The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Protocols and Guidelines on the Submission, Receipt, and Processing of Requests Related to the School Building Program (SBP) to guide external and internal proponents submitting requests for funding and/or inclusion to the list to be funded under the SBP for public elementary and secondary schools nationwide.
In submitting the said requests, a complete staff work is expected from the proponent. This includes the rationale/reason for the said request, as well as, the following requirements as validated and endorsed by the schools division superintendent (SDS):
a. In submitting requests related to SBP, the proponent shall comply with the following documentary requirements:
i. Needs analysis reflecting the total enrollment, existing number of usable classrooms, current classroom ratio and ideal classroom ratio based on the standard parameters of the Department as certified by the SDS;
ii. Copy of valid site ownership documents.
iii. Actual Site Validation and Assessment Report signed by the Division Engineer with recommendation on the type of school building that can be constructed on the available space within the school OR the scope of repair/rehabilitation to be made on the subject school building;
iv. Complete Pre-Detailed Engineering Analysis such as the result of Soil Tests conducted;
v. Complete Detailed Engineering Designs and Estimates prepared by the Division Engineer and approved by the SDS; and
vi. Signed endorsement of the request from the SDS.
b. For requests coursed through elected government officials where the schools are situated and/or other external to DepEd proponents, the following have to be complied with:
i. Signed request from the School Head containing the following documents:
1) Needs analysis reflecting the total enrollment, existing number of usable classrooms, current classroom ratio, and ideal classroom ratio based on the standard parameters of the Department as certified by the SDS;
2) Copy of valid site ownership documents;
3) Actual Site Validation and Assessment Report signed by the Division Engineer with recommendation on the type of school building that can be constructed on the available space within the school OR the scope of repair/rehabilitation to be made on the subject school building;
4) Complete Pre-Detailed Engineering Analysis such as the result of Soil Tests conducted; and
5) Complete Detailed Engineering Designs and Estimates prepared by the Division Engineer as approved by the SDS.
ii. Said request/s should be recommended for approval by the SDS.
Request for School Buildings and other school facilities improvement projects shall be based on the following priorities:
a. Replacement of old and dilapidated structures,
b. Replacement or repair of calamity-damaged structures,
c. Classroom needs due to increase in enrollment, and
d. Improvement of school facilities and premises to mitigate hazards.
All requests related to SBP should have attachments/annexes enumerated under Items 2.a or 2.b, and compliant with Item 3 of this policy. Otherwise, the request shall be immediately returned to concerned proponents.
This Order shall take effect immediately upon its approval. Its certified copies shall be filed with the University of the Philippines Law Center Office of the Administrative Register (UP LC-ONAR), UP Diliman, Quezon City.
All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations, and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
For inquiries and/or clarifications relative to the enclosure, please contact the Education Facilities Division-Administrative Service (EFD-AS), Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or telephone numbers (02) 8633-7263, 8638-7110, and 8636-4877.
Table of Contents
Protocols and Guidelines on the Submission, Receipt, and Processing of Requests Related to the School Building Program
The Department of Education (DepEd) has been receiving various requests from internal stakeholders (school heads and division superintendents) and external stakeholders (officials from barangays and local government unit executives from the municipalities and provinces, and legislators) for school buildings and other school facilities improvement (i.e, construction, replacement, repair and rehabilitation of school buildings, covered courts, and other school site improvement projects such as slope protection, drainage system, electrification, fencing and others).
While requests for these school facilities are valid as these are necessary for the improvement of their respective schools or schools within their area of jurisdiction, proper procedures should be observed and proper channels should not be bypassed. The evaluation of requests should be determined through the submission of a complete staff work endorsed and validated by the Schools Division Office through its Planning Officers and Division Engineers prior to the submission to the Office of the Secretary or other Executive Committee members of the Department.
Given the perennial problem of inadequate classrooms as a result of the annual increase in enrolment, coupled with limited budget to address the school facilities requirements of all public elementary and secondary schools, it is necessary that the funding and programming of school facilities are based on sound analysis on the actual needs of the schools. By institutionalizing the standards and specifications for compliance by the schools prior to construction, thorough and objective evaluation of requests would materialize. As such, the issue of inequality due to policization would be avoided.
