Attached herein is the Memorandum signed by DepEd Undersecretary Alain Del B. Pascua on DepEd Certificate Generator and its user guide.
Table of Contents
DepEd Certificate Generator

The Department of Education (DepEd) is providing schools with the DepEd Certificate Generator to facilitate the preparation and printing of certificates of completion and diplomas that may be used in public and secondary schools nationwide. The format is based on DepEd Order 31, s. 2019.
Division Information Technology Officers (DITOs) are instructed to assist schools who opt to utilize the DepEd Certificate Generator.
Users of the system are requested to join the Workplace Group DepEd Certificate Generator at and send feedback regarding the use of the application.
The DepEd Certificate Generator and its user guides can be downloaded from
For appropriate action.

i need to access the google drive please
This is great help for us.thank you so much
thanks sir, you help us a lot