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Detailed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program

June 10, 2016

DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2016


(Detailed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program)


Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Secretary, ARMM
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

1. Further to DepEd Order (DO) No. 46, s. 2015 entitled Detailed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues this Order to provide the following clarifications and additional information:

a. School Requirements for Participation:

i. SHS Voucher Program (VP) logo on student ID cards; and
ii. Opening of bank accounts.

b. Processing of Vouchers and Payments:

i. Updating of SHS VP Participating School Profile;
ii. Registration of Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs) and Voucher Applications;
iii. Updating of Voucher Program Beneficiaries (VPBs) Status; and
iv. Creating Billing Statements.

2. The details of the clarifications and additional information are provided in the enclosure.

3. This Order supersedes the abovementioned provisions in DO 46, s. 2015 (Items 4 and 5 of Section IV-B and Items A-D of Section VI).

4. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2016)


A. School Requirements for Participation

1. SHS VP logo on the student ID cards

Attaching the SHS VP logo on student ID cards of QVRs is NO LONGER REQUIRED.

2. Opening of bank accounts

All SHS VP participating schools are required to open a bank account with Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) where the voucher payments will be transferred. The basis for the opening of bank accounts shall be the SHS permits issued to non-DepEd schools.

Schools with existing LBP accounts still need to open a separate account intended for voucher payments.

Below are the requirements for schools with no existing LBP account.

a. SEC Certificate of Registration

b. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

c. Duly notarized Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate containing the following:

i. Authority to open an account with LBP
ii. Officers authorized to sign and nature and extent of such authority
iii. List of Officers/Board of Directors/Stockholders
iv. Certification that the resolution remains effective and subsisting and has not been amended, revoked, or superseded

d. Latest General Information Sheet (GIS)

e. Two (2) recent ID photos and at least one (1) valid photo-bearing government-issued ID ofsignatory/ies

f. Copy of DepEd SHS permit

g. Franchise Agreement (if applicable)

Below are the requirements for schools with existing LBP account/s.

a. Duly notarized Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate

b. Two (2) recent ID photos and at least one (1) valid photo-bearing government-issued ID of signatory/ies

The bank account name should bear the name of the school indicated in the SHS permit with the suffix “SHS VP.”

For other concerns related to the opening of LBP account, schools may directly coordinate with any LBP branch within their vicinity. For branch locations, pi ease visit https://www.landbank.com/branch-locator.

B. Processing of Vouchers and Payments

All SHS VP participating schools are required to use the following information systems as pre-requisites in the processing of voucher payments:

  • Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS);
  • Learner Information System (LIS); and
  • Voucher Management System (VMS).

An SHS VP participating school shall use single sign-on in accessing all three information systems. User accounts can be requested from the Schools Division Office (SDO) through the Schools Governance and Operations Division (SGOD)-Planning and Research Unit or the Division IT Officer. For the directory of SDOs, please visit http://www.deped.gov.ph/directory/division-offices.

After logging on to the EBEIS at http://ebeis.deped.gov.ph, schools may access the LIS and the VMS through the user account dashboard.

Below are the steps in the creation and submission of billing statements.

  1. Update school profile in the EBEIS.
  2. Encode learner’s profile in the LIS.

Procedures on encoding and data processing for SHS learners in private schools, state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local universities and colleges (LUCs)in the LIS are detailed in DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2016 (Annex A).

Online instructional videos and materials on the LIS can be accessed at http://tinyurl.com/LIS-support.

3. Create billing statement in the VMS.

a. In the “View School Profile” tab, encode or update the following school details:

i. Official E-mail Address
ii. Semestral Period
iii. School Fees per Track and Strand Offered
iv. LBP Bank Account Information
v. Signatory
vi. Contact Person

b. In the “View List” tab, check the list of QVRs enrolled in the school for the semester, which is automatically generated from the LIS. In case there are errors in the list, corrections shall be made in the LIS.

c. In the “Billing Statement” tab, select the QVRs to be included in the billing statement. Review the list and confirm that the names are valid Voucher Program Beneficiaries (VPBs) enrolled in the school for the semester. Please note that in case there are duplicate entries of learners in different schools, the billing statements of schools concerned shall be subject to validation prior to processing of payment.

d. Print the billing statement in four (4) copies to be signed by the designated School Official.

e. Prepare the following supporting documents:

i. SHS VP Certificate of School Fees – the form may be downloaded in the VMS “Downloads” section (Annex B); and
ii. STI1 (Savings Account) or IMI1 (Current Account) printout from LBP as of June 2016.
iii. Official receipts of voucher payments received in the previous School Year (if applicable)

f. Submit the following folders to the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) Regional Secretariat:

Folder No.Folder TitleDocumentsCopies
Folder 0Billing StatementSHS VP Billing Statement4 Copies
Folder 1PEAC NSSTI1/IMI1 (As of June 2016)

SHS VP Certificate of School Fees
1 Copy Each
Folder 2DepEd CentralSTI1/IMI1 (As of June 2016)
Official receipts of voucher payments received in the previous School Year (if applicable)
1 Copy Each
Folder 3PEAC RSSTI1/IMI1 (As of June 2016)
SHS VP Certificate of School Fees
1 Copy Each
Folder 4School CopySTI1/IMU (As of June 2016)
SHS VP Certificate of School Fees
1 Copy Each

g. Billings shall be processed on a first come, first served basis. The indicative processing time is two months from submission, assuming that the documents submitted are complete and in order.

The table below shows the indicative billing process timeline for schools that open in June.

JuneEncoding and updating ofschool profile in the EBEIS and learner's profile in the LIS
July-AugustCreation of first semester billing statement in the VMS
September-OctoberRelease of first tranche of voucher payment
NovemberUpdating of learner's profile in the LIS
November-DecemberCreation of second semester billing statement in the VMS
January- FebruaryRelease of second tranche of voucher payment

*For schools that follow a different academic calendar, the submission of billing statements shall be no more than two months after school opening.

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DOWNLOAD: Detailed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program


  1. DO 36, s. 2016 – Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to12 Basic Education Program
  2. DO 37, s. 2016 – Clarifications and Additional Information to DepEd Order No. 5, S. 2016 (Declaring January 30, 2016 as Commencement of Early Registration for School Year 2016-2017)
  3. DO 39, s. 2016 – Adoption of the Basic Education Research Agenda

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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