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Division Kindergarten Festival of Talents General Guidelines

The Division Kindergarten Festival of Talents aims to:

  • showcase the potentials of our kindergarten children to strengthen their confidence and selfesteem;
  • enhance the quality standards of 5-year old children as identified in the activities: and c. ensure that the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual personality of young children are developed.

The contest categories are as follows:

  1. Vocal Solo Competition – 1 contestant
  2. Native/Ethnic/ Folk Dance Competition – 1 group (10-members)
  3. Story Reading (Filipino) – 1 Filipino
  4. Storytelling (Filipino) – 1 contestant
  5. Drawing – 1 contestant

General Guidelines for the Conduct of the Division Kindergarten Festival of Talents

Theme: “Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan”

  1. Each district shall conduct their own competitions to select the best contestants in all categories.
  2. Participants to this competition are currently enrolled kindergarten pupils.
  3. A contestant is allowed to participate in only one category.
  4. The participants are given freedom to choose their own piece in vocal solo, storytelling and story reading.
  5. There will be one theme for drawing. (“Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan”)
  6. Mechanics in the conduct of the contest per category is to be followed strictly.
  7. Winners per category will be identified by the Board of Judges.
  8. All winners will receive trophy.
  9. The panel of judges shall be composed of a chairman and 2 members. The decision of the board of judges is final.



  1. Each contestant is free to choose any song appropriate to children.
  2. Performance time is 2-3 minutes including entrance and exit
  3. Minus-one music or live piano or guitar can be used as accompaniment; however, contestants are allowed to sing without accompaniment.


A. Voice Quality & Projection – 25%
B. Rhythm – 15%
C. Dynamics – 15%
D. Diction – 15%
E. Mastery – 20%
F. Showmanship – 10%


  1. The group is composed of at least 1 pair, 5 males & 5 female but should not exceed 10 members
  2. Time of performance should not exceed 5 minutes including entrance & exit.


A. Creativity – 25%
B. Choreography – 20%
C. Grace & Footwork – 25%
D. Mastery & Coordination – 25%
E. Attire – 5%


  1. The contestant will be given 2 minutes for acquaintance with the piece or story.
  2. The piece shall be delivered within 3 minutes.
  3. The winners will be chosen by the panel of judges based on the general criteria below.

A. Interpretation

  • Vocal Expression – 15%
  • Proper Phrasing – 15%
  • Timing – 10&
  • Pacing – 10%

B. Projection

  • Voice Mechanics -10%
  • Level of Confidence-10%

C. Reading Fluency

  • Accuracy -10%
  • Automatically -10%
  • Prosody -10%


  1. Each contestant will be given 3 minutes to deliver the piece. (Bakit matagal ang sundo ko?)
  2. The winner will be chosen by the panel of judges based on the criteria below:

A. Mastery of the Piece – 50%
B. Voice Projection/Verbal Style – 20%
C. Expression/Distinct Style – 20%
D. Level of Confidence – 5%
E. Costume – 5%


  1. Each contestant will draw on 1 sheet of oslo paper using crayons.
  2. Contestants will bring their own materials for the contest.
  3. The drawing should depict the theme: “Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan
  4. The winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:

A. Relevance to the theme – 25%
B. Creativity – 25%
C. Lay out – 20%
D. Color Harmony – 20%
E. Neatness – 10%

Read: Guidelines on the Conduct of the 2016 National Festival of Talents (NFOT)

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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