Attached is a copy of Enclosure No. 8 to DepEd Memorandum 176, s. 2019 dated November 23, 2019, from DepEd Undersecretary Annalyn M. Sevilla, Officer-in-Charge, DepEd-Central Office entitled “2020 NATIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE”, the contents of which are self-explanatory, for information and strict compliance.
Table of Contents
1. Each Region shall field a team of seven (7) members. The team shall decide who shall act as:
a. anchor/s (not more than 2)
b. reporter/s (not more than 3)
c. producer/director who could also act as floor director
d. video graphics editor (1)
e. video researcher/floor director/ prod. Assistant – 1
f. video journalist/camera man – 1
*Note: Any of the team members can assume one or two positions/tasks as long as this would not be conflicting or awkward in relation to the outcome of the broadcast (example: an anchor can’t be a reporter at the same time. But an anchor can also be a news or infomercial writer).
2. The following materials and equipment will be brought by the team:
a. four laptops with one back-up laptop with at least lOgb free space for video editing program (with uploading capacity)
b. two empty USB flash drives
c. at most two (2) digital cameras/phone cameras (without sim) which are compatible with the laptop for the downloading of media
d. at most three wired lapels
e. A4 bond paper and one printer with ink
f. at most three broadband sticks / pocket wifi, or one wireless router
g. extension cord
3. The tools and equipment that will be provided by the management team in the mock broadcast room shall be made known at least a week before the contest through an advisory by the host region / division and shall be the only tools and equipment allowed to be used by the participants during the actual contest.
4. A technical orientation will be held in the morning on Day O for the technical director and editor to be familiar with the equipment and materials to be used in the actual broadcasting. Only one coach per medium shall be allowed to accompany each team.
5. All contestants shall submit laptops cleared of stored documents including prepared templates or any pre-written files or references therein.
6. Checking and sealing of laptops will be done a day before the contest.
7. Failure to submit the laptops on/before the set deadline shall mean disqualification of the competing team.
8. Laptops with files shall not be allowed during the competition.
9. Laptops will be released during the contest.
Note: The teams will be oriented at 7:00 o’clock on the day of the contest on the contest, roles of the participants and criteria for judging by the chairman of the board of judges.
1. The team shall have the following components in their script:
a. Cover page: This shall contain the group’s name (mock TV network name)
b. News Articles: The contest organizers will provide five news articles. The team may cover five (5) of these articles. Each news script should have video and audio component and must not exceed 45 seconds when read during the contest proper.
c. Infomercial/Developmental Communication:
The team is required to produce one (1) infomercial or developmental communication plug which shall not exceed 30 seconds. This shall be preproduced during the actual contest and should be relevant to the topic which will be given by the judges. The script should contain video and audio component.
d. Field Report: To be included in the production is a live field report with canned video support.
e. Headlines: This will contain a brief lead/summary of the news articles.
f. OBB/CBB: Opening Billboard and Closing Billboard will contain the group’s assumed TV network name. The script for the OBB /CBB should be included in the main script which will be submitted to the judges.
2. Four hours will be allotted for the preparation of the script: 1.5 hours for the writing and printing of the script; 2.5 hours for the shooting and editing of the videos, production of the infomercial and rehearsals. The teams will only be allowed 1.5 hours to access the internet during the scriptwriting.
3. Once the scriptwriting contest has started, no member shall be allowed to leave the contest area. In case of personal necessity, a member of the contest management/proctor shall accompany the participant outside the contest area.
4. Each team shall prepare four copies of the script: 3 copies for the judges and 1 copy for the team. Late submission of script will entail one point deduction for every 3 minutes.
5. All news materials shall be presented live. Only the infomercial and support videos which will be used during the live presentation are prerecorded.
1. The order of presentation shall be determined by drawing of lots.
2. Only one laptop is allowed inside the studio.
3. The team will be given five (5) minutes to test the materials and equipment right before the actual live broadcast presentation. In case of overtime, the following scheme of deductions shall be followed:
1 second – 20 seconds – 1 point
21 seconds – 40 seconds – 2 points
41 seconds – 60 seconds – 3 points
61 seconds and above – 4 points
4. The TV broadcast must be delivered in six minutes.
5. Time through digital clock will be displayed from the start of the rehearsals and actual broadcast.
6. After six minutes, the presenting team may continue their broadcast. However, a corresponding deduction will be given. A team that delivers the broadcast under time will also be given a corresponding deduction.
7. The team who complied with the 6-minute production shall be given perfect score (5 points). In case of overtime or undertime, the following scheme of deductions shall be followed:
Undertime / Overtime
1 second – 20 seconds – 1 point
21 seconds – 40 seconds – 2 points
41 seconds – 60 seconds – 3 points
61 seconds and above – 4 points
8. The time keeper shall give the judges a copy of the record of the broadcast running time of each group. The record should indicate the number of seconds/minutes each group went over/under time; if they did.
9. An appropriate venue will be provided for the viewing of the live -feed of the presentation.
10. The decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL and IRREVOCABLE.
2020 NSPC Guidelines for the Online Publishing Contest
2020 NSPC Collaborative Desktop Publishing Contest
2020 NSPC Selection of the Best Sections and Layout and Page Design Category
2020 NSPC General Guidelines for School Paper Contests
2020 NSPC Individual Writing Contest Guidelines
29th National Arts Month Theme and Activities
2020 NSPC Guidelines for Radio Script Writing & Broadcasting Contest