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DepEd Antipolo 2016 Ranking of Applicants – Teacher 1 Positions

Recruitment, Selection, Evaluation and Ranking of Applicants for Teacher 1 Position for SY 2016-2017


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Chief Education Supervisors
District Supervisors
Elementary and Secondary School Heads/Principals/TICs/OICs
All Others Concerned

1. To ensure that the quality of basic education in the Division is enhanced through hiring of highly-competent teachers for SY 2016-2017, all schools are enjoined to abide with the Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, Evaluation and Ranking of Teacher 1 applicants stipulated in DepEd Order 7, s. 20155, re: Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions effective SY 2015-2016.

Read: Sample Letter of Application for Teacher 1 and Junior High School

2. The following provisions of the abovementioned DepEd Orders are hereby emphasized/reiterated:

a. Public school teachers requesting for transfer to another assignment are not considered new applicant and should not therefore be subjected to these hiring guidelines. (Paragraph 3.2 of DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2012)

b. As provided in Section 26 (b) Paragraph 2 of RA 9293, teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past five (5) years shall be required to take at least twelve (12) units of education courses, consisting of at least six (6) units of pedagogy and six (6) units of context courses.

c. In the elementary level, the School Screening Committee shall be chaired by School Head with four (4) teachers as members. The Screening Committee in the secondary shall be chaired by the School Head, Department Head Concerned, and three (3) teachers from the different learning areas (as needed based on school’s vacancies) as members.

d. The School Screening Committee shall verify all documents as to completeness and authenticity and submits the lists of applicants with the corresponding documents to the Division Selection Committee. The list of Applicants shall be categorized by position, ie. Elementary/Secondary, Pre-school, Mobile Teacher, SPED.

e. The Division Selection Committee for elementary level shall be chaired by the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent with three (3) Education Program Supervisors, Chapter President of PESPA, and a Representative of CSO with technical expertise. For Secondary Level, the same will be chaired by the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent, with three (3) Education Program Supervisors, Chapter President of NAPSSHI, and a Representative of CSO with technical expertise.

3. The following activities with the corresponding dates and venues shall be observed:

Filing of applications and submissions of documents to the School Screening CommitteeJanuary 5 - Feb. 19, 2016
Submission of pertinent documents to the Division Selection CommitteeFebruary 23, 2016
Demo Teaching and Interview of Teacher ApplicantsMarch 1 - 11, 2016
Administration of English Proficiency TestMarch 17, 2016
8:00AM - 12:00NN - Elementary

1:00 - 5:00PM - Secondary
Consolidation of Ratings/Evaluation and Preparation of Registry of Qualified ApplicantsMarch 21, 2016 - April 15, 2016
Submission of Registry of Qualified Applicants to SDS for ApprovalApril 18, 2016
Posting of RQA to Conspicuous PlacesApril 20, 2016

4. All teacher-applicants shall take the English Proficiency Test on the dates and venue specified above. Previously-ranked teacher applicants who had already taken their EPT may decide whether or not to take the test.

5. Likewise, teacher-applicants who will take the EPT are advised to wear proper business attire: blouse, slacks/skirt and closed shoes for females, and polo/polo shirt, slacks, and leather shoes for males. Also, bring identification card, ceritificate of PRC Rating and/or PRC License for identification/verification purposes.

6. The official in-charge of personnel actions shall provide secretariat services and assists the EPSs in the conduct of the test.

7. The review and finalization of the Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) for SY 2016-2017 shall be done by the Personnel Selection Board.

8. For strict compliance and guidance.


Schools Division Superintendent

Useful Links:

  1. How do I apply for a teacher position?
  2. DepEd Online Application System Frequently Asked Questions
  3. DepEd Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions Effective School Year 2015 – 2016
  4. DepEd Hiring Guidelines for the Remaining Teaching Positions SY 2015-2016

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

3 thoughts on “DepEd Antipolo 2016 Ranking of Applicants – Teacher 1 Positions”

  1. Blessed day po! pwede na po bang malaman ang resulta ng EPT?nagtest po ako last march 2017 lang po sa Antipolo. Maraming salamat po sa pagtugon.


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