March 05, 2018
DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2018
Table of Contents
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Utilization of 2018 Funds for the Survey and Titling of Donated School Sites and Registration of Special Patents Transmitted to the Register of Deeds pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 10964 or the Government General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 2018.
2. The congress has allocated a total amount of P76,453,000.00 to DepEd in GAA 2018, consisting of P65,000,000.00 for Capital Outlay, and PI 1,453,000.00 for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) for the acquisition, survey, and titling of school sites.
3. In the line item under Support to Operations, there is a provision for the DepEd budget in RA 10964 that a specific portion of the total amount allocated as MOOE shall be exclusively used for the surveying and titling of existing school sites and registration of special patents.
4. For more information and clarification, contact Ms. Sorayda M. Rangiris, Sites Titling Office under the Office of the Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone nos. (02) 631-8491 and (02) 637-3743.
5. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2018)
Pursuant to the mandate of the Department to provide a conducive learning environment for school children and in order to provide DepEd field officials and personnel of the guidelines for the utilization of the FY 2018 funds for the survey and titling of donated school sites and for the registration of issued special patents transmitted to Register of Deeds (RoD) for official registration, the following procedures are hereby issued for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.
Legal Basis
Republic Act No. 10964 or the General Appropriations Acts (GAA) of 2018 has allocated a total amount of P76,413,000.00 to the Department of Education (DepEd) for the acquisition, improvement, survey and titling of school sites. The budget allocation for GAA 2018 consists of P65,000,000.00 for Capital Outlay (CO) and Pll,413,000.00 for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).
Manner of Prioritization
In the utilization of the fund under the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) in the GAA 2018, the Department shall expend the same for the survey and titling of school sites. For the utilization of the said funds, the Department shall give priority to school sites donated to the Department but not yet transferred in the name of DepEd, and for the registration of issued special patents transmitted to Register of Deeds (RoD).
A. Survey
For donated school sites ready for registration/titling but without approved survey plans shall be given priority for survey. The Schools Division Office (SDO) shall coordinate with the DENR for the conduct of the survey, if DENR cannot conduct the survey, the SDO shall engage the services of a Geodetic Engineer through the appropriate mode of procurement as provided by law.
For SDOs that requested for funds for surveying of school sites with a total amount consisting of One (1) Million and below, Negotiated Procurement may apply. The SDO concerned shall recommend to their respective Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) the services of a highly technical consultant such as the engagement of a private Geodetic Engineer to conduct the surveying of public school sites within their respective area.
The SDO shall include in their recommendation the complete documentation or compliance of the highly technical consultant (private geodetic engineer) on the following requirements:
1. BIR Registration;
2. PhilGEPS Registration;
3. Transcript of Records (TOR);
4. Professional License;
5. Bank Statements/Credit Card Statements with official receipt
The recommendation shall be submitted to the BAC concerned. After evaluation of the recommendation together with its supporting documents, the BAC concerned shall prepare a Resolution approving the recommendation if the documentation submitted are in order.
B. Transfer of Title
For the transfer of title of donated school sites, it shall be initiated by the school head with the assistance of the SDO. The Deeds of Donation and other documents required for transfer shall be prepared by the school head and the SDO. The school head and the SDO shall cause the transfer of title or registration of donated existing school sites with the Register of Deeds where the site is situated.
The school sites shall be registered in the name of the Republic of the Philippines- Department of Education and the name of the school.
C. Registration of Special Patents
For special patents issued to school sites that were transmitted to Register of Deeds (RoR) for registration, the corresponding fees for its registration shall be paid by the Schools Division Offices. Once the special patents are registered and released by the RoD, the original copies shall be in the custody of the SDO and only copies of the same shall be given to the schools concerned.
D. Release and Utilization
A total of Eleven Million and Four Hundred Thousand Fifty-Three (Php 11,413,000.00) is allocated under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for fiscal year 2018 for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE). The Central Office shall issue a Sub- Allotment Release Order (Sub-ARO) to recipient Schools Division Offices (SDOs) that will request funds for survey and titling and for the registration of special patents based on the request submitted through their respective ROs.
Register of Deeds if the special patents transmitted to them by PENRO are ready for registration. Request for funds shall be coursed through the Regional Office on or before May 2018.
Once the requests are submitted by the RO to the Central Office (CO), the same shall be processed immediately for downloading of funds to concerned SDOs.
The Central Office shall issue a Sub-Allotment Release Order (Sub-ARO) to Schools Division Offices (SDOs) that requested funds for the survey and titling and for the registration of special patents submitted by their respective RO.
The funds downloaded to the SDOs shall be utilized for the payment of fees for the survey and titling of donated school sites and for the registration of issued special patents transmitted to RoD.
E. Management and Custody of School Sites Ownership Records
All original copies of documents of ownership of public school sites shall be in the custody of the Schools Division Office, through its Records Office. Copies of school sites ownership documents may be requested by the School concerned and the SDO Legal Unit when needed.
F. Reporting
Each SDO is accountable for the disbursement and liquidation of funds based on the activities set forth in these guidelines subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
Upon completion of the survey and titling of existing donated school sites and the registration with the RoD of the special patents issued by the DENR, the SDO shall submit an accomplishment report using the format provided in Annex I and electronic copies of the documentation of the completed transactions (e.g. TCT, land survey blueprint) to the RO.
The RO shall consolidate the accomplishment reports submitted by the SDOs using the format provided in Annex 2, and submit to the Sites Titling Office, 3rd Floor, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.
G. Monitoring
To ensure the effective implementation of the activities set forth in these guidelines, the Sites Titling Office in coordination with the Regional Offices shall monitor the implementation and utilization of the funds for the abovementioned activities.
Good afternoon!
I am a newly transferred principal, may i know the procedures on how to apply for a school cite title.
Thank you