In the Department of Education (DepEd), the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), shall lead in the implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP)-Milk Feeding Program Component, to contribute to the improvement of nutritional status, classroom attendance and school performance of target beneficiaries to more than 85% per annum. In addition to the hot meals being given to the beneficiaries, pasteurized fresh milk or sterilized milk will also be served.
December 13, 2019
DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2019
Table of Contents
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Minister of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
- Pursuant to Republic Act 11037 also known as Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Pilipino Act, promulgated on June 20, 2018, the National Feeding Program shall be implemented targeting all undernourished in public day care, kindergarten and elementary schools to address undernutrition and hunger. One of the components of the National Feeding Program is the Milk Feeding Program.
- In the Department of Education (DepEd), the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), shall lead in the implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP)-Milk Feeding Program Component, to contribute to the improvement of nutritional status, classroom attendance and school performance of target beneficiaries to more than 85% per annum. In addition to the hot meals being given to the beneficiaries, pasteurized fresh milk or sterilized milk will also be served.
- For School Year (SY) 2019-2020, fresh milk or sterilized milk shall be provided to all undernourished Kindergarten to Grade 6, who are also SBFP beneficiaries for hot meals, for at least 20 feeding days.
- The Guidelines on the Implementation of the SBFP-Milk Feeding Program Component are enclosed.
- DepEd Order (DO) No. 39, s. 2017 titled Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program for SYs 2017-2022 and DO 18, s. 2019 titled Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program for Fiscal Year 2019 shall be used as reference in the implementation of the program.
- This policy shall take effect upon its approval.
- For more information, contact the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), 3rd floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone number (02) 8632-9935.
- Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
(Enclosure to DepEd Order No.036, s. 2019)
I. Rationale
The Department of Education (“DepEd” hereafter) through the Bureau of Learner Support Services – School Health Division (“BLSS-SHD” hereafter) is mandated to implement a nationwide School-Based Feeding Program (“SBFP” hereafter) pursuant to Republic Act No. 11037 (“RA 11037″ hereafter), or otherwise known as the “Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Filipino Act” and the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for the FY 2019. RA 11037 provides the inclusion of fresh milk or fresh milk-based products in the SBFP as additional component to hot meals.
In 2005, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (“FNRI” hereafter) conducted an evaluation study on the National Milk Feeding Program implemented by the National Dairy Authority (“NDA” hereafter). The study reported that the fresh milk produced by the NDA-assisted dairy cooperatives utilized in the milk feeding program was highly acceptable and highly tolerated by the children beneficiaries. The rationed fresh milk of the NDA contributed to about 8% of the total energy, 12% of protein, and 41% of calcium intake of the participating children. This was found to have narrowed the energy gap by 43.5% among the 1-3 year old children and by 23.7% among the 4-6 year old children who participated in the feeding program.
The latest results of the 2018 Expanded National Nutrition Survey showed that 25% of 6-10 years old children were underweight, 24.5% of the children were stunted, and 7.6% of the children were wasted. Compared with the results of the 2013 National Nutrition Survey, these survey results were significantly lower for school-age children. With the addition of fresh milk in SBFP, it is hoped that the nutritional status, and consequently the lemming outcomes, of the beneficiaries will further improve.
The program primarily aims to support the SBFP by providing fresh milk as supplement to the hot meals given to children beneficiaries in schools. This will eventually develop milk-drinking habit ^rnong the beneficiaries and is intended to help improve their nutritional status, classroom attendance, and school performance.
II. Beneficiaries, Scope and Duration
This set of guidelines is issued to guide the relevant units, officials and personnel of the DepEd in the implementation of the milk feeding program as a component of the SBFP (“SBFP-Milk” hereafter) for SY 2019-2020 and succeeding years.
The SBFP-Milk shall benefit the undernourished children, from Kinder to Grade 6, who are covered under the SBFP, including all severely stunted/stunted, pupils at risk of dropping out, IP learners, and learners from hard to reach areas or the last mile schools. The milk shall be provided to the beneficiaries for a period of at least twenty (20) days, covering all public elementary schools in the country.
