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Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program

August 11, 2017

DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2017

Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program


Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

1. Pursuant to the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

2. The Program aims to:

  • provide Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant educational opportunities while recognizing their cultural context and unique purposes for participating in the Program offerings; and
  • integrate content and competencies which are relevant and of interest to Muslim learners.

3. This policy seeks to harmonize existing DepEd issuances on Muslim education, with new provisions for more effective and efficient program development, implementation and evaluation. Moreover, this shall also serve as the basis for the development of the Manual of Operations for the Governance and Administration of the Madrasah Education Program (MEP).

4. These policy guidelines will remain in force and in effect for the duration of the program, unless otherwise repealed, amended, or rescinded. All existing DepEd Orders and related issuances which are inconsistent with this Order are rescinded.

5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2017)

Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Program


  1. Pursuant to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, and Republic Act (RA) 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, basic education shall be made “learner-oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools, and communities.” It shall also recognize the purposes and aspirations of learners for their personal development and participation in national development.
  2. In accordance with Presidential Decree (PD) 1083, or the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines, which provides that “the State shall consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of national cultural communities in the formulation and implementation of state policies,” and in support of RA 6734, An Act Providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, which provides the need to establish, maintain and support a complete and integrated system of quality education and adopt an educational framework that is meaningful, relevant and responsive to the needs, ideals and aspirations of the people in the region,” and of the 1996 Peace Agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front, the Department implements the Madrasah Education Program (MEP).
  3. The program aims to provide Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant educational opportunities while recognizing their cultural contexts and unique purposes for participating in the program offerings. It also aims to integrate content and competencies which are relevant and of interest to Muslim learners.
  4. In order to continuously improve these programs and services for all learners, this policy seeks to harmonize existing DepEd issuances on Muslim education, with new provisions for more effective and efficient program development, implementation and evaluation. Additionally, this policy shall also serve as the basis for the contextualization of educational frameworks and the development of the manual of operations for the governance and administration of the MEP.


This DepEd Order (DO) specifies the programs of the Department of Education (DepEd) for Muslim learners in basic education. It covers standards and guidelines for the implementation of the Madrasah Education programs in both public and private madaris. This policy provides implementers and stakeholders with provisions on policy formulation and contextualization; operationalization of the curriculum support system; program management; and monitoring and evaluation that are unique to the implementation of the MEP.


For purposes of this Order, the following terms are defined as follows:

a. Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) is a program implemented in public schools which aims to provide additional subjects on Arabic Language and Islamic Values in the regular basic education curriculum.

b. ALIVE Coordinator refers to Education Program Supervisors, School Heads and Teachers who are designated as coordinators at regional, division and school levels to oversee and supervise MEP implementation. They are sometimes referred to as Regional ALIVE Coordinators (RACs), and Division ALIVE Coordinators (DACs) and School ALIVE Coordinators (SACs).

c. Accelerated Teacher Education Program (ATEP) is a customized course approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to be delivered by HEI partners. Through this program, the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) teachers deployed in public schools may earn a teacher degree and take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

d. Arabic Emergent Reading (AER) is a training program for asatidz to enhance their skills in teaching Arabic Language focused on reading. This is usually conducted a day after the LEaP training.

e. Arabic Emergent Reading and Culture Awareness (AERCA) is a capacity building program for implementer to acquire basic knowledge on Arabic Language and Culture that are essential for instructional supervision as well as in the promotion of respect and understanding of Muslim culture.

f. Asatidz is the plural form of the Arabic word “ustadz”, a term that refers to male teacher and “ustadzah”, a term that refers to female teacher. This is the general Arabic term for teachers historically or traditionally used in most Filipino Muslim communities.

g. Kindergarten Madrasah is a curriculum implemented in schools with Kindergarten classes integrating the ALIVE subjects.

h. Language Enhancement and Pedagogy (LEaP) is a training prototype which serves as a capacity building and induction program for asatidz. It covers reading, writing, listening, speaking, teaching pedagogy and school immersion. It aims to build English proficiency and beginning mastery of lesson planning, teaching and assessment for the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) teachers or asatidz entering the public school system.

i. Madaris is the plural form of the Arabic word “madrasah” which means school.

j. Madrasah Education Program is a comprehensive program in public and private schools that aims to provide appropriate and relevant educational opportunities within the context of Muslim culture, customs, traditions, and interests through the integration of the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) in the basic education curriculum.

k. Private madaris refers to private schools or providers of Madrasah education. These can be categorized as: (1) traditional Madrasah that conducts ALIVE and Islamic studies, and (2) private Madrasah that conducts regular K to 12 classes and implements a Madrasah curriculum recognized by DepEd.

l. Qualifying Examination in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies (QEALIS) is an examination administered by the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) to individuals applying to be asatidz. It is the entry-level requirement for asatidz.

m. Tahderriyah is a kindergarten program for Muslim children in private madaris that implements ALIVE and Islamic studies.


