In preparation for the opening of classes this incoming SY 2018-2019, a nationwide inventory of school readiness is being conducted in all public schools. To determine school readiness, data from the EBEIS and NSBI were examined in terms of the availability of teachers, classrooms, seats, toilets, water supply, and electricity supply. Schools were classified as ready, nearly ready, and needing support using standard ratios as parameters. However, as recent developments may have occurred after the cut-off period of EBEIS updating and submission of reports for NSBI, you are requested to verify the data for ENROLLMENT, TEACHERS, CLASSROOMS, TOILET, SEATS, WATER SUPPLY, and ELECTRICITY SUPPLY.
- For data elements that are updated and do not need corrections, please leave the cells as is.
- For other data elements that need updating, please encode the correct quantity in the appropriate column labeled as “”Verified Number.””
- For Enrollment, please provide updated counts based on learner movements such as dropping out or transfer that occurred after the cut-off.
- For Water and Electricity Supply, if there is presence of water or electricity tag as [1]. If no water or electric connection is available, tag as [0].
- Please ensure that the verified number is consistent with the data definition provided.
Table of Contents
Enrollment: Based on Oct 31, 2017 LIS Cut-off
Teachers: PSI-POP teaching positions based on Oct 31, 2017 EBEIS Cut-off
Classroom: Pre-identified instructional rooms based on Apr 30, 2017 NSBI reports
Based on allocation provided by EFD indicated in a separate column
Seats: Based on 2016 NSBI reports
Toilets: Based on 2016 NSBI reports
Water Supply: Based on Oct 31, 2017 EBEIS Cut-off
Electricity Supply: Based on Oct 31, 2017 EBEIS Cut-off
Enrollment: No. of learners officially enrolled in the school for each educational level as of the date of reporting
Teachers: No. of teachers based on actual plantilla of teaching items assigned to the school, regardless whether filled or unfilled, or engaged in actual teaching or not
Classrooms: No. of classrooms in permanent or semi-permanent buildings/structures actually used for instruction. Do not include makeshift structures.
Seats: Kinder chairs, arm chairs, usable two-seater school desks, and other classroom chairs
Toilets: Functional urinals and toilet bowls (regardless whether for male, female or shared) for all usages
Water Supply: Availability or presence of at least one water source
Electricity Supply: Availability or presence of electricity regardless if grid or off-grid
Guide in Filling Out of the School Readiness Intervention Form
1. List the schools in the SDO that have been classified as Nearly Ready or Needing Support in at least one variable and identify the offering provided (ES, JHS, SHS). A drop-down list has been provided for ease of use.
2. Indicate the proposed interventions needed to prepare the particular school for the opening of classes in variables where it was classified as Nearly Ready or Needing Support.
Some sample interventions are provided below. Please note that there may be other interventions that will more appropriately address the particular needs of the schools in your Division.
- Facilitate the filling-up of teaching items – SDO
- Resort to 2 Shift Class Schedule – School
- Allocate funds for the constructions of school buildings – CO
- Purchase of Temporary Learning Spaces – SDO
- Redeploy Excess Seats from Other Schools – SDO
- Campaign through Brigada Eskwela – School
- Request to avail of Quick Response Funds for classroom repairs – RO
3. Also identify the governance level (School, Schools Division Office, Regional Office, Central Office) that should take appropriate action. A drop-down list has been provided for ease of use.
4. Describe the current need for the particular variable in the Remarks column. You may also provide additional information, inputs, and other feedback.
Download School Readiness Verification Guide Excel Template
Attached is a complete template of the School Readiness Verification Guide that can be downloaded using this link: [1]
READ: Verification of School Readiness Data for SY 2018-2019