III. Definition of Terms
Fresh milk | Refers to the normal mammary secretion of one or more healthy dairy animals like cows, buffalos/carabaos, or goats of local dairy farmers or farms that is 1) free from colostrum, 2) without adding or extracting anything to or from it, 3) has undergone heat processing, and 4) intended for consumption as liquid milk or for further processing. |
Fresh milk-based products | Refers to product created or produced based on, derived from, or blended with fresh milk. Some examples would be cheese, yogurt and flavored milk drinks among others produced with fresh milk as a component. |
Pasteurized Milk | Refers milk that has undergone heat treatment to destroy pathogenic organisms. Refrigeration is needed at temperature 2-4° Celsius and the shelf life in cold temperature is 3-5 days. |
Sterilized milk | Refers to fresh milk that is heated to a temperature to destroy all viable organisms. It can be stored in cool and dry room and the shelf life is 6-12 months. |
Commercial milk | Fresh milk (pasteurized or sterilized) sold in the market. |
Last Mile School | Refers to a school that is located in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantage Areas (“GIDA” hereafter), characterized by any or all of the following circumstances: with less than four classrooms, with makeshift or nonstandard rooms, without electricity, without new construction projects in the last four years, with travel distance of more than one hour from the town center, with difficulty in terrain, having multi-grade clas-ses/rooms, with less than five teachers, with a student population of less than 100 learners and with more than 75% Indigenous People learners, as defined under Department Memorandum No. 59 s. 2019. |
Lactose Intolerance | Refers to a common digestive problem where the body is unable to digest lactose — a type of sugar found in milk and dairy products. |
Severely Wasted | Refers to a very thin child whose Body Mass Index (BMI)-for-age is below -3 z-score line based on World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards (CGS). |
Wasted | Refers to a thin child whose BMI-for-age falls between -2 to -3 z-score line based on WHO-CGS. |
Stunted | Refers to a child whose height-for-age is < -2 to -3 (moderate stunting) or < -3 (severe stunting) from the median. |
IV. Policy Statement
The DepEd recognizes the direct relationship between nutrition and school performance of students. The capacity of school children to learn depends to a great extent on their nutritional status and their attendance in school. The milk-feeding program complements the regular School-Based Feeding Program and will further support the government’s efforts to address problems of undemutrition among children.
The preference to obtain supply of fresh milk or sterilized milk from local dairy farms and/or cooperatives is pursuant to the policy to help not only in the growth of local dairy industries but also to engage with and benefit the local communities.
V. Governance Framework and Mechanics of Implementation
A. Implementing Units and Key Partners
- Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division. The DepEd Central Office, through the BLSS-SHD, shall be responsible in developing the policy and operations framework for the implementation of the program, and shall take the lead in securing the involvement and cooperation of partners and stakeholders, from both the public and the private sectors. It shall endeavor to partner with the NDA, the PCC and other government or non-govemment units or organizations, as may be necessary or relevant, to bring in the needed inputs, expertise and contribution to ensure a deeper insight into the entire program implementation.
- Schools Division Offices. The Central Office shall delegate to the Schools Divisions Offices the responsibility of coordinating and directly dealing with the relevant field offices of the NDA, the PCC or any other relevant government and non- government unit or organization, as well as with the local dairy farms and/or cooperatives. The task involves market scoping, negotiations, putting call-off purchase orders, quality assurance, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, payment and accounting.
- National Dairy Authority and the Philippine Carabao Center. DepEd, through the BLSS-SHD, shall endeavor to collaborate with NDA and the PCC for market scoping, sourcing, procurement and delivery of fresh milk and fresh milk-based products. NDA and PCC, through a memorandum of agreement with DepEd, shall be responsible in providing the fresh milk and sterilized milk required by DepEd through the NDA-assisted local dairy farms and dairy cooperatives. The services of the NDA-assisted or the PCC-assisted dairy farms or cooperatives may include services for production, processing, packaging and logistics.
