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Roles and Responsibilities of the Indigenous Peoples Education Focal Persons

July 06, 2017

DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2017



Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this Order to define the roles and responsibilities of the Regional and Division IPEd Focal Persons for purposes of program accountability and ensuring that the scope of their coordinative function is understood across the organizational units of the regional offices (ROs) and schools division offices (SDOs). This is pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 62, s. 2011 entitled Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Policy Framework and DO 43, s. 2013 entitled Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10533 otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,

2. While Regional and Division IPEd focal persons have been designated since the National IPEd Program has been officially instituted in 2013, a more nuanced appreciation of the roles and responsibilities of the IPEd Focal Persons vis-a-vis the specific requirements of the program has developed in the course of defining its distinct approach to program implementation and community engagement. This has also emerged amidst the milestone reforms brought about by the K to 12 Basic Education Program. The resulting articulation of this key aspect of program management is contained in this policy document, which has been refined in the course of several inter-regional conferences on the IPEd Program and program management discussions convened by the DepEd-Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO).

3. For more information, all concerned may contact the DepEd-Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO), Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, Ground Floor, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telefax no. (02) 633-7212 or through email address: ipseo@deped.gov.ph.

4. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 33,s. 2017)


I. Background

1. Pursuant to the National Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Policy Framework (DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011/”D062″), DepEd officially instituted the National Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Program in 2013, with the inclusion of an IPEd line item in the agency budget. The implementation of a comprehensive national program requires putting in place institutional mechanisms needed for its effective implementation. In the case of the IPEd Program, there is an added dimension of ensuring that DepEd is prepared and capable of engaging with indigenous peoples (IP) communities, recognizing their right to practice their customary governance system, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs), Indigenous Learning Systems (ILS), among other rights, which are all guaranteed in the 1987 Philippine Constitution and The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997 (Republic Act No. 8371).

2. One of the preparatory actions that were pursued prior to the full-scale implementation of the IPEd Program was the directive to designate IPEd Focal Persons at the regional and schools division levels in 2012. The DepEd-Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO), the office “established as a mechanism for the mobilization, implementation and coordination of all programs and projects of DepEd pertaining to [IPEd]” (DepEd Order No. 103, s. 2011; DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 212, s. 2016), engaged the Regional and Division IPEd Focal Persons, in partnership with IP elders and other community representatives, in laying down the institutional foundations of the IPEd Program in accordance with the policy statements of D062. The implementing guidelines of the IPEd Program have also defined the general role of IPEd Focal Persons in the implementation of the program, particularly in the preparation and implementation of IPEd Work and Financial Plans (WFPs), as well as program monitoring. (Implementing guidelines have been issued every year since FY 2013. Starting FY 2017, a multi-year implementing guidelines – DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2017 – have been adopted.)

3. To provide the broader programmatic context of this policy, the table below summarizes the institutional focus for each year since the start of the IPEd Program.

2012 A: Preparing for Implementation.

  • IPsEO set-up, in accordance with DepEd Order No. 103, s. 2011 (Creation of the Indigenous Peoples Education Office) and D062
  • Formulation of DepEd 5-year IPEd Strategic Priorities
  • Approval of IPEd line item in the DepEd budget, IPEd Program Support Fund (PSF) for Regional and Schools Division Offices
  • Designation of Regional and Division IPEd Focal Persons
  • Highlighted the Rights-based Approach (RBA) to program implementation and the principles of inclusion, participation, and empowerment

2013: Laying Solid Program Foundations

  • Baseline and situation analysis
  • Understanding the context of IP learners
  • Advocacy
  • Capacity building of IPEd Focal Persons, particularly on RBA
  • IPsEO-led Retooling of Teachers and School Heads of Selected Schools on IPEd
  • Initial interaction and engagement with IP communities

2014: Preparing for Systematic Implementation

  • Capacity building of IPEd Focal Persons
  • IPsEO-led Retooling of Teachers and School Heads of Selected Schools on IPEd
  • IPEd Framework Formulation at the division level
  • Advocacy and Partnership-building
  • DepEd staff community immersions and visits, community consultations
  • Policy issuances:
    • DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2014 (Guidelines on the Recognition of Private Learning Institutions Serving Indigenous Peoples Learners)
    • DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2014 (Guidelines on the Conduct of Activities and Use of Materials Involving Aspects of Indigenous Peoples Culture)


