The Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) is under the Accrediation and Equivalency Program (Executive Order No. 733, s. 1981) for retrieving out-of-school youth (OSY) and placing them in the formal school system if they so desire, and for validating and accrediting knowledge and skills in academic areas gained through informal and non-formal means for re-entry into formal school, job promotion, entry to job training, for employment and self-fulfillment.
Updated Version: 2016 Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) Overview
The Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) will be administered regularly by the National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC) in designated examination centers nationwide in two different venues and dates: one in Luzon regions and another in Mindanao and Visayas regions, on the third and fourth Sundays of November respectively.
Registration of applicants for the regular examination shall be in the division offices from August 1 to September 30. A report on the total number of registered applicants in every testing center and division shall be submitted to the NETRC on or before October 3.
Special examination will be administered in the NETRC, four times in a week and year-round. Registration shall be at the NETRC. Due to testing room requirement, testing shall be done on a first come, first served basis.
Special examination may be administered in the division upon request, provided that all expenses shall be charged against the requesting party/parties.
Prospective registrants are children and youth who are Filipino citizens and whose grade/year level passed and ages are the following:
Prospective registrants should submit the following requirements when they register:
- Birth certificate: Issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) or Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated (original and two (2) photocopies)
- ID pictures: Two (2) pieces of identical and recently taken (1×1″ size)
- School records (original and two (2) photocopies):
- Elementary Level – Form 137 or Form 138
- Secondary Level – Form 137
*Form 137 (Transcript of Records with school seal and signature of principal/registrar)
*Form 138 (Report Card with school seal and signature of principal/registrar)
- School permit: Photocopy of School Permit to Operate/Government Recognition (for applicants from private schools)
- Registration fee (non-refundable):
- Regular administration (every November) – PhP50.00
- Walk-in/Special administration – PhP200.00
A non-refundable fee of fifty pesos (50.00) for regular examination and one-hundred pesos (P 100.00) for special examination shall be charged against each applicant.
Effectivity of promotion or entry to school of those who passed the grade/year level/levels based on the PEPT shall be during enrolment in the first semester of the school year, except those who passed the fourth year high school level.
Guidelines and other pertinent rules and regulations relative to the overall management and administration of the test, the registration of applicants, collection and remittance of registration fees, and allocation of test materials and cash advances are provided for in Enclosure No. 1
National orientation-conference and workshop for PEPT Regional and Division Testing Coordinators will be conducted by the NETRC.
ADVISORY (June 5, 2015)
Table of Contents
Cancellation of the Administration of the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) on June 12, 2015
The Department of Education announces the cancellation of the administration of the Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) scheduled on June 12, 2015 due to operational and administrative concerns.
Instead, the test shall be administered on its regular schedule in identified testing centers pursuant to DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2002, Administration of the Philippine Educational Placement Test. The schedule for this year is as follows:
November 22, 2015 (Sunday) – Visayas and Mindanao
Registration shall start on August 2015 in DepEd Division Offices.
Undersecretary for Programs and Projects
Contact Information
For more information on the PEPT, kindly contact:
National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC)
2/F Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City
(02) 631-6921 | 631-2589 | 631-2571 | 631-2591
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Replacement record of results PEPT
Good evening mam/sir,
I’m a PEPT passer from year 2015.I just wanna ask if I can get a certificate of grades,because that’s the one requirements when I tried to enroll in a one University.
Thank you!
Good Morning Mr. Mark, I hope I am addressing the right person… I am Felix Piloton Emalay and I am one of the passers of the 2013 PEPT exam. Currently, I am one of the graduating students of Bukidnon State University and my concern is about my lost Certificate of Rating. As per requirement for evaluation of the graduates is to present the original copy of their Form 137 or Form 138. I wanted to ask if I can secure another copy of my Certificate of Rating? I am hoping you can bring me to light. Thank you!
Where to find the Result of PEPT taken last November 2015? Thank you.
Bakit po wala ang result nang nov 2015
Sa San Francisco high school Quezon city po kami nag take nang exam..
ask ko lng po kung may result na ang PEPT TEST last november 2015..
when the result of pept result lastt 2015 dividion of capiz
Where do we find the list of passers of the 2015 PEPT last Nvember 2015.
Division Office 🙂
Pwede po bang malaman kung tutuong walang result ang PEPtest kung hindi po nakapasa…thank you po…
where can i see the result of pept?
Can i ask the result result of the pept exam last november 15 which was in san nicolas elem school san nicolas ilocos norte
Where to find the Result of PEPT taken last November 2015? Thanks.
Can i ask why all your posted numbers are not available.. all are not in service