The DepEd hereby issues these guidelines on the Madrasah Education Program (MEP) to strengthen the existing implementation of the program. This policy affirms the Department’s commitment to all learners through the development and implementation of inclusive education and responsive programs. Consistent with its Vision, Mission, and Core Values, DepEd shall promote the right of the nation’s cultural communities in the exercise of their right to develop themselves within the context of their cultures, customs, traditions, interests, and belief.

The DepEd also recognizes education as an instrument for their maximum participation in national development and in ensuring their involvement in achieving national unity; thus this program aims to serve Filipinos whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.


These programs are additional curricular interventions that target Muslim learners across different grade levels. It provides standards and competencies which are relevant and of interest to Muslim learners. It integrates content on Arabic language and Islamic values as separate learning areas from the K to 12 curriculum.

A. Kindergarten Madrasah

The Kindergarten Madrasah (DO No. 47, s 2016) was developed for schools with five-year old Muslim learners or in Muslim communities. It takes into account learners with diverse backgrounds, prior knowledge and experiences, purposes, skills, attitudes, personal traits, and interests.

1. Objectives

Consistent with the Kindergarten Education program, it aims to ensure that five-year old Muslim children achieve the standards and competencies expected of them. It seeks to promote the holistic way by which young children grow and develop, and aims to recognize the role of families and communities in supporting the child’s development.

2. Curriculum

The standards and competencies of the curriculum are aligned with the Kindergarten curriculum implemented in all public schools nationwide with relevant competencies for Muslim learners.

The curriculum integrates Islamic values and Arabic language into the Kindergarten curriculum with domains that cover (1) language, literacy, and communication; (2) socio-emotional development; (3) values development; (4) physical health and motor development; (5) creative development; (6) mathematics; and (7) understanding of the physical and natural environment.

3. Assessment

Classroom assessment aims to holistically measure learners’ current and developing abilities. Typically, the primary means of formatively assessing Kindergarten learners is through observation. Formative assessment and learning activities are conducted throughout the different blocks of time within a day. This is to ensure learners’ success in moving from guided to independent display of knowledge, understanding and skills, and to enable them to transfer this successfully in future situations.

4. Teachers or asatidz

Kindergarten teachers who are trained in Arabic reading and Islamic values can teach the Kindergarten Madrasah. They must be able to integrate Islamic values into the activities of the learners. However, asatidz who pass the QEALIS and complete the LEaP may also teach Arabic language and Islamic values as separate learning areas.

5. Learning resources

The use of relevant, culture-responsive, and developmentally appropriate teaching-learning resources is important in the implementation of this program. Learning materials and other resources that are locally developed and/or locally available is encouraged.

The Kindergarten Madrasah is implemented by way of diverse learning activities that may be enhanced with resources that are appropriate for developing the domains, and must sustain interest in active learning.

B. ALIVE for Grades 1 to 6

The ALIVE for Grades 1 to 6 (DO No. 40, s. 2011) consists of two components, namely: Arabic language, and Islamic values, which is in addition to their regular subjects. Schools can organize ALIVE classes for classes with 15 to 40 pupils. If a school has less than 15 Muslim learners, the school head may coordinate with the Division ALIVE Coordinator for possible collaboration with the nearest school offering ALIVE Program within the district or schools division.

1. Objectives

The component of Arabic language aims to develop the learners’ functional literacy in Arabic that will enable them to read and understand the Holy Qur’an.

The Islamic values component, on the other hand, aims to help learners acquire the desired Islamic values that would guide them to Core Values of the Department: to be maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, at makabansa; thereby making them agents in advocating and promoting brotherhood, peace, unity, and justice and equality.

2. Curriculum

Competencies on Arabic language and Islamic values shall be the basic components of the ALIVE for Grades 1 to 6.

The ALIVE Curriculum shall be contextualized by the implementing regions and schools divisions in accordance with the K to 12 Curriculum. The Islamic Values Education subject shall be anchored on the DepEd core values of maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, at makabansa, and on the overall curriculum goal of harnessing Filipino values and citizenship to promote Filipino national identity. The history and culture of Filipino Muslims shall be integrated in the contextualization of the Madrasah Education Program.

Arabic Language is taught thrice a week for 40 minutes; while Islamic Values Education is taught twice a week for 40 minutes.

