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DepEd (formerly DECS) Home Education Program

DepEd Home Education Program

Enclosed is a DECS Memorandum No. 216, s. 1997 from Ricardo T. Gloria, DECS Secretary, re HOME EDUCATION PROGRAM dated June 10, 1997. For details, refer to the attached memorandum.

Please be guided that the Department of Education (DepEd) is currently formulating a new policy on the Home Education Program in the Context of the Public Health Emergency Due to COVID-19.


1. The Family Code of the Philippines (Article 20) and Articles XIV & XV of the 1997 Philippine Constitution recognize that parents have the primary responsibility of training and educating children especially in their formative years.

2. In view of this, a home education program for children is proposed for implementation on a pilot basis for SY 1997-1998. The first year of implementation shall be limited to selected private institutions which shall be accredited by the DECS as implementor of the Program. It can expand to other schools alter the try-out period.

3. Home education is designed to provide an alternative delivery system of educating children who for some reasons or for other circumstances cannot avail of the formal system of instruction in a regular school. The program aims to:

a. develop the child’s potential in all areas of growth and development outside the formal system,

b. recognize parents’ complementary/supplementary role in the education of children;

c. provide literacy, numeracy and life-long skills through an alternative system of teaching and learning, and

d. promote the talents, interests and skills of the child that he/she may become a self-propelling, fulfilled and contributing member of a community.

4. The basic concept of the Home Education and the general guidelines to be observed for its implementation are embodied in Inclosure No. 1. To be accredited, a private school must submit its program for Home-Education following said guidelines.

5. The Bureau of Elementary and the Bureau of Secondary Education shall extend technical assistance to Regional/Division offices for the implementation of the program.

6. Immediate dissemination and compliance to this Memorandum is desired.




It is a well recognized and accepted fact founded on law, that parents have the primary responsibility to raise, rear, care for and train their children especially in their formative years. Some parents want to have direct hand in fulfilling this mandate through Home Education.

The envisioned Home Education Program is an innovation in the educational system which will address some groups of school-aged children who can not avail of existing formal schools but whose parents are competent enough to provide quality education. These parents have the greatest concern, love and dedication to the student-child and can detect his/her needs, promote his/her interest and has the time to develop his/her fullest potential without incurring too much school expenses. Through Home Education Program these can be accomplished with greater ease due to the one-on-one-teacher-student ratio.


The home education program is home-based education which relies on the active participation of the parent as a teacher to his child. This is a one-on-one tutorial type of teaching. The parent is at the center of the educative process of the child/learner from which the home educated child/leamer acquires the necessary skills to develop his full potential to become a self-propelling, fulfilled and contributing member of the community.

The program focuses on the development of practical knowledge and skills, functional literacy, economic productivity and self-reliance. The curriculum areas covered arc the same as those offered in the formal school system.

The program is presented graphically as follows:

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Implementing Agency/Office

The Bureau of Elementary Education will take charge in the pilot implementation of the Home Education Program for the elementary level while the secondary level will be administered by the Bureau of Secondary Education The Regional/Division Offices shall identify and monitor the private institutions which will offer the home education program.

Accredited School

A home educated child must be enrolled in an accredited private school for HEP. Thus, hc/she has a record of enrolment. The Division Office must be furnished a list of home education children enrolled in a particular private school

A private school that wishes to be accredited should communicate its intention to the respective Division/Region Offices that shall evaluate its capacity to undertake the Program.


1. Home Education Program (HEP) Accredited School

The private schools with an HEP shall register with the Division/Region as an implementor of the program and shall have the following functions:

1.1 Orient parent-teacher on the mechanics of the program,

1.2 Assign a Home-School Coordinator to specifically monitor the implementation of the program;

1.3 Keep records of the recipients of the program,

1.4 Provide teaching guides, manuals, and other instructional packages,

1.5 Conduct monthly assessment/evaluation of the child’s performance; and

1.6 Facilitate the conduct of the evaluation of the child’s learning for accreditation purposes

2. Curriculum

The approved DECS curriculum including the modified curriculum for children with special needs shall be adopted in the program. Alternative curriculum materials shall likewise be adopted based on the child’s records

3. Parent-Teacher

The HEP teacher shall possess the following basic qualifications:

3.1 Must be a BEEd, BSE degree holder or its equivalent

3.2 Must have the time to teach

3.3 Must be willing to undergo training on HEP

4. Assessment/Evaluation

Periodic evaluation of the child’s performance shall be conducted by the school concerned. Accreditation of the child’s home education program shall be administered by NETRC, results of which will qualify the child to enter the grade level appropriate for him/her.


Activities for the Pilot Implementation of the HEP

A. Preparatory Stage

  1. Conceptualization of the Pilot Home Education Program
  2. National Validation of the Program
  3. Revision and finalization/reconceptualization

B. Pre-implementation Stage

  1. Identification, registration and accreditation of existing Home Education Program implemented by private institutions
  2. Consultative Conference on the Home Education Program
  3. Organization of the Home Education School Coordinators as trainers for the program
  4. Training of parents as teachers
  5. Development of alternative optional curricula for the program

C. Implementation Stage

  1. Launching of the Pilot Home Education Program (HEP)
  2. Induction Programs for Parent-Teachers who will join the Program
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation
DepEd Home Education Program
DepEd Home Education Program
DepEd Home Education Program
DepEd Home Education Program
DepEd Home Education Program
DepEd Home Education Program

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

1 thought on “DepEd (formerly DECS) Home Education Program”

  1. Hi! Thanks for this very clear and helpful explanation. May we ask if there is an update on DEPED’s policy on HEP during COVID pandemic?


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