The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA), hereby releases the Interim Guidelines for DepEd Internship Program at the Central Office.
The Bureau of Learner Support Services – Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) shall serve as the overall secretariat for this particular endeavor.
In view of the risks posed by the ongoing pandemic, these guidelines shall abide by existing health protocols and standards prescribed by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), Department of Health (DOH), and other health and safety regulations implemented by the Higher Education Institution’s (HEI) respective local government units.
In the event that face-to-face contact would be permitted by relevant authorities, minimum public health standards as stipulated in DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0015 shall be strictly observed.
Moreover, in order to promote the well-being of students and guarantee the quality of their learning and exposure, and ensure their safety while undergoing internship, TEIs and Cooperating Schools are advised to adhere to the requirements on Student Internship Program in the Philippines per CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 104, series of 2017 and the Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and School per De Order No. 014, series of 2020.
For questions or concerns on the internship program, please contact Mr. Adolf P. Aguilar, Chief of BLSS-YFD, through 09190934914 or email at .
For immediate dissemination and compliance.
Table of Contents
I. Rationale
One of the country’s lingering problems significantly affecting employment and national progress is a job-skill mismatch, a discrepancy between skills sought by employees and the skills possessed by individuals or graduates. For years now, academic institutions have been challenged to make sure that the graduates they produce are deemed competent once they go out into the real world. Aside from apparent adverse effects on an individual level, such a problem ultimately threatens the national economy. It would negatively impact the productivity and competitiveness of industries and companies in the country.
With this, the Department of Education (DepEd) will open its door for opportunities for internships. DepEd believes that this would be a great avenue to apply theories and principles learned in the academe and develop essential interpersonal skills under supervision. The training that students will acquire from the program will ideally equip them with the right skill set and mindset to thrive and succeed in industries and companies in the future. The program would also forge invaluable opportunities for mentoring and creating professional networks. Furthermore, being a part of DepEd’s essential programs and activities would significantly build a strong resume and help interns guide their future potential career paths.
The Department of Education stands as the country’s pillar for literacy and competence. Through its various programs, projects, and activities, the interns will have the best opportunity to experience how DepEd operates, leading to a better understanding and appreciation of the Department’s collective vision, mission, and goals.
DepEd will take part and contribute to the betterment of the country’s future workforce. The internship program will reinforce the fact that the Department is the laboratory for the future changemakers of the country.
II. Definition of Terms
refers to the real office environment in the DepEd Central Office.
refers to the faculty member in charge of experiential learning courses and oversees various activities related to the program.
refers to the office where the Interns undergo immersion and training.
is both a product and process; it is the purposeful collection of pertinent office outputs such as documented evidence of tasks assigned, virtual activities attended, reflection journals, etc.
refers to the Personnel who is assigned to guide the trainee/intern in the development of professional competencies, attitudes, and behaviors.
refers to a nurturing process in which a highly skilled or more experienced person provides support and encouragement to a less experienced person.
refers to the student assigned to the office for immersion, on-the-job training, or internship.
III. Role of DepEd
DepEd Central Office through the Youth Formation Division shall:
- forge a MOA with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) on the deployment of trainees or interns;
- review, and subsequently approve, requests for cooperating offices;
- conduct orientation for participants and cooperating schools;
- monitor and evaluate the capacity of the cooperating schools; and
- issue Certificates of Completion at the end of the program to the interns.
Each Cooperating Office shall:
- assigning the trainee to any department/unit/section during the duration of the program;
- assign a trainee/intern to a qualified coordinating personnel in coordination with the Head of Office;
- determine the schedule of the intern;
- explain clearly work assignments/tasks to ensure that the duties, responsibilities, roles are clearly defined and outlined;
- assign a Resource Personnel to serve as mentor/coach;
- conduct an evaluation of the intern’s overall performance based on agreed standards;
- conduct regular conferences with the coordinating personnel with regards to the performance of the interns;
- coordinate with the College Supervisor of the intern;
- coordinate with the Youth Formation Division on the implementation of the program;
- ensure that the interns are not allowed as substitute for employees who are on leave; and
- prepare and submit required reports to the Youth Formation Division.
IV. Role of Higher Education Institution (HEI)
The HEI On Job Training/Internship Coordinator shall:
- initiate conferences with the Bureau of Learner Support Services – Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) in selecting cooperating offices;
- prepare a MOA between the HEI and the Department of Education to be signed by duly designated representative of the HEI and the Secretary of the Department of Education;
- formulate the on-the-job / internship policies and guidelines on the selection, placement, monitoring, and assessment of interns;
- develop, in collaboration with the duly selected cooperating office, a Training Plan which will form part of the Training Contract for the intern specifying goals and objectives, knowledge, skills and competencies that the intern should acquire;
- monitor the intern and immediately attend to his/her complaints by coordinating with BLSS-YFD and the cooperating office;
- coordinate with the BLSS-YFD in the selection of cooperating offices; and
- prepare a formal communication to DepEd relative to the deployment of the interns.
The OJT/Internship Supervisor shall:
- orient the interns on the rationale and procedures of the OJT/Internship Program;
- conduct orientation meetings to ensure that expectations of both parties are made clear to all concerned;
- determine the readiness and ability of the interns to participate in the program;
- conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the interns;
- coordinate regularly with the cooperating office/personnel/YFD regarding the performance of the interns;
- submit written reports to the College Dean, copy furnish the BLSS-YFD and the cooperating office; and
- conduct debriefing sessions for the participants of the program.
V. Selection of Resource Personnel
Any regular or co-terminus employee can be a Resource Personnel provided he/she:
- has at least two years of work experience;
- has very satisfactory performance;
- is proficient in the learning area that the trainer will practice in; and
- is willing to take responsibility for training/mentoring the intern.
VI. Duties and Responsibilities of Interns
The intern shall:
- abide by the rules and regulations set by the institution;
- participate actively in office activities;
- notify the Resource Personnel in case of absences;
- consider/be open to constructive criticisms;
- respect all office personnel;
- come prepared at all times;
- submit reports and requirements on time;
- accomplish the training/internship portfolio; and
- project a good image at all times by observing:
a. adherence to the Code of Ethics
b. proper dress code
c. punctuality in all activities of the internship
d. discipline and right conduct.
The trainee/intern parents/guardian/spouse shall:
- co-sign the training contract to manifest approval or consent; and
- issue a waiver of consent.