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Guidelines in the Processing of Master Teacher I and II Documents

Basic Requirements:

1. Permanent Teacher

2. Bachelor’s Degree for Teachers or its equivalent as provided in Magna Carta for Teachers

Documents needed:

a. Appointment Paper as regular teacher
b. Transcript of Records, Special Order

3. Very Satisfactory Performance for the last two years Documents needed:

a. Performance Rating (PAST) with the signature of officials concerned

4. At least 3 years teaching experience

Document needed:

a. Service Record

5. At least 25 points in leadership and potential (Master Teacher I) or has been a demonstration teacher on the district level plus 15 points in leadership and potential.

At least 30 points in leadership, potential and achievement (Master Teacher II) or demonstration teacher on the division level plus 20 points in leadership and potential provided the activities or accomplishments listed for this purpose had not been credited or used for earlier promotion.

Documents needed:

*At least three of the following.

Requirements a and b are basic, so are required.

a. A certification on the demonstration teaching containing the following information:

Subject of lesson, level of demonstration, specific date, venue, and the name of the training program. If the demo is on the district level, the certification should be signed by the district supervisor; it should be signed by the division supervisor concerned.

b. Lesson Plan

Any one of the following:

c. Copy of the program of the activities or the memo naming the nominee as demonstration teacher.

d. Pictures of the actual demonstration/activity.

Points for demonstration teaching

No. of demonstration teaching

Congressional / Municipal14118

e. Observation/Evaluation Sheets of three (3) observers

*A candidate for Master Teacher must have a regular teaching load of at least 4 loads as per DESC Order No. 39, S. 1990.

Documents needed:

a. Class Program

Credit Point for Leadership, Potential, and Accomplishments

1. Introduced/ initiated any of the following which has been adopted or used by the school or district (not initiated by principals)

Curriculum or instructional materials in —
(not outputs of any seminar-workshops)


Documents needed:

1. Certification/ Recognition by subject area supervisor

2. Presentation of finished product for the evaluation of quality and quantity* of output

* Quantity of output: Minimum is a set of 40 copies

– Effective teaching techniques or strategies (demonstration teaching on the district/division level)

Documents needed:

1. Lesson Plan

2. Form 178 signed by the district/division supervisor

3. Certification signed by district/division supervisor indicating the date, place and subject of demo lesson

4. Pictures showing the teacher during the demo lesson

5. Observation sheet by five teachers who attended the demonstration.

– Simplification of work as in reporting system, record keeping, etc. or procedure that resulted in cost reduction

Documents needed:

1. Presentation of outputs

2. Description of project

3. Certification by principal of the project

– A worthwhile income-generating project for pupils given recognition by higher officials in the division

Documents needed:

1. Approved project proposal

2. Financial report showing income generated by project

2. Served efficiently and effectively in any of the following:

a. Subject coordination/grade chairman for at least 1 year; or as adviser of school publication or any special school organization like dramatic club, glee club, science club, etc. and discharged such assignment satisfactorily for at least 2 years provided such assignments or services are in addition to, and not considered part of, the regular teaching load.

Coordinator – certification by district and subject area supervisor as to performance of district coordinator

As Coordinator:

Level4 yrs. & above3 yrs.2 yrs.1 yr.
District12 pts.10 pts.8 pts.6 pts.
School8 pts.6 pts.4 pts.2 pts.
As Grade Chairman8 pts.6 pts.4 pts.2 pts.

1. List of activities/projects undertaken during term

2. Certification by principal and five teachers of the same grade as claimant, as to the authenticity of activities/projects undertaken.

Documents needed:

1. Appointment/designation signed by principal/ district supervisor stating the nature of the assignment, specific date of service.

2. Certification of very satisfactory performance signed by principal/district/division supervisor.

3. Copy of publication if a school paper adviser

3. Served as a chairman of a special committee,* such as curriculum study committee, committee to prepare instructional materials**, committee to prepare school program*** and discharged the work efficiently.

*Other special committees: testing committee, remedial instruct, etc.

** Points for participation in a national/regional/division-initiated preparation of instructional materials.

National20 - 1215 - 6
Regional18 - 1013 - 5
Division16 - 811 - 4
Congressional14 - 69 - 3
Municipal- 4
District12 - 27 - 2

*** School program refers to the program of the school such as action plan/action program geared towards the attainment of the educational objectives of the year and not merely the schedule of classes in the intermediate grades.

Documents needed:

a. Appointment / designation as chairman/ member of the committee signed by the officials concerned.

b. Presentation of output

c. Narrative report of activities/accomplishments made including the specific dates.

