The Division Kindergarten Festival of Talents aims to:
- showcase the potentials of our kindergarten children to strengthen their confidence and selfesteem;
- enhance the quality standards of 5-year old children as identified in the activities: and c. ensure that the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual personality of young children are developed.
The contest categories are as follows:
- Vocal Solo Competition – 1 contestant
- Native/Ethnic/ Folk Dance Competition – 1 group (10-members)
- Story Reading (Filipino) – 1 Filipino
- Storytelling (Filipino) – 1 contestant
- Drawing – 1 contestant
Table of Contents
General Guidelines for the Conduct of the Division Kindergarten Festival of Talents
Theme: “Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan”
- Each district shall conduct their own competitions to select the best contestants in all categories.
- Participants to this competition are currently enrolled kindergarten pupils.
- A contestant is allowed to participate in only one category.
- The participants are given freedom to choose their own piece in vocal solo, storytelling and story reading.
- There will be one theme for drawing. (“Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan”)
- Mechanics in the conduct of the contest per category is to be followed strictly.
- Winners per category will be identified by the Board of Judges.
- All winners will receive trophy.
- The panel of judges shall be composed of a chairman and 2 members. The decision of the board of judges is final.
- Each contestant is free to choose any song appropriate to children.
- Performance time is 2-3 minutes including entrance and exit
- Minus-one music or live piano or guitar can be used as accompaniment; however, contestants are allowed to sing without accompaniment.
A. Voice Quality & Projection – 25%
B. Rhythm – 15%
C. Dynamics – 15%
D. Diction – 15%
E. Mastery – 20%
F. Showmanship – 10%
- The group is composed of at least 1 pair, 5 males & 5 female but should not exceed 10 members
- Time of performance should not exceed 5 minutes including entrance & exit.
A. Creativity – 25%
B. Choreography – 20%
C. Grace & Footwork – 25%
D. Mastery & Coordination – 25%
E. Attire – 5%
- The contestant will be given 2 minutes for acquaintance with the piece or story.
- The piece shall be delivered within 3 minutes.
- The winners will be chosen by the panel of judges based on the general criteria below.
A. Interpretation
- Vocal Expression – 15%
- Proper Phrasing – 15%
- Timing – 10&
- Pacing – 10%
B. Projection
- Voice Mechanics -10%
- Level of Confidence-10%
C. Reading Fluency
- Accuracy -10%
- Automatically -10%
- Prosody -10%
- Each contestant will be given 3 minutes to deliver the piece. (Bakit matagal ang sundo ko?)
- The winner will be chosen by the panel of judges based on the criteria below:
A. Mastery of the Piece – 50%
B. Voice Projection/Verbal Style – 20%
C. Expression/Distinct Style – 20%
D. Level of Confidence – 5%
E. Costume – 5%
- Each contestant will draw on 1 sheet of oslo paper using crayons.
- Contestants will bring their own materials for the contest.
- The drawing should depict the theme: “Pangangalaga sa Kalikasan
- The winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:
A. Relevance to the theme – 25%
B. Creativity – 25%
C. Lay out – 20%
D. Color Harmony – 20%
E. Neatness – 10%
Read: Guidelines on the Conduct of the 2016 National Festival of Talents (NFOT)