2015: Phased Implementation of Curriculum Contextualization

  • Advocacy and Partnership-building
  • Capacity building of IPEd Focal Persons
  • IPEd Frameworks Recognized
  • Region-led Retooling of Teachers and School Heads in Selected Schools on IPEd
  • National Training on Curriculum Contextualization (Part I)
  • Adoption of the IPEd Curriculum Framework (DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2015)

2016: Phased Implementation of Curriculum Contextualization

  • Regional Rollout of Curriculum Contextualization (Part I), Preparation of Indigenized Lesson Plans
  • Capacity building of IPEd Focal Persons

4. In the course of instituting the IPEd Program and defining its distinct approach to program implementation and community engagement – amidst the reforms brought about by The Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533) – a more nuanced appreciation of the roles and responsibilities of the IPEd Focal Persons vis-a-vis the specific requirements of the program has come about. This has resulted to the articulation, refined during several inter-regional conferences on the IPEd Program and program management discussions convened by IPsEO, contained in this policy document.

II. Scope

5. This DepEd Order defines the roles and responsibilities of the Regional and Division IPEd Focal Persons for purposes of program accountability and ensuring that the scope of their coordinative function is understood across the organizational units of the Regional Offices (ROs) and Schools Division Offices (SDOs).

III. Policy Statement

6. The DepEd hereby adopts the roles and responsibilities of the Regional and Division IPEd Focal Persons articulated in this Order.

2017 Onwards

  • DepEd, in partnership with IP Communities, continues to scale-up program implementation and envisions:
  • IPEd happening in more schools and communities based on solid program foundations and sound approaches
  • Progressive engagement with IP communities and program implementation sustained by the DepEd system

7. All ROs and SDOs implementing the IPEd Program shall designate IPEd Focal Persons. Each office shall have a primary focal person and an alternate focal person who shall work together for the effective implementation of the IPEd Program.

8. In the case of an SDO that may have a substantial number of IP communities spread throughout a large geographical area, it may designate additional IPEd Focal Persons (at the district level, for example) who shall work closely with the Division IPEd Focal Person in the implementation of the IPEd Program. The SDO shall ensure that clear and effective coordinative arrangements responsive to the specific context of the schools division and IP communities being served are put in place.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities of IPEd Focal Persons

A. Regional IPEd Focal Person

9. The Regional IPEd Focal Person serves as the overall coordinator of the management and implementation of the IPEd Program at the regional level.

10. Consistent with the specific mandate of the RO, the tasks of the Regional IPEd Focal Person are the following:

a) Oversees IPEd Program implementation, in support of RO senior management, across the SDOs

b) Finalizes the Regional IPEd Work and Financial Plan (WFP) and ensures its timely submission

c) Monitors the utilization of the IPEd Program Support Fund (PSF) of the RO and SDOs

d) Provides timely feedback and reports to RO senior management, especially on matters requiring management decision and intervention

e) Coordinates with and provides timely feedback to IPsEO on policy, program, and operational concerns

f) Facilitates discussions to set regional directions and plans for the IPEd Program informed by the discussions with IP community partners and Division IPEd Focal Persons

g) Convenes meetings, consultations other related activities with IP community partners (i.e., IP elders and other community representatives engaged with DepEd on IPEd) in relation to IPEd program directions and plans at the regional level

h) Coordinates the provision of technical assistance to the SDOs and within the RO

i) Coordinates with the appropriate offices/units and persons within and outside DepEd at the regional level as needed in the implementation of IPEd activities

j) Coordinates with offices and other focal persons/program coordinators within the RO to ensure that IPEd concerns are addressed in operations and implementation of programs and projects

k) Initiates specific IPEd activities based on national policy and program directions in coordination with the appropriate offices and programs in the RO

l) Represents the RO, particularly the IPEd Program, in gatherings, meetings, and other forums involving various stakeholders

m) Facilitates the resolution of IP-related issues and concerns referred by various offices across governance levels

n) Provides technical assistance to IP community partners, civil society support groups/NGOs, private learning institutions serving IP learners in the resolution of issues and concerns

o) Prepares the necessary reports and ensures their timely submission

p) Maintains a well-organized archive of IPEd Program documents

q) Ensures proper orientation on program processes and turnover of documents in the event that a new focal person is designated

r) Performs other ad hoc functions as agreed with RO senior management and IPsEO

B. Division IPEd Focal Person

11. The Division IPEd Focal Person serves as the overall coordinator of the management and implementation of the IPEd Program at the schools division level.