- Dairy Farms and Dairy Cooperatives. The local dairy farms and/or dairy cooperatives are necessary parties to the implementation of the milk feeding program particularly in the supply and delivery of the required fresh milk and sterilized milk. Through NDA, they shall make available the fresh milk and sterilized milk that NDA will procure and supply to DepEd. Their services may include, the production, quality assurance, processing, packaging, and delivery of the fresh milk and sterilized milk.
B. Collaboration with NDA and PCC
- DepEd, through the BLSS-SHD, shall seek the assistance of and coordinate with the NDA in identifying, gaining access to and dealing with the local dairy farms and/or cooperatives for the sourcing and procurement of fresh milk and sterilized milk, as well as the provision of technical assistance and other services in ensuring the production, processing, packaging, delivery and storage, as well as the safety and hygiene of the fresh milk and sterilized milk that are to be given to the intended beneficiaries.
- The cooperation and coordination between DepEd and the NDA shall be embodied and defined in a framework Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) wherein the policy and general framework of cooperation and coordination between the said parties, as well as the operational details in the implementation of the SBFP-Milk Feeding Program Component, shall be established. The MOA shall be entered into between DepEd and NDA in the nature of an agency-to-agency agreement as contemplated under Republic Act No. 9184. The said MOA shall likewise stipulate the details of coordination and transactions between the SDOs and the NDA island offices that will be embodied in operating MOAs and in call-off purchase orders.
- With the assistance of NDA, BLSS-SHD shall prepare a database of local daily farms and cooperatives nationwide from whom the fresh milk and sterilized milk could be sourced and procured from, and undertake to create a supply map (i.e. source-to-beneficiary) taking into account the distribution of beneficiaries to whom the fresh milk and sterilized milk are to be delivered.
- The SDOs shall prepare its final allocation and distribution list in time for the call-off negotiations with the field counterparts of NDA and the participating local dairy farms and cooperatives, detailing the schedule of implementation of the milk feeding. The schedule of implementation should consider batches of milk feeding of 20-day or 30-day duration for each batch and should indicate a recommendation on an allocation of either (i) fresh milk, or (ii) sterilized milk for the beneficiaries.
- DepEd should ensure the readiness of the schools to receive, handle and store the fresh milk. A multi-stakeholder consultation and orientation may be conducted by the SDOs in their respective jurisdictions to discuss the various details of implementation, including the mechanics of delivery and receipt by the schools, schedules, storage, handling, accounting, pre-feeding scanning of beneficiaries and risks management among others.
- The call-off purchase orders shall be initiated by the SDOs pursuant to the framework MOA and the operating MOA to prompt the supply and delivery of the fresh milk and sterilized milk by the pertinent participating local dairy farms and/or cooperatives. The call-off orders shall be in accordance with the allocation and distribution list and the multiple-batch of implementation previously agreed upon by the parties.
C. Fund Availment and Management
- The Department of Education, thru the FY 2019 General Appropriations (GAA), received under the SBFP an allotment of One Billion Pesos for the milk feeding program component of the National Feeding Program, which shall be downloaded to the SDOs. The allotment per SDO is contained in Annex “A” of this document.
- The Dep Ed Central Office, through its Budget Division, shall prepare Sub-ARO based on the approved listing provided by BLSS-SHD. The Sub-ARO shall be released to the SDOs concerned.
- Upon receipt of the Sub-ARO, the SDOs shall, in the soonest time possible, request the corresponding Notice of Cash Allocation (NCAs) from their respective Regional DBMs in accordance with the implementation and disbursement program of the SDOs.