3. Assessment

Assessment of learners’ progress and achievement in ALIVE shall be in accordance with the provisions of DO No. 8, s. 2015 or the Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Grades shall appear in the report card, and in Forms 137 and 138 as (a) Arabic Language, and (b) Islamic Values Education.

4. Teachers or asatidz

To ensure quality and inclusive education, teachers or asatidz must pass the QEALIS and complete the LEaP to handle ALIVE classes. These asatidz may (a) be under contract of service (COS), or (b) granted a permanent position. The systematic selection, hiring, deployment, career pathing and continuing professional development of Madrasah education teachers or asatidz must be conducted through the Schools Division Office (SDO).

After passing the QEALIS, the asatidz must take the Language Enhancement and Pedagogy (LEaP) Training and Arabic Emergent Reading (AER). Grants to take the Accelerated Teacher Education Program (ATEP) may be provided to enable them to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree, and take and pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

Asatidz under COS are required to render at least 20 hours per week inclusive of the instructional preparations. However, in the exigency of service, the asatidz may render beyond 20 hours. The schedule of ALIVE classes shall be determined by the school head, based on the availability of asatidz and other resource needs. They shall be assessed in terms of their teaching performance and they must undergo a year-end evaluation process to be conducted by the teacher monitor or subject coordinator (when applicable) with the approval of the school head. Also, the renewal of contract of the COS Asatidz shall be based on the results of teacher performance appraisals.

Asatidz with permanent positions handle the ALIVE classes and may teach additional K to 12 subjects, depending on the need of the school where the teachers are deployed.

The school head shall ensure a collegial and inclusive working environment for all teachers and staff. Asatidz will participate in all other school learning activities so their involvement with the school will not be limited to the ALIVE program.

5. Learning Resources

Schools with organized ALIVE classes shall ensure the inclusive and quality implementation of the program through systematic organization of classes that is conducive to teaching and learning.

The DepEd shall provide all learners with adequate and appropriate learning materials anchored on the needs of individual learners. In addition, the teachers shall be given curriculum and teaching guides in ALIVE.

Learning materials shall be developed and reproduced at school level to complement the DepEd provided materials. These materials, both print and non-print shall promote active learning in different contexts and lifelong learning. The MEP will employ the Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) to ensure that the ALIVE instructional materials and other resources are properly managed, utilized, generated, allocated, recorded and audited.

C. ALIVE in the Alternative Learning System (ALS)

This program implements the ALIVE component in the Alternative Learning System (ALS) program. The ALS provides basic literacy and continuing education interventions to illiterates and drop-outs, as well as ALIVE concepts for its Muslim learners.

1. Objectives

Per DO No. 57, s. 2010, ALIVE in ALS aims to provide opportunities for adult learners to develop basic and functional literacy skills and equivalent pathways to complete basic education. The inclusion of ALIVE seeks to provide additional competencies that are relevant to the needs, cultures and purposes of its target Muslim learners.

2. Curriculum

ALIVE in ALS integrates the Basic Literacy Program (BLP) and Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) for Elementary and Junior High School and the ALIVE program described in item B above. The ALS/Asatidz adjust the content and competencies according to the age and experiences of the learners.

3. Assessment

The potential ALS learner must take an entry assessment to determine prior learning s/he may have. This entry or diagnostic assessment called the Functional Literacy Test (FLT) assists the learning facilitator to set a specific learning plan to the learner. Throughout the program, learners will be assessed using various formative assessment tools used by the learning facilitator and those found in the learning modules of both ALS and ALIVE components. Learners are also asked to update learning logs and develop their portfolio based on their ILA.

ALIVE in ALS learners who seek Elementary or Junior High School level certification must successfully complete and pass the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) test.

Formative assessment is used to measure progress in the ALIVE component of this program.

4. Teachers or asatidz

Regular ALS mobile teachers who have had training in ALIVE shall teach the ALS component, as well as Islamic values. However, the Arabic language component shall be taught by asatidz who qualified in the QEALIS, completed the LEaP training and attended other teacher trainings such as INSET and AER.

5. Learning resources

The ALIVE in ALS uses learning modules that contain learning activities, and pre and post-assessments. Modules for basic levels include a facilitator’s guide, while modules for advanced levels are designed for self or independent learning. These are provided to the learners by ALS learning facilitators and the asatidz.

Supplementary materials like print and non-print modules, self-learning instructional materials, learning activity packages, online or digital modules, textbooks, e-modules, or blended technology learning materials from the home or other sources may also be used.

D. Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL) Arabic

Arabic may be included as one of the options for SPFL in Junior High School starting in SY 2019-2020. The Bureau of Curriculum Development will lead this program through its Special Curricular Programs Division. Policy guidelines will be issued once the program design and curriculum have been finalized.


Government subsidy is given to provide support for private madaris to: (a) improve operational capabilities in implementing the DepEd-mandated curriculum, (b) raise the quality of instruction in private madaris in compliance with the standards provided by the Department, and (c) augment the recurrent cost of operation in their adoption or implementation of the DepEd K to 12 program.

Financial aid and assistance are granted to private schools provided that such programs meet certain defined educational requirements and standards, and contribute to the attainment of national development goals. Traditional madaris that offer the K to 12 Curriculum and comply with DepEd requirements may apply for the funding support.

To ensure quality of instruction, private madaris shall meet the requirements for selection, inspection and validation, approval, fund release and utilization processes. Also, DepEd shall:

  1. Provide technical assistance to private madaris through the regional and division offices in terms of education planning and programming, curriculum implementation, learner’s assessment and teacher support.
  2. Strengthen the partnership of private madaris in both local and international setting.
  3. Provide technical assistance to private madaris in securing Permit to Operate (PTO) through the Quality Assurance Division.
  4. Conduct progress monitoring and reporting of private madaris recipients regarding the technical and financial support from DepEd, through the regional and division offices.


This section specifies the management leadership, commitment, financial support and allocation, and decision making capacity of each level of governance in the basic education to maintain an oversight of the progress and status of the MEP programs and ensure that the overall program goals are achievable.

A. Fund Source and Allocation

  1. DepEd shall allot an annual madrasah fund for the implementation of MEP. In coordination with the External Partnership Service of the DepEd Central Office, other fund sources may be identified at the different levels of governance.
  2. The utilization of Regional Fund Allocation shall be based on the guidelines on fund utilization which shall be issued by the Department.
  3. The school heads and/or schools division superintendents shall ensure that funds from external donors are properly managed in accordance with government rules and regulations.

B. Financial Management

  1. DepEd shall ensure transparency and efficiency in managing the fund for MEP.
  2. Regions and Schools Division Offices shall enforce proper program documentation, record keeping, or filing system of MEP data and other pertinent documents.
  3. School Heads shall ensure the submission of requirements of all ALIVE teachers including a notarized contract, accomplishment reports, and performance appraisals. These will serve as supporting documents for renewal of contract as asatidz under COS and payment of allowances from the LGU, if applicable.

C. Capability Building

  1. The DepEd shall implement capacity building and professional development programs for asatidz through the conduct of in-service trainings (INSETs) such as school-based Learning Action Cells (LACs) and summer training programs, among others. The concerned region and division offices shall ensure effective management and supervision of the training for asatidz.
  2. The Arabic Emergent Reading and Culture Awareness (AERCA) shall be conducted to capacitate the Non-Muslim ALIVE implementers.
  3. DepEd shall provide orientation and training programs for teachers to promote respect for cultural diversities.

D. Advocacy and Partnership Management

  1. The Bureau of Learning Delivery-Student Inclusion Division (BLD-SID) shall regularly conduct activities to update the internal and external stakeholders of the status of MEP implementation.
  2. Internal and external coordination with stakeholders shall be encouraged to support the program implementation. Linkages with institutions shall be extended and strengthened to warrant coordination and collaboration for resource sharing and other purposes.
  3. Intensive advocacy activities and social mobilization on MEP shall be done in all levels of governance. Monitoring and evaluation tools shall be developed at each level and a mechanism for providing technical assistance to implementing schools, divisions and regions shall be established.

E. Roles, functions and accountabilities per level of governance

1. Schools Implementing ALIVE

School Leadership and Management School heads shall:

a. ensure the implementation of the Madrasah curriculum through the organization of ALIVE classes, and that each ALIVE class has an adequate number of Muslim learners;

b. ensure the availability of classrooms and prepare the schedules to maximize the allotted time for ALIVE classes;

c. supervise the asatidz and monitor the preparation of a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) or a Daily Lesson Log (DLL) and assessment to ensure that all competencies in the ALIVE curriculum are taught;

d. conduct class observation, instructional supervision and provide technical assistance to ALIVE teachers with the master teacher;

e. include ALIVE teachers in the regular in-service training/LAC sessions to equip them with teaching strategies, preparation and development of instructional materials, writing of test questions, and other related activities to strengthen the implementation of MEP; and

f. promote ALIVE as a regular school program with internal and external partners.