4. Initiated or headed an educational researched activity duly approved by educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development or teacher welfare;

Documents needed:

a. Approved research proposal

b. Finished research rated by officials concerned using the following rating based on quality, content and accuracy:

10012 pts86 - 875 pts
98 - 9911pts84 - 854 pts
96 - 9710 pts82 - 833 pts
94 - 959 pts80 - 812 pts
92 - 938 pts79 - 791 pt
90 - 917 pts76 - 77.50 pt
88 - 896 pts75.25 pt

5. Coordinator of community project or activity or of a program of another agency or coordinator of a rural service improvement activity in a community such as feeding, nutrition, agro shall not exceed 10 points. The following table shows the distribution of points:

First Place10531.5
Second Place942.75.4
Third Place831.50.3
Fourth Place72.75.25.1
Fifth Place61.500

Example 1: Contestant A wins first place in the district Math contest and is qualified in the division level. He wins first place in the division and so is qualified in the regional Math Contest. He wins third place. The coach of Contestant A is entitled to 7 points but not more than the maximum points of 10:

District – 1 (first place)
Division – 3 (first place)
Region – 3 (first place)
= 7 pts

Example 2: Contestant B wins first place in a district story Telling Contest; Contestant C wins second place in a Division Science Quiz Bee; Contestant D wins Fourth place in a Regional HEKASI Quiz. If Teacher 1 is the coach of all the three winners, he gets the 6 points but not over 10 points:

Contestant B – 1 (first place district)
Contestant C – 2 (second place division)
Contestant D – 3 (fourth place regional)
= 6 points

*1. Trainor or coach to contestants who receive prizes, commendations or any form of recognition

National winner – 10 pts
Regional winner – 5 pts
Division winner – 3 pts
District winner – 1 pt

*2. Athletic coach of athletes or teams who won prizes as follows:

National level – 10 pts
Regional winner – 5 pts
Division level – 3 pts
District Level – 1 pt

Documents needed:

Any of the following:

a. Appointment/designation to serve as coach/trainer, coordinator signed by school official concerned; or a district/ division bulletin naming the nominee as such.

b. Program/memorandum announcing the results of contest, or certification of winner

c. Certificate of commendation, recognition, merit of coach/ trainor

3. Coordinator of Boy Scout or Girls Scout activities:

National Level – 10 pts
Regional Level – 5 pts
Division Level – 3 pts

Industrial fairs ___ to at least two years.

For participation as member (7 pts)

Documents needed:

All the following are to be submitted

a. Certification of nominee by head of agency concerned to the position as coordinator or member

b. Program/schedule of activities

c. Description of activity/project

d. Certification that the activity occurred for at least 2 years

6. a. Organized/managed an in-service activity or other similar activities at least on the school level

For participation as member – (7 pts)

Table of Points

Organized/managed a training

Over - all Chairman/ in chargeMember

b. Served as a trainor / resource speaker / facilitator in an in service activity or similar activity at least on the school level.

Lecturer / Trainor / Resource SpeakerFacilitator
National7 points5 points
Regional5 points3 points
Division3 points1 point
District1 point.50 point
School.50 point.25 point

Documents needed:

a. Program of activities showing working committees and designated chairmen and members and the number of days of the seminar (a minimum of two days or four half – days seminar or 16 hours)

b. Certification by principal / district / division / supervisor

7. Credited with meritorious achievement such as –

*Winners in all levels are to be credited but total points

Area (CD/Municipal) Level – 1.5 pt.
District level – 1 pt

Documents needed:

1. Certification of recognition / commendation duly signed by authorities concerned

2. Program of activities

3. Designated as coordinator

8. Autographic: Published books/ article that are on education

Title of Book/ Article

Sole Authorship – 10 pts.
Co – Authorship – 5 pts.
Article published in a National newspaper or Magazine – 1 pt. per article

Useful Links:

  1. Revised Guidelies for the Implementation of the Career Progression System for Master Teachers
  2. Requirements Checklist for Reclassification to Master Teacher I/II Position
  3. Requirements Checklist for Various Positions
  4. Checklist for Requirements in the Processing of Equivalents Record Forms (ERF) and Reclassification of Positions

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

19 thoughts on “Guidelines in the Processing of Master Teacher I and II Documents”

  1. Paano po kaming mga Senior High School Teachers, kulang po ang teachers’ support para sa MT I, tig-iisang teacher sa isang subject saan kami kukuha ng teachers’ support? maliit ang school namin. Pls. help us.

  2. Thank you sa guidelines.it can help a lot.pwede poba ako maka join sa group nio? Pls. Paki add nman po ako. Salamat po.


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