It is in this spirit that this Order is being issued pursuant to the policy of the state to ensure that all resources of the government are managed, expended, or utilized in accordance with law and regulations, and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition, with a view of ensuring efficiency, economy, and effectiveness in the operations of government.
This Order covers the protocols and guidelines to be followed in the submission, receipt and processing of requests related to the school building program and other school facilities improvement projects.
Policy Statement
Determining the school facilities requirements of each public elementary and secondary schools is a function of the Schools Division Offices through its Planning Officers and Division Engineers. The Division Engineer shall prepare a Comprehensive School Facilities Development Plan (CSFDP) reflecting the short, medium or long term plan for the construction and/or improvement of school facilities.
Specifically, for the construction of school buildings, prioritization of schools in the CSFDP must be based on the analysis of classroom requirements as determined by the School Head and validated by the Division Planning Officer, the availability of sufficient buildable spaces, and the validity of site ownership documents – schools shall be owned by the department or under Usufruct Agreement with the LGUs.
Guidelines for Requesting School Buildings
Requests for School Buildings and other school facilities improvement projects shall be based on the Comprehensive School Facilities Development Plan (CSFDP) of the Division and in accordance with the following priorities:
i. Classroom needs due to increase in enrolment;
ii. Replacement of old and dilapidated structures;
iii. Replacement or Repair of calamity damaged structures;
iv. Improvement of school facilities and premises to mitigate hazards.
In submitting request for school buildings, the proponent shall comply with the following documentary requirements:
i. Needs analysis reflecting the total enrolment, existing number of usable classrooms, current classroom ratio and ideal classroom ration based on the standard parameters of the department as certified by the Division Superintendent;
ii. Copy of valid site ownership documents;
iii. Actual Site Validation and Assessment Report signed by the by the Division Engineer with recommendation on the type of school building that can be constructed on the available space within the school OR the scope of repair/rehabilitation to be made on the subject school building;
iv. Complete Pre-Detailed Engineering Analysis such as the result of Soil Tests conducted;
v. Complete Detailed Engineering Designs and Estimates prepared by the Division Engineer and Approved by the Schools Division Superintendents;
vi. Signed endorsement of the request from the Schools Division Superintendent.
For requests coursed through local chief executives where the schools are situated the following have to be complied with:
i. Signed request from the School Head containing the following documents:
a. Needs analysis reflecting the total enrolment, existing number of usable classrooms, current classroom ratio and ideal classroom ratio based on the standard parameters of the department as certified by the Division Superintendent;
b. Copy of valid site ownership documents;
c. Actual Site Validation and Assessment Report signed by the by the Division Engineer with recommendation on the type of school building that can be constructed on the available space within the school OR the scope of repair/rehabilitation to be made on the subject school building;
d. Complete Pre-Detailed Engineering Analysis such as the result of Soil Tests conducted.
e. Complete Detailed Engineering Designs and Estimates prepared by the Division Engineer and Approved by the Schools Division Superintendents;
Said request should be recommended for approval of the Schools Division Superintendent.
Monitoring and Evaluation
- The Education Facilities Division (EFD) of the Central Office shall consolidate all requests submitted to the Office of the Secretary and members of the Executive Committee.
- In the programming of the Basic Education Facilities Fund (BEFF), the requests shall be considered based on the prioritization criteria and complete compliance of the technical requirements.
- The Division Offices thru the Planning Officer and the Division Engineer shall regularly update its Comprehensive School Facilities Development Plan (CSFDP) reflecting the programmed projects in the annual BEFF to evaluate if requirements have already been addressed.
DepEd Educational Facilities Manual
Repealing Clause
All DepEd orders, memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations and provisions, which are inconsistent with these guidelines are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
Effectivity/Transitory Provision
This Order shall take effect immediately upon its approval. Provisions and other previous issuances which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed.
Certified copies of this issuance will be filled with the University of the Philippines-Office of the National Administrative Register (UP-ONAR).
DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2022