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2019 Public School Teachers Salary in the Philippines

Since the Salary Standardization Law 1 (RA 6758) was enacted, there were clamors to upgrade the entry-level position of government teachers.

The Congress through the Edcom report of 1991 recommended the upgrading of teachers’ position.

Since then, it has been a perennial proposal in both houses of Congress but usually ends up in the archives.

“The state shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”

-Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section 5 (5)

Monthly Basic Salary of Public School Teachers in the Philippines

PositionSalary Grade201220182019
Teacher I1118,54920,17920,754
Teacher II1219,94022,14922,938
Teacher III1321,43624,22425,232
Master Teacher I1831,35138,08540,637
Master Teacher II1933,85942,00945,269
Master Teacher III2036,56747,03751,155
Master Teacher IV2139,49352,55457,805
Head Teacher I1321,43624,22425,232
Header Teacher II1423,04426,49427,755
Head Teacher III1524,88729,01030,531
Head Teacher IV1626,87831,76533,584
Head Teacher V1729,02834,78136,942
Head Teacher VI1831,35138,08540,637
Principal I1831,35138,08540,637
Principal II1933,85942,09945,269
Principal III2036,56747,03751,155
Principal IV2139,49352,55457,805

Approximately 60% of licensed teachers in the private schools earn roughly P12,500.00 a month.

DepEd Public School Teachers Compensation and Benefits

The Constitution directs the State to “ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment”.

ParticularsAmountFrequencyLegal Basis
Basic SalaryRefer to the Attached Salary Schedule AboveMonthlyDBM NBC No. 546 dated February 24, 2016
Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)2,000.00MonthlyDBM NBC No. 2009 -3 dated
August 18, 2009
* Representation and Transportation Allowance (RATA)Refer to the Attached RATA ScheduleMonthlyDBM NBC No. 546, dated January 17, 2013
Mid-Year BonusOne (1) month basic salaryAnnuallyDBM NBC No. 546 dated February 24, 2016
Year-End BonusOne (1) month basic salaryAnnuallyDBM NBC No. 2010-1 dated April 28, 2010
Cash Gift5,000.00Annually
Productivity Incentive Benefit (PIB)2,000.00AnnuallyDBM Circular Letter Nos. 3-97, 2001-6 and 2002-3 dated January 31, 1997, March 2, 2001 and January 2, 2002
Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)Ranges from 35,000.00 (Highest) to 5,000.00 (Lowest) depending on the performance of each delivery unitAnnuallyExecutive Order No. 80 s.2012 entitled Directing the Adoption of a Performance Based Incentive System (PBIS) for Gov't Employees
Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI)5,000.00AnnuallyDBM Budget Circular No. 2013-3 dated November 21, 2013
Clothing Allowance5,000.00AnnuallyDBM NBC No. No. 2012-1 dated February 23, 2012
Loyalty Pay10th year: 10,000.00
15th year: 5,000.00
20th year: 5,000.00
25th year: 5,000.00
30th year: 5,000.00
35th year: 5,000.00
40th year: 5,000.00
AnnuallyCOA Circular No. 2013-003A s. 2013
Step IncrementOne (1) Step Increment shall be granted to officials and employees for three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service in the position.Joint CSC and DBM Circular
Anniversary Bonus3,000.0015th anniversary of the government agency and every fifth year thereafter.Administrative Order No. 263 dated March 28, 1996 and DBM National Budget Circular No. 452, dated May 20, 1996

*Applicable only for Division Chiefs positions and above

“The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers.” – (McKinsey and Co., 2007)

Public school teachers salaries is on average 72% higher in private schools

Average monthly salary of Elementary and High School Teachers

Wide variation in teacher salaries in private sector

  • From a low of PhP6,700 in ARMM to high of PhP14,600 in Region X

Disparity in teacher salaries -public vs private sector

  • Highest in ARMM – salaries in public schools 158% higher than that those in private schools
  • Lowest in NCR – salaries in public schools 34% higher than that those in private schools

Average monthly salary of Public and Private Elementary & High School Teachers in the Philippines (in pesos)

RegionDEPED teachers (1)Private ES/ HS teachers (2)(1)/ (2)
I - Ilocos Region19,8968,2122.42
II - Cagayan Valley20,45410,1812.01
III - Central Luzon19,45010,6651.82
IVA - Calabarzon19,69010,4511.88
IVB - Mimaropa20,3009,5582.12
V - Bicol Region19,44911,5841.68
VI - Western Visayas19,40110,4231.86
VII - Central Visayas19,41612,1481.6
VIII - Eastern Visayas19,72613,1001.51
IX - Western Mindanao19,5428,0852.42
X - Northern Mindanao20,81314,6321.42
XI - Southern Mindanao19,3269,7621.98
XII - Central Mindanao20,7109,2352.24

DepEd Public School Teacher Indebtedness

What could aggravate the situation of a DepEd teacher in terms of salary is indebtedness.

  • The problem of teachers’ debts has remained unresolved for decades
  • Generations of education secretaries have been working out various strategies in past administrations
  • Problem continues to fester and the debts of teachers is mounting.
  • DepEd is looking for measures to address this growing debt bomb and its dangers.

Propensity to borrow

Type of HH% of HH with outstanding loans a/
with at least 1 DepED teacher57.9
where DepED teacher is sole earner57.1
with at least 1 Private ES/ HS teacher26.8
where teacher is sole earner18.9
with at least 1 other gov't workers33
with at least 1 other private sector worker22.2

a/ as indicated by number of HH which are making loan payments

Source of basic data: 2015 Family Income and Expenditure Survey

*Propensity to borrow of households with at least one DepEd teacher is about double that of other types of households

DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones Stands on Salary Increase

Am I against salary increases and improving teachers benefits?

Certainly not, because the mandate of the Constitution clearly provides a rationale: it is needed to so that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents, so that the quality of the education of our people is promoted.

But I believe that representatives of our teachers need to dialogue without losing sight of mutual respect.

I wish to remind our teachers that the rights and privileges of teachers that we uphold come with great responsibility.

As stated in the code of ethics of professional teachers, “Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values.”

Must Read: Top Reasons Why Public School Teachers Should Get a Well-deserved Salary Increase

Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

3 thoughts on “2019 Public School Teachers Salary in the Philippines”

  1. “I just wish and pray that our teacher’s salary will be put at par with other professionals (e.g. as in the salary of our men and women in uniform, policemen and military inasmuch as we all are equally considered as Nation builders.”

  2. Good day!

    This particular article summarized some of the things that we in the private sector are aiming to offer to our personnel.

    I agree that the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers.

    Considering the huge gap of salary between the public and private sector, maybe you have some insights to share that can help us in the private sector regarding salary.

    Thank you.

  3. Hi,

    Warm Greetings!

    I truly appreciate your advocacy towards great delivery to the clientele of DepEd. Your efforts are truly admiring and inspiring. Now, when I have read some your articles, I realized that somehow maybe you can help me (and colleagues) with my problem now regarding salary, and other matters from Deped.
    I hope you will spare time sending a message to my email.
    Thank you.


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