- The SBFP Focal Person of the SDO, in coordination with the SGOD Chief/ASDS/SDS/TWG shall prepare the pertinent project documents, i.e. Project Procurement Management Plan, Annual Procurement Plan, Activity Request, Authority to Procure/Purchase Request, Bids and Awards Committee Resolutions and other BAC-related documents, allocation lists, Purchase Orders, and other pertinent documents as may be necessary in the implementation of the project.
- The SDOs shall, in accordance with the provisions in the framework MOA and the operating MOA, transfer in favor of the pertinent NDA island office, the funds to cover the purchase of the milk and/or milk-based products that were committed to be delivered by the latter. The fund shall be held in trust by the pertinent NDA island office, and the same shall be particularly earmarked for supply and delivery of milk including the Administration Fee of NDA as indicated in the MOA.
- The NDA island office shall submit a monthly liquidation report to the SDO supported with the following documents: (i) delivery receipts; (ii) certificate of inspection and acceptance; and (iii) billing statement/statement of account/invoice. For SY 2019-2020, the transferred funds must be fully accounted with the submission of final liquidation report on or before April 30, 2020 and must be in accordance with the existing government accounting and auditing rules and principles.
- The SDO shall be responsible in the submission of monthly Status of Fund Utilization Report of the SBFP-Milk Feeding Program certified by the Division Accountant and Approved by the Schools Division Superintendent to the Central Office -BLSS-SHD.
- The SDO, whenever practicable, may undertake the procurement of commercially-produced off-the-shelf products upon issuance of directives to this effect by the Central Office on account of there being areas/beneficiaries which will not be covered by any local dairy farm and/or cooperative either with fresh or sterilized milk.
- A negative Sub-ARO may be issued by the Central Office if and when procurement of commercially produced off-the-shelf products by either the Regional Office or the Central Office is practicable and most efficient. The request for the withdrawal of allotment from SDO to Central Office must be endorsed by BLSS-SHD and submitted to the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance.
- A portion of the Milk Feeding Funds may be used by the SDOs to cover cost of meals, venue (if necessary), and needed supplies and materials during the conduct of orientation on Milk Feeding for SBFP focal persons, health personnel, teachers, volunteers, and other relevant school or division personnel following the allowable amounts prescribed under DO No. 2, s. 2018 “Amendment to DO 15, s. 2017 (Guidelines on the Allocation of Funds for Venue, Meals and Snacks, and Room Accommodation for Official Activities Organized and Conducted by the Department of Education).”
- For the distribution cost from the Drop-Off Point to each school, the schools may charge it against the Milk Feeding Funds in the SDOs, SBFP excess funds, or school MOOE funds.
D. Specifications, Quality Standards and Delivery of Fresh Milk and Sterilized Milk
- The fresh milk and sterilized milk shall be in accordance with the specifications and quality standards indicated in Annex “B” of this document. The SDOs and the suppliers may agree on the flavor of the milk as long as it is compliant to DO No. 13, s. 2017 “Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Offices.”
- The fresh milk to be supplied by NDA/PCC-assisted dairy cooperatives are packed in food-grade polyethylene pouches. While the sterilized milk to be supplied by NDA are packed using doy packaging pouches.
- The mode, schedule, and other specifications of delivery shall be determined by the SDO and the supplier in consideration of the local conditions to be specified in the contract.
- Delivery of fresh milk shall be from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily or at least twice a week at the schools during school days. Upon delivery, the School Inspection Team (SIT) designated by the School Head shall inspect the goods and ensure that they are in good quality for consumption of the beneficiaries. At least two (2) members of the SIT shall accomplish and sign the Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) Form (Annex “C”) as proof that they have received the specified quantity and quality of milk. The school property custodian or school personnel designated by the School Head for the purpose shall accept the inspected goods and sign the acceptance portion of the IAR. The school personnel shall fill-up SBFP Milk Form 1, enclosed as Annex “D”, bearing the specimen signature of the authorized consignees and to be given to the milk supplier on the first day of delivery.
