings

Monitor data collection and encoding in the system
Analysis and evaluation

Assess summary of results from the Electronic LESF Template

Assess how these results may affect the learning delivery.
Coordination and linkages

Coordinate with the LGU on the conduct of modified enrollment
Technical support

Provide support to teachers during data collection and encoding

Disseminate information on the enrollment especially to parents/guardians


  1. Schools shall properly dispose of accomplished printed enrollment and learner survey forms after these are encoded in the LIS.
  2. The Data Protection Officer shall ensure the Department’s compliance with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act during the enrollment process. He/she may issue further guidelines as necessary.
  3. Regional Directors, Schools Division Superintendents, and School Heads shall act as Data Compliance Officers at their respective levels of governance and ensure the protection of collected personal information. They may use the results of the survey to plan and develop interventions for their respective jurisdiction consistent with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act.
  4. The Planning Service (PS) shall process the results of the survey for policy and program development purposes consistent with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act.


Critical ActionResponsible
Coordination and communication

Provide orientation with the field on the enrollment guidelines

Disseminate instruction on LIS encoding schedule
Set up feedback mechanisms


4W of May

1W of June

4W of May
Systems modification

Integrate new data requirements (Learner Mapping Survey) to the LIS

Provide template for data collection

1W of June

4W of May
Information advocacy

Create infographics and other information materials on enrollment procedures

Provide information materials to the field  (ready for modification based on the context of the field)

3W of May

4W of May


  • A version of infographics that is ready for printing (e.g. tarps, posters, brochures, etc.)
  • Digital version of infographics that can be posted online
  • Audio-visual presentation of the enrollment procedures (e.g. short video for social media content)

Note: These materials shall accommodate the initiative of the field to modify based on their specific contexts (e.g. language translations, inclusion of schools’ contact details, etc.)



DepEd Monthly School Calendar of Activities For School Year 2020-2021

DepEd LIS and E-BEIS Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

4 thoughts on “PowerPoint: DepEd Enrollment Guidelines for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic”

  1. would like my son to apply for the ESC voucher to avail of tuition discount for next year since he is grade 10 right now. pls advise where to apply ?

  2. Blessed day po sir, knino po pwede irequest na idagdag ang CAR REGION s choices s filling of data “REGION PART” kasi di po kami makaproceed dhil wlang car,alangan nmn pona mgchoose n lng po kmi ng any region na d nmn kinabibilangan,?.Hope maaksyunan po ASAP ,thanks po n God bless po!

  3. How about the Voucher program for incoming Grade 11 from a private school? I think due to the effect of this pandemic automatic qualifications shall be applied please.


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