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Guidelines on the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus

October 20, 2017

DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2017



Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
Division Chiefs
All Others Concerned

  1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this DepEd Order with the enclosed Guidelines on the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus for the Department of Education Employees and Officials for Fiscal Year 2016.
  2. This DepEd Order aims to establish a set of guidelines that provides for systematic, credible and evidence-based policy of linking organizational and individual performance to personnel incentives, and of recognizing and rewarding exemplary accomplishment to foster teamwork and meritocracy.
  3. The process, mechanism and criteria on the grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) shall guide all DepEd schools and offices in evaluating the performance of each delivery unit and personnel, and determining the level of personnel incentive corresponding to the level of achievement of their expected outputs.
  4. All DepEd Orders and other related issuances, rules and regulations with provisions, which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
  5. This policy shall take effect immediately upon its issuance.
  6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2017)


I. Rationale

1. Executive Order (EO) No. 80, s. 2012 directs the adoption of the Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) for government employees, consisting of the Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) and the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB). It is based on the principle that service delivery by the bureaucracy can be improved by linking personnel incentives to the bureau or delivery unit’s performance and by recognizing and rewarding exemplary performance to foster teamwork and meritocracy.

2. Executive Order (EO) No. 201, s. 2016 provided that the compensation and position classification shall be revised or updated to strengthen the PBIS in recognition of government personnel who play a greater role and carry a heavier responsibility in attaining performance targets and delivering results. It also stipulated that the Interagency Task Force (IATF) on the Harmonization Of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information, and Reporting System, created pursuant to Administrative Order (AO) 25, s. 2011, shall prescribe the conditions on eligibility and procedures for the grant of the enhanced PBB, including the ranking system to recognize d ifferent levels of performance.

3. A025 Memorandum Circular (MC) 2016-1 prescribes the criteria and conditions for the grant of PBB for fiscal year (FY) 2016. One of the said criteria is the agency submission of a System of Ranking Delivery Units.

4. The grant of the PBB in DepEd aims to motivate higher performance and greater accountability and to ensure the achievement of education tar gets and commitments under the five (5) Key Result Areas (KRAs) laid down in EO No. 43, s. 2011 and the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016. It ultimately seeks to give monetary incentive to each personnel based on his/her performance in achieving the expected outputs of his/her function.

5. In view of the above, this Order aims to establish a PBB system by which the performance of delivery units and personnel within DepEd are evaluated and incen tivixed in a verifiable, credible, and standardized process.

II. Scope of Policy

6. This DepEd Order (DO) provides for the policy guidelines on the grant of PBB for all DepEd employees and officials in all governance levels for FY 2016.

7. Attached agencies shall be treated as separate entities. They shall satisfy the conditions for the agency eligibility and implement the rating and ranking of delivery units and personnel within the agency. However, due to limited number of personnel, the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council and National Council for Children’s Television (NCCT) shall be included in the ranking of DepEd Office of the Secretary (QSEC) Proper, provided that they satisfy the conditions for the agency eligibility.

8. Delivery units in each governance level of DepEd identified and specified below shall be covered by this Order.

a. Central level. The OSEC, all bureaus and services, and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP). The OSEC shall include the OSEC Proper, offices of the undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, including the Legislative Liaison Office and Sites Titling Office, Teacher Education Council (TEC) Secretariat, Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) Secretariat, ECCD Council, and NCCT. The Adopt-a-School Program Coordinating Council shall be under the External Partnership Service (EPS); while the Baguio Teachers Camp (BTC) shall be under Administrative Service (AS).

b. Regional level. All seventeen (17) Regional Offices (ROs)1 shall be treated as separate delivery units.

c. Division level. All Schools Division Offices (SDOs)2 of the seventeen (17) regions that have completed the at least one (1) rating period, and are included in the FY 2016 General Appropriations Act (GAA) shall be treated as separate delivery units. All SDOs that do not satisfy these parameters shall be included in the mother division.

d. School level. All public elementary and secondary schools of the seventeen (17) regions that have a school ID registered in the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS), and have completed at least one (1) rating period at the end of school year (SY) 2015-2016 shall be treated as separate delivery units. Annex and extension schools that do not have school ID at the start of SY 2015-2016 shall be included in the mother schools.

9. All officials and employees in the Department holding regular plantilla positions; and contractual and casual personnel having an employer-employee relationship with the Department, and whose compensation is charged to the lump sum appropriation under Personnel Services (PS), or those occupying positions in the DBM-approved contractual staffing pattern of the Department, shall be covered by this Order.

