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How to Make Learning More Relevant for Students

Making learning more relevant for students is essential because it can help them see their learning value. It can also help to keep them engaged and motivated, both of which are essential for a successful learning experience. This article will explore the most effective ways to make learning more relevant for students.

In order to make learning more relevant for students, teachers need to first understand what relevance means for their particular students. Second, they need to create a classroom climate and culture that supports relevance-seeking behavior. Finally, they must provide opportunities for students to explore the connections between school learning and their lives outside of school.

When students see the relevance of what they are learning, they are more likely to be engaged in the material and retain the information. This can lead to a lifetime of curiosity and exploration.

There are many ways that teachers can make learning more relevant for their students. It is important to remember that what works for one group of students may not work for another, so it is important to be flexible and willing to try new things.

How to Make Learning More Relevant for Students

14 Ways to Make Learning Relevant to Your Students

Educators must first understand their interests to make learning more relevant to students. Once they know what matters to their students, educators can begin to find ways to incorporate those interests into the learning process. It can involve using real-world examples, connecting content to students’ lives, and providing opportunities for students to apply what they are learning.

In addition, educators can also work collaboratively with their colleagues to develop interdisciplinary lessons that allow for a more holistic and relevant learning experience.

Here are some ways you can make learning more relevant to your students:

Personalize Learning for Each Student

By personalizing learning, we can help each student find what works best for them and cater to their individual needs. It can involve different methods of instruction, differentiated materials, and tailored feedback. By allowing students to learn in a way that meets their unique needs, we can help them better understand and engage with the material. 

Make Learning Fun and Interesting

If students enjoy themselves and are interested in their actions, they’re more likely to pay attention and retain information. There are various ways to make learning more enjoyable, such as incorporating games, using hands-on activities, and providing opportunities for collaboration. When students are having fun while they learn, they’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated. 

Encourage Students to Ask Questions and Explore New Ideas

Encouraging students to ask questions and explore new ideas can help make learning more relevant and exciting for them. When students can explore and ask questions, they are more likely to engage with the material and retain the information. It can be beneficial when teaching complex topics or subjects that may be difficult for students to relate to. By providing a framework for exploration and inquiry, teachers can help create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Connect Learning With the Real-World Setting

If they can see how what they’re learning applies to their own lives, they’ll be more likely to be interested and invested in the material. We can do this by incorporating real-world examples, using authentic materials, and providing opportunities for students to use their knowledge in a real-world setting. There are several ways to do this, such as incorporating community-based projects, guest speakers, or field trips into the curriculum.

For example, in teaching a math class, you could have students solve real-world problems like budgeting or planning a trip. It would help them see how the concepts they are learning can be applied to their everyday lives. 

Second, if you’re teaching a history lesson on Martial law under Ferdinand Marcos Sr. you could ask your students how they would have felt if they were living in that time period. What would they have done? How would they have reacted? This helps them to see the material in a different light and understand its relevance to their own lives.

Lastly, if a student is learning about fractions in math class, ask them to help calculate the tip at a restaurant. Or, if a student is studying the Spanish colonial period from 1565 to 1898, have them write a paper on how they would have inspired a propaganda movement for political reforms in the Philippines.

Meet the Individual Needs of Each Student

This can be done in various ways, such as adjusting the teaching style to match the student’s learning style, providing different resources, or offering more personalized instruction. By adapting to the unique needs of each student, educators can help ensure that all students can learn and engage with the material in a meaningful way.

Allow Them to Choose What They Want to Learn

When students feel they have a say in their education, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. This can be done by offering various courses and allowing students to choose the ones that interest them the most. By giving students some control over their education, you can help make learning more relevant and engaging for them.

Tap Into Students’ Interests

Suppose a student is interested in a particular topic; finding ways to connect that topic to the material being studied can be very effective. In that case, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn about it. For example, if a student is interested in dinosaurs, studying fossils and dinosaurs in history class can be far more engaging than simply reading about them from a textbook. If students love animals, you could connect their learning to animal biology or ecology. This would help them see the value in their learning and make the material more interesting. 

Encourage a Love of Learning in All Students

One of the best ways to encourage a love of learning in all students is to get them excited about the subjects they are studying. It can be done by making the material relevant to their lives and providing opportunities for hands-on learning. 

Create a Positive and Supportive Learning Environment

Creating a positive and supportive learning environment is essential for students’ success. A supportive environment provides students with the encouragement they need to persevere when they are struggling, and it also allows them to feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas. In addition, a positive learning environment can help motivate students to learn.

There are several things teachers can do to create a supportive and positive learning environment in their classrooms. First, creating a sense of community in the classroom is important. This can be done by establishing classroom rules and norms and taking time to get to know each student individually. It is also essential to ensure that students feel safe in the classroom. This can be accomplished by providing a space where students can express themselves freely and creating a respectful climate.

Finally, fostering a love of learning in the classroom is important. This can be done by providing opportunities for students to explore their interests and celebrating each student’s successes.

Making It More Hands-on

Hands-on learning allows students to apply what they are learning to real-world situations. This can help them better understand the material and retain the information.

Support Students as They Learn and Grow Both Academically and Emotionally

It means ensuring students have access to the resources they need to succeed and providing a nurturing environment where they feel safe to take risks and explore new ideas. Doing this can help create lifelong learners who are excited about learning new things.

Lastly, being there for them when they need help and providing guidance as they develop their skills. We can offer feedback, encourage effort, and celebrate progress. When we show our students that we believe in them and are there to support them, they’ll be more likely to succeed.

Connect It to Their Future Goals

Many students do not see the value in what they are learning because they do not know how it will help them in the future. However, if you can show them how their learning concepts can help them reach their future goals, they are more likely to be motivated to learn. For example, if you teach a history class, you could have students research and write about a topic relevant to their future career goals. This would help them see how the material they are learning can be applied to their future and make it more suitable.

Keep Students Updated on the Latest Advancements in Their Field of Study

By staying current with the latest developments, students can see how their learning directly applies to their future career goals. This can be done through various means, such as having students research and present discoveries in their field, taking field trips to see cutting-edge facilities, or inviting guest speakers working in the field to share their experiences.

Model Relevance-Seeking Behavior

Make sure you, the teacher, are interested in what you’re teaching. Be curious and explore things that interest you. If you make a mistake, admit it and learn from it. Be encouraging and upbeat, no matter how much the kids frustrate you. Compliment their successes, no matter how small they may be. Show them that you’re human by sharing stories of your own struggles and how you overcame them. Finally, get to know your students as people. The more you know about their interests, hobbies, and families, the easier it will be to connect with them.

When you’re passionate about your subject matter, it shows in your demeanor and teaching style. Students are more likely to be engaged when they see that you’re excited about what y


By taking steps to make learning more relevant for students, educators can help ensure that all students can learn and engage with the material in a way that is meaningful for them. It will not only improve student outcomes but also increase engagement and motivation in the classroom.

Try implementing these methods in your classroom and see how they can improve your students’ learning experiences.

What are some other ways we can make learning more relevant for students? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How to Cite this Article

Llego, M. A. (2022, September 1). How to Make Learning More Relevant for Students. TeacherPH. Retrieved September 1, 2022 from, https://www.teacherph.com/make-learning-relevant-students/


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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

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