Home » Issuances » DepEd Memoranda » International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

June 27, 2016

DepEd Memorandum No. 102, s. 2016



Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Pubic and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

1. Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 264 entitled Declaring the 26th of June of Every Year as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Elicit Trafficking (IDADAIT). This declaration is in support of the resolution passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on December 7, 1987.

2. The theme of this year’s observance is Listen First — Listening to Children and Youth is the First Step to Help them Grow Healthy and Safe, which was circulated by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UN ODC) for adoption by all member-countries.

3. This year’s event aims to:

a. identify the responsibilities of the government and different sectors in the fight against the drug problem;
b. create awareness on the dangers and ill-effects of dangerous drugs;
c. develop peer support networks among service providers and recovering drug dependents beneficiaries; and
d. promote unity within the advocacy of treatment and preventive education.

4. As member agency of the Dangerous Drugs Board, pursuant to Section 35 of Republic Act No. 6425 or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, this Department is enjoined to support the observance of the IDADAIT.

5. In view of this, the regional and schools division offices, and schools are encouraged to support this event by undertaking appropriate, relevant and related activities which are geared towards the attainment of the goals by way of promoting the event and the campaign message through the following:

a. Conduct of activities like seminars and advocacies;
b. Hoisting of streamers/banners in strategic places in schools vicinity (Enclosed is the template.); and
c. Posting of the event and its theme on electronic billboard or website of the regional or schools division offices.

6. Expenses incurred relative to the conduct of activities for the said celebration shall be charged to local funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.



  1. DO 51, s. 2016 – Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program for School Year 2016-2017
  2. DO 50, s. 2016 – Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Position in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Effective School Year 2016-2017

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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