10. Consultants, experts, and/or technical assistants who are hired under Contract of Service or job order in the absence of an employer-employee relationship shall not be covered by this Order.

III. Definition of Terms

11. For purposes of this Order, the following terms are defined/understood as follows:

a. Performance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) is a new system of incentives for government employees, which was introduced in FY 2012 through EO No. 80. The PBIS consists of the PEI and PBB.

b. Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) is the across-the-board bonus equivalent to PhP 5,000 or one (1) month basic salary given to qualified government personnel of the agencies that meet the conditions stipulated in EO No. 181, s. 2015.

c. Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) is a top-up bonus ranging from PhP 5,000 to PhP 35,000, which shall be granted to government personnel in accordance with their contribution to the accomplishment of the department’s overall targets and commitments.

d. Attached Agencies refer to agencies attached to a specific department or agency, which contribute to its overall mandate but have fiscal and administrative autonomy. Attached agencies of DepEd are the following:

i. Early Child Care and Development (ECCD) Council3;

ii. National Book Development Board (NBDB);

iii. National Council for Children’s Television (NCCT);

iv. National Museum; and

v. Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA).

e. Delivery Unit refers to the bureaus/services/centers/offices of the CO, ROs, SDOs and the schools.

f. Ranking refers to the process by which the performance category of delivery units and personnel is determined based on the conduct of performance review and evaluation as stipulated in this Order.

g. School-Based Personnel include the teaching, teaching-related, and non-teaching personnel assigned and/or detailed in the schools.

h. Non-School-Based Personnel include the teaching, teaching-related, and non-teaching personnel assigned and/or detailed in DepEd offices, from central to schools division offices, including personnel of the district offices, District ALS Coordinators (DALSC) and ALS mobile teachers.

VI. Policy Statement

12. The DepEd hereby establishes the set of guidelines on the grant of PBB to its employees and officials for FY 2016 onwards that provides for systematic, credible and evidence-based policy of linking organizational and individual performance to personnel incentives, and recognizing and rewarding exemplary accomplishment to foster teamwork and meritocracy.

Once DepEd, as an agency, qualifies or acquires eligibility based on the criteria set by the IATF, the delivery units within the agency shall be ranked. The performance category of the delivery unit shall determine the percentage of PBB that each personnel within the delivery unit shall receive.

V. Procedures

A. Agency Eligibility

13. To be eligible for the PBB, DepEd, as an agency, must satisfy the following criteria and conditions:

a. Achieve the Congress-approved performance targets for the delivery of Major Final Outputs (MFO) under the Performance Informed Budget (PIB) in the GAA, and the targets for Support to Operations (STO) and General Administration Support Services (GASS);

b. Satisfy 100% of the Good Governance Conditions (GGC) set by the AO25 IATF, to wit:

i. Maintain/update the Agency Transparency Seal as mandated in Section 98 of the FY 2015 GAA (or RA 10651);

ii. Maintain/update the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) posting per RA 9184 (see Annex 1 -Guideline on PhilGEPS); and

iii. Maintain/update the Citizen’s Charter or its equivalent Service Charter as mandated by RA 9485.

c. Use the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in rating the performance of First and Second Level employees and officials, including officials holding managerial and Director positions but are not Presidential appointees; and the Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System (CESPES) in rating the performance of Career Executive Service (CES) officials and incumbents of CES positions4.

14. Inability to meet any of these pre-conditions and/or other conditions that may be set by the IATF beyond the issuance of this Order, shall render ineligibility for the grant of PBB.

15. In cases wherein a specific delivery unit is deemed non-compliant for any of the above conditions, the Performance Management Team (PMT) where the noncompliance exists shall meet to determine the highest accountable official, and all staff members responsible for the non-compliance. The highest accountable official must be a Section Chief, Unit Head, or higher. The names of the highest accountable official and all staff members responsible will be transmitted to the Performance Management Committee (PMC). The said personnel will be included in the isolation list for the FY 2016 PBB, and will be ineligible for the grant of PBB for FY 2016.

16. Inconsistency and inaccuracy of the compliance reports/certifications made by the Department may also be a ground for disqualification to the grant of PBB. Any agency, which, upon the proper determination and due process by the oversight agencies, has been proven to have committed any of the following prohibited acts shall be disqualified from the grant of the PBB in the succeeding year of its implementation. Moreover, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) or Ombudsman shall file the appropriate administrative cases:

a. Misinterpretation in the submitted reports required for the PBB, commission of fraud in the payment of PBB, and violation of the provisions of appropriate Circulars issued by the IATF; and

b. Evenly distributing the PBB among employees in an agency, in violation of paying the PBB based in the ranking of delivery units.

