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DepEd Learner Attendance Conversion Tools (LACTs) for School Year 2020-2021

Attached herewith is DepEd Learner Attendance Conversion Tools (LACTs) Annex 2 of DepEd Memorandum No. 14, s. 2021 dated March 26, 2021, titled Interim Guidelines on the Preparation, Submission, and Checking of School Forms for the School Year 2020-2021.

DepEd Learner Attendance Conversion Tools (LACTs) for School Year 2020-2021
DepEd Learner Attendance Conversion Tools (LACTs) for School Year 2020-2021
DepEd Learner Attendance Conversion Tools (LACTs) for School Year 2020-2021
Learner Attendance Conversion Tool (LACT)DescriptionHow to Record in SF 2Applicable Distance Learning Modality
LACT 1Converting presence in online class as daily class attendance

For online classes with daily checking of attendance using whatever electronic/digital platform or applications
Actual recording of number of class days present and absent.

The learner shall be considered present even in the case where he/she was only able to enter the online learning platform for a few minutes due to internet connectivity issues and as long as there is notification via text/chat from the learner / parent / guardian. No any form of contact for the day means absent.
LACT 2Converting communication efforts with learners and/or parents into class day attendance as programmed in a weekly home learning plan

The frequency of contact or communication with the parent/guardian or even with the learner in whatever approach can be converted into class day attendance.

Note that contact/communication efforts may vary depending on the distance learning modality and may include but not limited to electronic/digital communication, using of designated drop/pick up kiosk/middleman for printed modules, phone calls, text messaging, handheld CB radio, letter correspondence or attending classes/meetings, and/or physical appearance of parent/guardian and adviser within the parameter of the existing local/national health safety protocols of IATF for COVID-19.

Assigned class day equivalency for each contact effort by getting the total number of contact efforts over the allotted class days per week or month

To illustrate, in a week schedule of six (6) class days in a modular learning approach, the equivalent class days for distribution is three (3) and another three (3) days for retrieval. This is to complete the 6 class-day per week stipulated in DepEd Order 30, s. 2020. Therefore, the weekly schedule for both distribution and retrieval of modules may be counted as two (2) contact efforts.
All distance learning modalities
Attendance CheckingNumber of Contact EffortsEquivalence in Class Attendance (in days)
Weekly1 contact effort for distribution3 class days
1 contact effort for retrieval3 class days
Monthly4 contact efforts for distribution12 class days
4 contact efforts for retrieval12 class days
Thus, if the learner has only made a total of four (4) contact efforts against 8 scheduled contact efforts, then he/she will have 12 class days present and 12 class days absent.

The learner shall be considered present even in the delayed or non-submission of a module as long as there is communication made between the parent/guardian or learner.
LACT 3Converting the submission of outputs/modules of learners into class day attendance.

The total number of submitted outputs/modules regardless of score can be converted into class day attendance.
Assigned class day equivalency for the percentage of module/output submission by getting the number of outputs/modules submitted over the required outputs/modules for the week and multiplied by the complete weekly attendance constant.

To illustrate, the week schedule of six (6) class days in a modular learning approach is the complete attendance (100%). The number of submitted modules and number of required modules for the week may vary.


Weekly Checking
Printed Modular Digital Modular
No. of submitted modules
6 modules
No. of required modules9 modules
Complete days of attendance6 days

nostf submitted modules complete days of

no.of required modules attendance

6/9 = 0.67 or 67% submission for the week

0.67 x 6 days = 4.02 or 4 days present for the week

Thus, if the learner has submitted only six (6) modules against nine (9) required modules for the week, then he/she will have 4 class days present and 2 class days absent.

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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