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Guidelines for Officials Attending and Representing DepEd in Events

Attached is a Memorandum dated August 2, 2022, re: Guidelines for Officials in Attending and Representing the Department of Education in Events for information and reference.

Guidelines for Officials in Attending and Representing the Department of Education in Events

As a matter of policy, this Office issues this Memorandum to provide guidance relative to the invitations to events being received by officials of the Department of Education (DepEd). The DepEd officials shall abide by the following protocols:

  1. DepEd Officials shall not attend inconsequential events. They shall devote their time and effort to the faithful performance of our duties and fulfillment of our deliverables. Likewise, they shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage.
  2. DepEd Officials shall only represent the Secretary or the Department in any event upon the issuance of an authorization signed by the Head Executive Assistant and/or the Secretary.

For guidance and strict compliance.

READ: DepEd Guidelines on Sending Requests Addressed to the Secretary

Guidelines for Officials Attending and Representing DepEd in Events
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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

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