- The SIT shall do a random inspection of milk packs every delivery as to the quantity and quality of milk. All milk packs to be delivered should be clean, without leaks, and not spoiled. Some signs of spoiled milk packs are as follows: bulging packs, yellowish in color (if the milk has no flavor), curdled or with lumps, thick texture, slimy or chunky.
- The SIT shall reject all milk packs that are unclean, with leaks, and spoiled subject to replacement by the supplier using their buffer stocks or on the next delivery.
E. Distribution of Milk and Feeding Proper
- Two weeks before the distribution of milk, the identified beneficiaries shall be encouraged to drink milk in their homes to ensure that lactose intolerance will not be experienced in schools. In any case, schools shall have secured signed consent slip from parents prior to the milk feeding activity enclosed as Annex “E.”
- School personnel shall prepare a list of beneficiaries who do not have lactose intolerance, with lactose intolerance but are willing to participate in the program, and those that are not allowed by their parents to participate using SBFP Milk Form 2 enclosed as Annex “F.” The list shall be emailed to before the milk feeding activity starts.
- A pouch of milk (180-200ml) will be given to the program beneficiaries to be taken with snack or lunch to be consumed in the school. Bringing home of milk rations is not allowed.
- Beneficiaries who are not used to drinking milk shall be encouraged to drink half of their ration to avoid lactose intolerance on the first week of feeding until such time that they are ready to consume the full content of the ration.
- Feeding shall commence as soon as milk stocks/delivery have been received by the schools to complete the whole duration of feeding period. During class suspensions, double feeding of milk may be done during recess time and lunch time. However, double feeding is discouraged in the first two weeks of feeding.
- Supervision, monitoring and documentation will be done at the school level supervised by the school principal. Milk drinking activity will be closely supervised by the school officer designated by the school head to ensure that proper handling and cleanliness are always being observed.
- Adverse effects of milk to some learners may be experienced such as signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis, stomach discomfort or lactose intolerance. In such cases, it is advised that learners be referred to the clinic teacher/nurse or the local health unit/center and stop drinking milk, until such time it is recommended by the health personnel to drink small amount or quantity. Close coordination with the health person-nel/health center is necessary during the conduct of milk feeding.
F. Storage and Control System
- The SDOs shall ensure effective, efficient and systematic handling, storage and distribution of the fresh milk to be used in the Program from the time the milk is received and inspected. Its representatives shall submit reports prescribed by the program.
- Safekeeping of milk stocks shall be the responsibility of the School Head and school personnel.
- The fresh milk packs shall be stored in a cool, dry place prior to its distribution at lunch time. When necessary for preservation, unused delivered stocks for the day shall be stored properly to ensure its quality and freshness. Separate guidelines detailing proper storage will be issued by the BLSS-SHD to the field offices.
- Sterilized milk packs shall be stored in a secured, clean, pest-free, and well-ventilated area in the school. Boxes of milk shall be piled on pallets following the supplier’s stockpiling requirement.
G. Reporting and Recording System
- All documentation for the SBFP- Fresh Milk Feeding Program Component shall be included in the regular SBFP reports prescribed by DO No. 39, s. 2017.
VI. Roles and Responsibilities
A. The DepEd Central Office, through the Bureau of Learner Support Services – School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), with guidance from the Office of Undersecretary for Administration and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Administration, shall:
- Serve as the focal unit for SBFP;
- Propose budget allocation for SBFP-Fresh Milk Component;
- Conduct the program implementation orientation to DepEd Division focal persons and School Heads;
- With the assistance of the coordinators/focal persons from the Regional Offices, monitor and provide technical assistance to DepEd SDOs and schools in the implementation of the SBFP- Milk;
- With the assistance of the coordinators/focal persons from the Regional Offices, consolidate regional SBFP Terminal Report; and
- Forge partnerships with NDA, local dairy cooperatives/ farmers, and other government and non-government units or organizations, as may be necessary.
