The Department of Education (DepEd) Planning Service announces the Launching of the Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator for the School Year 2021-2022.
The Modified Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (MLESF) is a tool that will be used to register learners for the school year and gather information on the household capacity to facilitate the administration of various learning modalities (i.e., available devices, possible facilitators, etc.).
The MLESF Summary Matrix Form is a tabulation template for the selected MLESF data elements that will be used as a reference in encoding/updating enrollment quick count in LIS for the period August 16 to September 13, 2021.
The Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator was conceptualized and developed by Sir Wedzmer Briz Munjilul. He is also the Head Teacher I of Sta. Ana Central Elementary School, Schools Division of Davao City. Mr. Munjilul is also the person behind the Integrated School Forms Facebook Page; member-developer of DepEd Electronic Class Record, School Forms (SF8, SF5 & SF10 for Kindergarten and Elementary), and Automated LESF last School Year 2020-2021.
Table of Contents
DepEd Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator
Based on DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2021, there will be a daily reporting of enrollment count and the summary result of MLESFs from August 16, 2021, until September 17, 2022, using the Quick Count Facility in LIS.
MLESF Summary Matrix Form
A conduit tool that initially processes raw and individual Data from MLESF to a Summarized Presentation.
Processed information shall be used as a reference in updating Enrollment Quick Count Facility.
MLESF Process
Previous Advisor contact former learners to facilitate MLESF submission (outgoing Kinder-Grade 5, Grade 7-Grade 9 & Grade 11)
Accomplished MLESF
Incoming Kinder, Grades 7 & 11, and other transferees shall coordinate & submit MLESF to prospective schools.
- Individual Learner Data
- Prospective Adviser
Summary Data of MLESF
The School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP) consolidates MLESF, prepares a summary, and distributes it to Prospective Adviser.
Prospective Adviser to assess completeness and accuracy of MLESF.
Tabulation of Selected MLESF Data
Three Levels of Consolidation
- Class/Section
- Grade Level
- School Level
LIS Quick Count Facility
LIS System Administrator reviews completeness and accuracy of MLESF Summary Data and then encodes to LIS QC Facility.
Update Summary Data in a Daily Basis from August 13 to September 17, 2021.
- Tabulated Data by School Level LIS System Admin/School Head Account only
- Daily Updating
Roles of School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP)
The School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP) is personnel designated by the school to oversee the overall conduct of enrollment and who shall receive all MLESF submitted by parents or guardians.
- Conduct Orientation on the Facilitation of MLESF.
- Gather/Tabulation of MLESF Data using the Summary Matrix Form.
- Submit the Summary Maxtrix Report to LIS School System Admin for Encoding in QC Facility.
LIS Quick Count
Use the MLESF Summary Matrix for encoding:
- Access credential: System Admin/School Head Account
- Facility is accessible in Quick Count TGab
- Real Time/Daily Updating
- Monitoring Dashboard
- School Level
- Division Level
- Regional Level
- Central Office

The DepEd Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator has four different files, there will be a separate form for Elementary, Junior High School, Senior High School, and Large Schools which can accommodate multiple sections and grade levels.
Download the Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator for the School Year 2021-2022
The Department of Education (DepEd) Planning Service releases the Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator Version 3.1 (Excel Files) for the School Year 2021-2022.
Presentation and Introduction of Automated MLESF Summary Data Consolidator