17. The PMC and PMTs shall be constituted to ensure that the Department qualifies for the grant of PBB and implements the performance ranking in accordance with this Order.

B. Individual Eligibility

18. The eligibility of the Department Secretary shall be based on the eligibility and performance of the agency. His/her PBB rate shall be based on the monthly basic salary as of end of the current rating period, as follows:

Table 1: PBB Rate of the Department Secretary

19. Employees belonging to the First and Second Levels, and other officials performing managerial and executive functions, who are neither Presidential appointees nor covered by the CESPES, should receive a rating of at least “Satisfactory” under the RPMS.

Third Level officials and all incumbents of CES positions5 should receive a rating of at least “Satisfactory” under the CESPES. Payment of the PBB to Third level officials shall be contingent on the results of the CESPES.

20. An official or employee who has rendered a minimum of nine (9) months of service in the current rating period, and with at least “Satisfactory” performance rating may be eligible to the full grant of the PBB.

An official or employee who rendered less than nine (9) months but a minimum of three (3) months of service in the current rating period, and with at least “Satisfactory” performance rating may be eligible for the grant of PBB on a prorata basis corresponding the actual length of service rendered, as follows:

Table 2: Criteria for Pro-rating

The following are the valid reasons for an employee who may not meet the nine-month actual service requirement to be considered for PBB on a pro-rata basis:

i. Being a newly hired employee
ii. Retirement
iii. Resignation
iv. Rehabilitation Leave
v. Maternity Leave and/or Paternity Leave
vi. Vacation or Sick Leave with or without pay
vii. Scholarship/Study Leave
viii. Sabbatical Leave

An employee who is on a vacation or sick leave, with or without pay, for the entire year shall not be eligible to the grant of the PBB.

21. In the determination of the length of service, the variation in the RPMS cycle between school-based and non-school-based personnel as stipulated in Part V (Performance Cycle/Process) of DO No. 2, s. 2015 shall be applied.

22. Personnel on detail to another government agency for six (6) months or more shall be included in the ranking of employees in the recipient agency that rated his/her performance. Payment of PBB shall come from the parent agency. Personnel who transferred from one government agency to another shall be rated and ranked by the agency where he/she served the longest. If equal months were served for each agency, he /she shall be included in the recipient agency.

The same shall apply to personnel on detail, reassigned, and transferred to other delivery units within DepEd, except that the payment of PBB shall come from the delivery unit where he/she is rated and ranked.

23. Personnel found guilty of administrative and/or criminal cases filed against him/her and meted penalty in the current rating period shall not be entitled to the grant of PBB, notwithstanding the pendency of an appeal. For purposes of determining the disqualification, the reckoning date shall be the date the decision was promulgated, which should be within the current rating period. If the penalty meted out is only a reprimand, such penalty shall not cause the disqualification to the PBB.

24. An official or employee who failed to submit the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) as prescribed in the rules provided under Civil Service Commission (CSC) MC No. 3, series 2015, shall not be entitled to the grant of PBB. The filing of SALN is in accordance with the Republic Act (RA) 6713, otherwise known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, which states that SALN must be filed: i) within thirty (30) days after assumption of the office; ii) on or before April 30 of every year thereafter; and iii) within thirty (30) days after separation from the service. Failure of an official or employee to submit his/her SALN in accordance with the procedure and within the given period shall be a ground for disciplinary action. The offense of failure to file SALN is punishable with the following penalties: i) 1st offence – suspension for one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months; and ii) 2nd offense – dismissal from the service.

25. An official or employee who failed to liquidate within the reglementary period the Cash Advances received in FY 2016 as required by the Commission of Audit (COA) shall not be entitled to grant of PBB.

26. The Department Secretary, through the PMC and PMTs, should ensure that officials and employees covered by RA No. 6713 submitted their SALN to the respective SALN repository agencies, liquidated their Cash Advance, and completed the RPMS forms, as these will be the basis for the release of PBB to individuals.

C. Performance Review and Evaluation

27. For each governance level, the performance ranking of the delivery units shall be primarily based on the RPMS rating as reflected in the Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF). Specific performance indicator/s shall be identified to reflect the delivery units’ performance in the delivery of priority programs that are on top of their respective core functions.

28. A separate ranking shall be conducted for each governance level, to wit:

a. School Level
b. Division Level
c. Regional Level
d. Central Level

29. Delivery units eligible for the grant of PBB, those that meet the criteria and conditions stipulated in Item No. 13 of this Order, shall be ranked according to the following performance categories:


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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