Table of Contents
Submission of SHS Preference Slip
October 19 to November 13, 2015
1. Grade 10 Learner shall fill-up and submit SHS Preference slip to class adviser.
Click on Enrol Learner button located on top of the SHS page to ENROL the following:
- Transferee
- Late Enrolee
- New Learner
Note: Learner must be enrolled in the LIS for SY 2015-2016 to be included in the list of registered SHS learners in the LIS.
Encoding of Grade 10 SHS Preference to LIS
November 9 to November 29, 2015
2. Class Adviser, School Head and/or School System Admin shall encode learner’s SHS preference to LIS.
At least one choice of school must be provided per learner.
For each selected school, at least ONE program offering must be selected.
Note: SHS Registration Module is accessible through the SHS Registration link (right of “Masterlist”) in the LIS Main Menu.
A Summary Report of the number of registrants by school and program offering can be generated in Excel format.
1. Click on the SHS Registration link right after “Masterlist” on the main menu.
2. Click on one of your Grade 10 Classes as shown above.
3. Find the Download Registry button on the right side part of the learners list table.
View Progress
1. School Head
Can view progress of SHS Registration through the landig page of SHS Registration link.
2. Planning Offices
Can view SHS progress of registration under Status of Updating from the LIS Main Menu, then select SHS Registration link.