Attached is a copy of Enclosure No. 4A to DepEd Memorandum 176, s. 2019 dated November 23, 2019, from DepEd Undersecretary Annalyn M. Sevilla, Officer-in-Charge, DepEd-Central Office entitled “2020 NATIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE”, the contents of which are self-explanatory, for information and strict compliance.
Table of Contents
General Guidelines for the Selection of the Best Sections and Layout and Page Design Category
A. Editorial Section
- The section should have at least two (2) pages and should include the following: main editorial, editorial cartoon, columns, letters to the editor, and commentaries. Opinion polls or surveys may be included, but are not required.
- The treatment of the issues must demonstrate fair and balanced presentation of both sides of each issue tackled, clear moral purpose, logical reasoning, and proper citations/attributions of sources.
- Topics found in the section should tackle various international, national or local issues that may directly or indirectly affect the school or the community the school serves.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
B. News Section
- The section shall consist of at least three (3) pages.
- The content and scope of the news stories shall include a balanced coverage of international, national, regional, community and schoolbased news stories.
- The content of the section may include straight or spot news, advance/follow up report, news bits, news feature, news analysis, and in-depth news/investigative news.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
C. Feature Section
- The section should have at least three (3) pages.
- The feature articles should display unique and creative presentation of topics, logical organization and progression of ideas and facts, writers’ facility of the language and proper citations/attributions of sources.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
D. Sports Section
- The section shall consist of at least two (2) pages.
- The content and scope of the sports articles may include a balanced coverage/ scope of international, national, regional, community and school-based sports news stories.
- The content of the section may include straight or spot news, advance/follow-up report; news bits; news feature/news analysis; in-depth news, features and editorial/column concerning or pertaining to sports.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
E. Science and Technology Section
- The Science and Technology Section should have at least two (2) pages and may include health, environmental, scientific, technological and innovative stories written in news, feature, or scientific commentary style. This should also include the economic impact of Science and Technology on the lives of the Filipinos.
- The articles should be well-researched and should observe proper citation of sources, pictures and graphics.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
F. Layout and Page Design Category
- This category shall conform to the principles of layout and design.
- The layout and page design category should include any or a combination of the following: balanced coverage/scope of stories about the community and school-based events, including those of international, national and regional significance which document or are related to the school or its members’ involvement and participation. Proper evaluation or grading events based on their importance should be evident in the layout.
- The layout and page design should include headlines, body text, cuts/captions, balance, harmony, and proportionate to length of articles and the entire page.
- The decision of the Board of Judges shall be deemed final and irrevocable.
2020 NSPC Individual Writing Contest Guidelines
2020 NSPC General Guidelines for School Paper Contests
2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for the Editorial Section

2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for the News Section

2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for the Features Section

2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for the Sports Section

2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for Layout and Page Design Category

2020 National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) – Score Sheet for the Science and Technology Section