Support System Management School heads shall:

a. provide technical assistance to asatidz and ensure that monthly honoraria and allowances are received in accordance with the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations;

b. ensure that: (1) ALIVE and other programs are included in the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), and (b) MEP is included in the annual school calendar, including activities unique to the program such as Musabaqah, Eid’LFitr and Eid’lAdha;

Advocacy and Partnership Management School heads shall:

a. strengthen partnerships with organizations and local communities in the implementation of MEP;

b. include the MEP in the advocacy and social mobilization activities such as symposia, barangay assembly meetings and dialogues, broadcast media, distribution of advocacy materials to increase awareness and participation of the various stakeholders; and

c. submit a report to the Schools Division office (SDO) of their advocacy and partnership management activities for monitoring, documentation for possible basis for best practices in MEP implementation.

Data Management

a. The school heads shall ensure that the tagging of ALIVE learner’s data in the Learners Information System (LIS) and in the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) is done by the concerned teacher.

b. The ALIVE teacher and the class adviser of the ALIVE learners shall coordinate closely to ensure that these learners are tagged in the LIS.

c. All data generated from the LIS shall be the basis of downloading funds to field implementers and private madaris.

2. Schools Division Office (SDO)

The SDOs shall:

a. include ALIVE in the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) and conduct regular monitoring and technical assistance to the schools implementing ALIVE classes (public and private madaris) to ensure that planned activities indicated in the AIP are implemented accordingly;

b. review the application and supporting documents of teacher applicants in compliance with the required standards for admission, preparation of the list of applicants and administration of QEALIS;

c. evaluate the list of qualified teacher applicants for hiring and deployment;

d. submit the Physical and Financial Accomplishment Reports and the master list of asatidz employed in their division to the RO through the DACs;

e. conduct regular orientation and training for asatidz; and

f. ensure that schools implementing the madrasah curriculum have fully complied with all the existing DepEd policies.

3. Regional Office (RO)

The ROs shall:

a. include MEP in the Regional Education Development Plan (REDP);

b. conduct regular monitoring and provide technical assistance to the SDOs to ensure quality implementation of MEP based on the planned activities including compliance to guidelines;

c. conduct the Induction Program of the newly designated regional and division ALIVE coordinators to orient them on the mandates and directions of MEP; and

d. conduct advocacy orientation and training for all program implementers including SDO officials, school heads and teachers.

4. Central Office

a. The Central Office (CO), through the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Student Inclusion Division (BLD-SID) shall be responsible for the policy formulation, standard setting, designing models, capacity building, monitoring, and providing technical assistance to the ROs and other field offices as needed. Moreover, the BLD-SID shall be responsible for tracking the progress of MEP implementation.

b. The Bureau of Curriculum Development Special Curricular Programs Division (BCD-SCPD) in coordination with the BLD-SID and other concerned bureaus shall be responsible for the continuous development, review and refinement of the curriculum and learning materials.

c. The Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) shall be responsible for the development, administration and reporting of various assessments of the Madrasah program for both students and teachers.

d. The Central Office (CO) through the BLD-SID in coordination with the Bureau of Learning Resources (BLR) and External Partnerships Service shall provide resources for the development and production of contextualized ALIVE instructional materials in the regional or division level. They shall also establish and strengthen partnerships with Local Government Units, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and private sectors to ensure continued support for this cause.


To ensure that this policy is fully implemented for the attainment of the goals of MEP, all offices must ascertain compliance with the provisions, conduct monitoring and manage data at their level of governance, and provide technical assistance to the implementers.

  1. The BLD-SID shall be responsible for the over-all implementation, review and continuous revision of this policy, as well as the technical assistance on carrying out the program components.
  2. At the regional level of governance, the Curriculum Learning Management Division (CLMD) shall be in charge of the implementation of this policy. The Regional ALIVE Coordinator (RAC) shall continue to serve as the focal person for the MEP implementation, while the overall management of the program shall be the responsibility of the Regional Director.
  3. At the division level, the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) shall be in charge of the policy implementation and shall supervise the personnel involved in the implementation. The Division Alive Coordinator (DAC) shall serve as the MEP focal person in this level while the Division Schools Superintendent shall oversee the entire policy implementation.
  4. In the school level, the school head shall be responsible in ensuring that the policy is implemented particularly the provision for teachers, learning materials, facilities and class programming.
  5. BLD-SID shall conduct a collaborative and structured monitoring across the different offices in charge of MEP at all levels of governance. The feedback and initiatives gathered in the monitoring activities will further improve this policy.



All existing Orders and Memoranda inconsistent with this order are rescinded. This policy will take effect starting 2017 unless otherwise repealed, amended or rescinded.

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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