B. DepEd ROs shall:
- Oversee program implementation at the SDO level and ensure timely release and liquidation of funds by the school implementers;
- Through the designated regional permanent SBFP focal person, orient the division designated permanent SBFP Focal Persons, Accountants, and Auditors on the program and its implementing guidelines;
- Through the designated regional permanent SBFP focal person, submit to BLSS-SHD the list of recipient schools with corresponding number of beneficiaries who will implement the program for the particular school year; and
- Monitor regularly and provide technical assistance to SDOs in the implementation of the program;
C. DepEd SDOs shall:
- Coordinate with NDA field counterparts, local dairy cooperatives/ farmers, LGUs and/or NGOs/CSOs as may be necessary;
- Through the designated division permanent SBFP focal person, orient the District Supervisors, School Heads, feeding coordinators, and Monitoring and Evaluation Personnel in the School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD) on the program and its implementing guidelines;
- Through the designated division permanent SBFP focal person, submit to DepEd RO and the Central Office through the BLSS-SHD the list of recipient schools that will implement the program together with the number of target beneficiaries as well as the terminal report which consolidates and analyzes all the reports from various implementing schools and the NDA;
- The Division Supply Officer shall coordinate with the school property custodian for the safe keeping and proper documentation of deliveries and’ receipts;
- Monitor the compliance of the schools with the guidelines, health and nutritional assessment and other complementary activities; and
- Oversee the implementation of the program and provide technical assistance to the schools in the implementation of the SBFP and in the compliance with these guidelines or other directives.
D. DepEd Schools shall:
- Submit to SDO the lists of target beneficiaries;
- The School Head shall oversee the daily implementation of the hot meals and milk feeding and complementary activities;
- The school head shall designate members of the school inspection team who shall receive and inspect the milk deliveries. The said School Head shall see to it that members of the inspection and acceptance team must have undergone proper training on milk safety handling prior to designation.
- Provide a clean, safe, well-ventilated, and pest-free storage for milk, inspected and approved by the supplier (based on the NDA standards for storage facility).
- Submit on time the necessary documentation and reports to the SDO;
- Submit to the SDO a consolidated terminal report after the completion of the program. The School Head shall be accountable for the accuracy and validity of the NS reports submitted for budget allocation and for other reports.
- The School Head shall not refuse the milk supply for the beneficiaries in the school unless proof is shown that external stakeholders undertake the provision of fresh milk and sterilized milk for the intended beneficiaries. In this case, the School Head must see to it that the products conform with the specifications and the feeding period is in accordance with those set under these guidelines
VII. Monitoring and Evaluation
A. All offices/implementing units shall comply with the policy on monitoring and evaluation and reporting requirements stipulated in DO No. 39 s. 2017 and the submission of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports as prescribed in COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 2014-1 and DBM Circular Letter No. 2016-1.
B. Offices/Implementing units shall, to the extent practicable, use the Program Management Information System (PMIS) to report the progress and implementation of the program. Other concerns not covered in the issued memorandum and guidelines shall be referred to Central Office Finance Service – Budget Division at (02) 8637-6203 and/or Central Office Planning Service – Planning and Programming Division at (02) 8633-7216. Other concerns regarding the PMIS shall be referred to the Planning and Programming Division, Planning Service (PPD-PS) at the DepEd Central Office through telephone number (02) 8633-7216 or email address
VIII. Effectivity/Transitory Provision:
This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
IX. References:
Republic Act No. 11037, Masustansyang Pagkain Para sa Batang Pilipino Act.
DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s. 2019, Prioritizing the Development of the Last Mile Schools in 2020-2021: Reaching out and Closing the Gap
DBM – NBC No. 577 & 577-A, 2019, Guidelines on the Release of Funds for FY 2019
DepEd Order No. 39, s 2017, Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program for School Years 2017-2022
DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2017, Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools and in DepEd Office.
DepEd Order No. 10, s. 2016, Policy and Guidelines for the Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools Program.
sir mark gud am,puede i download sa akin monitoring tool ng school based milk component program ..monitoring tool for milk component..