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Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) Division of Bohol SY 2020-2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is definitely a health issue. The severe short-term disruption has been felt by all families and has greatly affected the education system not just in our country but in the whole world. The crisis crystallizes the dilemma we are facing whether to forego opening of classes this school year, reducing contact and saving lives, or keep schools opened within the usual opening as provided by law and face a great challenge.

Education should be our top priority. Despite the present condition, DepEd is guided with the pronouncement of our Secretary, Leonor M. Briones, “Education Must Continue”. Indeed, the issuance of DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020-2021 and Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, translate the commitment of DepEd to ensure educational continuity amid the crisis but the health and safety of our learners and the whole school communities are of utmost importance and must be protected at all times.

It is in this light that DepEd Bohol hereby issues its Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), provided herein in Enclosure No.2 and implementing guidelines in Enclosure No.l, in support to the national issuances and policy guidelines to effectively and efficiently implement its mandate and the delivery of learning under the new normal of basic education.



1. The Department of Education (DepEd) continues to support all government efforts towards healing the nation by remaining committed to the goal of delivering accessible, quality, liberating, and safe basic education services amid these critical times. It expresses oneness with the Filipino nation in its fight against the COVID-19.

2. DepEd’s “newfound purpose” of the Sulong EduKalidad campaign is to move forward together as the education system is being prepared for the “new normal”. In this battle, all actions will be anchored on serving the public and on ensuring that the health and safety of the learners, teachers and personnel will be given priority in DepEd policies and actions. This period of new normal shall be approached with patriotism, compassion and sensitivity, so that the process of learning will not be a burden for parents, children and teachers, but a ray of hope amidst the crisis. DepEd calls on the whole nation to preserve the “bayanihan” spirit as it ensures that education of millions of Filipino learners will continue.

3. Division of Bohol commits to strengthen our mandate to support and capacitate schools and learning centers in ensuring a conducive learning environment and in complying to quality standards prescribed in this new normal period. DepEd, Bohol will carry out its programs, projects and activities with “compassion, understanding, and love,” fully aware that there is much work to be done in the continuity of learning amid this crisis. Therefore, this Learning Continuity Plan is crafted to effectively and efficiently address the educational needs of all learners employing various innovative strategies.


4. Prioritize learning and continue the provision of Access, Quality and Liberating Education under the New Normal of Basic Education due to the COVID-19 threat environment in school year 2020-2021.


5. To develop comprehensive plan on the continuity of learning through flexible learning delivery options using different modalities (localized and contextualized) with emphasis on distant learning;

6. To prepare schools and community learning centers for the actual teaching and learning activities during the opening of classes;

7. To effectively and efficiently deliver the “Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)” to ensure quality education;

8. To ensure adherence to policies and guidelines set by DepEd, LGU, DOH, IATF, and OP to safeguard the safety and well-being of learners, teachers and stakeholders.


9. These implementing Guidelines on the Learning Continuity Plan for SY 2020-2021 shall be applicable to all public elementary and secondary schools including community learning centers in the division. Private schools/Non-DepEd Schools may use this as their reference in developing their own plan guided by the provisions of DepEd issuances.


10. All schools and learning centers shall strictly adhere to the policy guidelines stipulated in DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020-2021 in the implementation of curriculum and learning delivery for the school year.

11. All schools and learning centers shall strictly adhere to the policy guidelines issued by DepEd, Local Government Unit (LGU), Department of Health (DOH), Inter Agency Task Fork (IATF), and Office of the President (OP) in the implementation of the opening of classes, public gatherings, and District/School Learning Continuity Plan (LCP).

12. Division of Bohol LCP is found in Enclosure No. 2 of this Memorandum.

13. All School Districts and Schools shall develop their localized/ contextualized LCPs appropriate to the localities and shall align with the Schools Division Office (SDO) LCP and DepEd BE LCP.

14. All School Districts and Schools shall organize task force to monitor and evaluate the curriculum delivery and LCP implementation.


Successful execution of the SDO/School LCP requires engagement of all concern in the educational system and supported by stakeholders. This holds true in the statement of Sec. Briones that “education has become more and more a shared activity”.

The challenge of SDO Bohol is to implement the flexible teaching and learning delivery options amid the crisis and shall not compromise the delivery of quality education. We must put all our efforts to implement our plans anchored to the four cornerstone of success; creativity, communications, collaborations and critical thinking in this new normal of basic education.

DepEd Bohol mobilizes the creation of Task Force “Oplan BB” which translates “Brigada Eskwela, Balik Eskwela” as an implementing arm of the Schools Division Office to ensure the achievement of quality basic education agenda and successful implementation of LCP.


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

3 thoughts on “Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) Division of Bohol SY 2020-2021”

  1. Thank you for posting this sir. May i inquire if there is a general guideline or protocol from deped in the opening of classes for private school – not only for region vii?


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