12. Consistent with the specific mandate of the SDO, the tasks of the Division

IPEd Focal Person are the following:

a) Oversees IPEd Program implementation in support of SDO senior management

b) Finalizes the Division IPEd Work and Financial Plan (WFP) and ensures its timely submission

c) Monitors the utilization of the IPEd Program Support Fund (PSF) of the SDO

d) Provides timely feedback and reports to SDO senior management, especially on matters requiring management decision and intervention

e) Coordinates with and provides timely feedback to the RO and IPsEO on policy, program, and operational concerns

f) Facilitates discussions to set SDO directions and plans for the IPEd Program informed by the discussions with IPEd-implementing schools and IP community partners

g) Convenes meetings, consultations other related activities with IP community partners (i.e., IP elders and other community representatives engaged with DepEd on IPEd) in relation to IPEd program directions and plans at the schools division level

h) Coordinates the provision of technical assistance within the SDO, schools, and learning centers

i) Coordinates with the appropriate offices/units and persons within and outside DepEd at the schools division level as needed in the implementation of IPEd activities

j) Coordinates with offices and other focal persons/program coordinators within the SDO to ensure that IPEd concerns are addressed in operations and implementation of programs and projects

k) Initiates specific IPEd activities based on national policy and program directions in coordination with the appropriate offices and programs in the SDO

l) Represents the SDO, particularly the IPEd Program, in gatherings, meetings, and other forums involving various stakeholders

m) Facilitates the resolution of IP-related issues and concerns referred by various offices across governance levels

n) Provides technical assistance to IP community partners, civil society support groups/NGOs, private learning institutions serving IP learners in the resolution of issues and concerns

o) Prepares the necessary reports and ensures their timely submission

p) Maintains a well-organized archive of IPEd Program documents

q) Ensures proper orientation on program processes and turnover of documents in the event that a new focal person is designated

r) Performs other ad hoc functions as agreed with SDO and RO senior management, and IPsEO

V. Basic Attributes of an IPEd Focal Person

13. The following attributes shall guide the selection of personnel to be designated as IPEd Focal Persons. These shall also provide a benchmark for IPEd Focal Persons in their continuous professional development and developing the knowledge, skills, and attitude required in effectively managing the IPEd Program.

A. Working within DepEd to achieve IPEd Program goals

i) Has basic knowledge on and familiarity with Indigenous Peoples

ii) Has been oriented on or exposed to the IPEd Program

iii) Exhibits program management skills (e.g., preparing a WFP, organizing and managing workshops, trainings, and consultations, facilitating program processes)

iv) Maintains good rapport with offices in the RO and SDO

v) Familiar with the functions of the various functional units of the RO and SDO

vi) Can explain the mandates of programs or projects one is assigned to manage

vii) Systematic in filing and managing documents

B. Interacting with the IP Community

i) Has experience in interacting with IP communities

ii) Exhibits inter-cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity

iii) Has effective communication and facilitation skills

iv) Can travel to IP communities and stay for a short duration if needed

v) Possesses interpersonal and intrapersonal skills

VI. Coordinative Arrangements

14. As the focal unit in the planning, implementation, coordination, and monitoring of various IPEd policy and program concerns at the national level (DM No. 212, s. 2016), the IPsEO shall coordinate and guide the work of IPEd Focal Persons in the execution of their functions. It shall provide general directions in the management of the IPEd Program across governance levels and particular guidance to ROs/SDOs in relation to context-specific program management issues and concerns.

15.The IPsEO shall provide technical assistance to IPEd Focal Persons as needed and continue to address their capacity building needs during the regular inter-regional conferences on the IPEd Program and specific training activities.

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

16. The IPsEO, the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) at the region, and the Schools Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) at the division shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of this policy and continuously gather feedback from internal and external stakeholders.

17. The execution of the roles and responsibilities stipulated in this policy may be included in the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) as performance objectives under corresponding Key Result Areas. It can also be incorporated in the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF).

VIII. References

  • DepEd Memorandum No. 212, s. 2016 – “Reiterating the Role of the Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO)”
  • DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011 – “Adopting the Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Policy Framework”
  • DepEd Order No. 103, s. 2011 – “Creation of Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO)”
  • DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2017 – “Multi-year Implementing Guidelines on the Allocation and Utilization of the Indigenous Peoples Education Program Support Fund”
  • Republic Act No. 8371 – “The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997”
  • Republic Act No. 10533 – “The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”

Read: DM 115, s. 2017 – Observance of the National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Indigenous Peoples Month 2017

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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