Home » Teaching & Education » Process of Uploading Untagged Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs) in the Voucher Management System (VMS)

Process of Uploading Untagged Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs) in the Voucher Management System (VMS)

1. Access the VMS using LIS User Account;

2. Download CSV file template in the “Upload QVRs” link within the VMS;

3. Open the CSV file template using MS Excel and encode the following learner information:

a. ESC SID or QVR Certificate Number

b. Learner Reference Number

c. Date of First Attendance (Month/Date/Year)

d. Name of the Learner (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Extension Name)

4. After encoding all of the learner information, save the file in CSV format and exit MS Excel. Make sure that the format is CSV (Comma Delimited);

5. Access the VMS again and proceed to the “Upload QVRs” link to upload the CSV file in the VMS;

6. Click the “Upload File” button and select the CSV file encoded;

7. VMS will verify if the ESC SID or QVR Certificate Number is existing within the VMS List of Learners;

8. VMS will inform the school if there are invalid records in the CSV file being uploaded. The following are the possible reasons for invalid records:

a. ESC SID or QVR Certificate Number is blank or not existing

b. ESC SID or QVR Certificate Number is already existing in the School’s List of QVRs

c. LRN field is blank

d. Date of First Attendance is blank

9. If file upload is successful, school shall assign tracks and strands to each QVR by clicking the “Assign Track and Strand” link;

a. Assign track and strand per QVR by clicking the dropdown box beside the name of the QVR.

b. Mass assigning of tracks and strands may be done by clicking the check boxes beside the names of the QVRs with the same track and strand. After selecting the names, click the “Mass Assign” button at the bottom of the page then select the track and strand to be assigned to the QVRs.

10. Proceed to creating billing statements by clicking “Create Billing Statements” and view the uploaded names in the “Uploaded QVR List” tab;

11. Check the boxes beside the names of the QVRs for billing and click the “Create Billing Statement” button. After which, the VMS will list the QVRs for billing and require confirmation from the school;

12. Print the SHS VP Billing Statement created and submit to the PEAC Regional Secretariat together with the supporting documents listed in the Home Page of the VMS.

Read: Updates on the Creation of Billing Statements for the Senior High School Voucher Program

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

1 thought on “Process of Uploading Untagged Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs) in the Voucher Management System (VMS)”

  1. Sir Mark,

    I hope you can help me. You see, during the 1st semester, we were able to use this facility to upload untagged QVR list of students using your method, it was successful and the students were included in the billing system. But this 2nd semester, the option to upload QVR is removed, reason was this facility is not available since we have created a billing statemet already, but only for he 1st sem Do you have any idea how can we include these untagged QVR to the VMS system for billing?

    We have also tried updating the learners profile via LIS, were we only need to encode the esc SID. But the system returns an error message that the SID was already assigned to another student.

    Please help.

    Thank you.


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