Attached herewith is the Department of Education (DepEd) Glossary of Terms for the RPMS Tools for School Year 2021-2022.
Audio Lesson | Refers to a learning material that is an audio recorded lesson which can be used for distance learning or as supplementary material This can be saved in a L’SB flash drive and played in a device (e.g., plug-and-play radios with USB port, TV with USB port, computer, etc.). |
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) | See Lesson Plan |
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) | See Lesson Plan |
Learning Action Cell (LAC) | Functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement (Department of Education 2016a, i) LAC aims to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to improved learning among the students; to nurture successful teachers; to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers, and the community as a whole (Department of Education 2016a, 3). |
Lesson Exemplar | “During pandemic and other disruptive events, all public elementary and secondary’ school teachers in the region shall prepare their lesson exemplars instead of the usual Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily Learning Logs (DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies” (Department of Education -CALABARZON 2020,10). |
Lesson Plan | Refers to the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) as part of instructional planning (Department of Education 2016b) Other forms of a lesson plan are the Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP), Weekly Lesson Log (WLL), Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) and Lesson Exemplars (LE). |
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) | Refer to the competencies from the K to 12 curriculum guides which are most useful in many professions and in everyday life, thereby satisfying the so-called endurance criterion. Anchored on the prescribed standards, these competencies identified by’ the Department in consultation with stakeholders are to be used nationwide by field implementers and private schools for SY 2020-2021 as a response to developing resilient education systems most especially during emergencies such as the current global pandemic (Department of Education, 2020a). |
Online Synchronous Teaching | A mode of teaching that utilizes video conferencing, live chat, instant messaging, or a combination of any of the online tools to engage learners to work in real-time. These materials may be designed for collaborative tasks to engage learners on virtual collaboration among peers (Department of Education 2020b, 31). |
Supplementary Materials | Refer to learning resources crafted by teachers to supplement the materials handed down by the DepEd division/regional/central offices These materials should be aligned with DepEd standards and support the contextualized needs of learners in online, modular, and TV- and radio-based instruction. These teacher-made learning materials can be printed or digital modules, activity sheets, interactive e-materials, and MELCs-aligned video-and audio-lessons (Department of Education – Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020, 3). Writing tasks can also be part of the supplementary materials where learners can write the challenges they’ are facing and what parts of the lesson they did not fully understand and need additional help for from their teacher (Department of Education 2020b, 37) |
Two-way Radio Instruction | Refers to real-time instruction via handheld two-way radios or walkie-talkies. “Those areas with Last Mile Schools which cannot be reached by the 25-50 kilometer radius coverage area would now be served using handheld twoway radios or ‘walkie-talkies.’ These schools would each be given sets of walkie-talkies to be able to reach learners who are 3-5 kilometers away from the school. Paired with DepEd printed modules, teachers are able to guide their students and answer their questions real-time. The combination of the two modalities, printed modules and handheld radios, enable the effective delivery of lessons even in the absence of online options, television and radio broadcast services” (Department of Education – Undersecretary for Administration, 2021) |
Video Lesson | Refers to a learning material similar to a video-recorded lesson and video-taped lesson used for online asynchronous teaching or used as supplementary material This material can be uploaded to YouTube, Google Classroom, or any online platform, or distributed via storage devices (e.g., flash drives or CD-ROMs). |
Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) | “The Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and Blended Learning while the DLP or DLL.. shall be prepared by teachers implementing F2F learning” (Department of Education – Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction 2020, Appendix D). |
Weekly Lesson Log (WLL) | See Lesson Plan |
Weekly Lesson Plan (WLP) | See Lesson Plan |
FAQs on the Alternative Classroom Observations for RPMS SY 2021-2022
RPMS Tool for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers) in the time of COVID-19 for SY 2021-2022
RPMS Tool for Teacher I-III Full-Time Teacher-Broadcasters in the Time of COVID-19 for SY 2021-2022