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The Importance of Parental Involvement in Education

The Importance of Parental Involvement in Education

Poverty, the high cost of education, and the lack of awareness of the importance of education result in a lack of parental involvement in education in the Philippines. Parental involvement is essential for the success of any education system. It has been shown to improve student achievement, reduce truancy and dropout rates, and improve the quality of education. The Philippine government has recognized the importance of parental involvement and has taken steps to encourage it. However, more needs to be done.

The Department of Education (DepEd) needs to educate parents more about how important education is for their children’s future. It also needs to ensure that parents know the available resources to help their children succeed in school.

What Is Parental Involvement in Education and Why Is It Important

Parental involvement refers to parents’ participation in their children’s education at home and school. This can take many forms, such as helping with homework, attending school events and parent-teacher conferences, participating in decision-making processes, or regularly communicating with the child’s teacher.

Parental involvement is a critical factor in the success of children’s education. When parents are involved in their children’s education, children are more likely to do well in school and have better social and emotional development. 

Parental involvement improves student achievement, self-esteem, and behavior. It also helps to build strong relationships between parents and their child’s school.

There are many ways that parents can get involved in their children’s education. Some of the most common include:

  • Helping with homework: Parents can help their children with homework by providing guidance, support, and encouragement.
  • Attending school events: Parents can show their support for their children’s education by attending school events such as open houses, parent-teacher conferences, and school plays.
  • Participating in decision-making processes: Parents can have a voice in their children’s education by participating in school decision-making processes, such as serving on a school committee or joining a parent-teacher organization.
  • Communicating with the school: Parents can stay informed about their children’s education by communicating with the school regularly. This can be done through Facebook, email, phone calls, or in-person meetings.
  • Volunteering in the classroom: Parents can contribute to their children’s education by volunteering in the classroom or on a school committee.
  • Supporting the school: Parents can show their support by participating in fundraisers, attending school events, or becoming a member of the school’s Parent-Teacher Organization.

The best way for parents to get involved in their children’s education is to find an activity that they are interested in that fits their schedule. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parental involvement; what works for one family may not work for another. The most important thing is that parents find an activity they are comfortable with and feel benefits their child.

By taking these steps, parents can ensure that their child gets the most out of their education and has the best chance for success in life.

What Are the Benefits of Parental Involvement in Education

Parental involvement in education benefits students, families, and schools. Researchers have found that when parents are involved in their children’s education, students are more likely to succeed academically and socially.

There are several reasons why parental involvement leads to positive outcomes for students:

  1. When parents are involved in their child’s education, the child is more likely to have positive attitudes towards school and learning.
  2. Parental involvement provides support for the child both at home and at school. Studies have shown that children whose parents are involved in their education have higher grades and test scores and are more likely to complete their education.
  3. Parental involvement can lead to increased communication and collaboration between families and schools.

When parents and teachers work together, it can create a positive learning environment for all students.

The benefits of parental involvement in education are clear. By taking an active role in their child’s education, parents can help their child succeed academically and socially.

Final Thoughts

Parental involvement in education is essential and can significantly impact their child’s academic success. When parents are involved in their child’s education, they are more likely to help their children succeed in school and life.

Parents, your involvement in your child’s education is crucial! Please take the time to attend school meetings, meet with teachers, and help with homework. Your child needs your support to succeed in school. Thank you for taking an active role in your child’s education!

Do you have any tips for parental involvement in education? Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the government should do more to encourage parental involvement in education in the Philippines? Why? Please share them in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the importance of parental involvement in education?

Parental involvement in education is crucial because it helps ensure that children receive the best possible education. Parental involvement can help to improve school performance and increase parental satisfaction with the school system.

What are some ways that parents can get involved in their child’s education?

There are many ways that parents can get involved in their child’s education. Parents can participate in school activities, help with homework, and attend school meetings.

What are some benefits of parental involvement in education?

Some benefits of parental involvement in education include improved school performance and increased parental satisfaction with the school system. Parental involvement can also help to build stronger relationships between parents and their children.

What challenges do parents face when getting involved in their child’s education?

Some challenges parents face when getting involved in their child’s education include time constraints and lack of information about the school system. Additionally, some parents may feel like they are not welcomed or needed at their child’s school.

How can parents overcome these challenges and get more involved in their child’s education?

There are many ways that parents can overcome these challenges and get more involved in their child’s education. Parents can make an effort to attend school events, meet with teachers, and talk to other parents about their experiences.

What impact does parental involvement have on children’s education?

Parental involvement has a positive impact on children’s education. Studies have shown that children whose parents are involved in their education have higher grades and test scores and are more likely to graduate from senior high school.

What can schools do to encourage parental involvement?

Schools can encourage parental involvement by providing information about school activities and events and making it easy for parents to participate. Additionally, schools can create parent-teacher organizations or committees to help facilitate communication and collaboration between parents and educators.

What resources are available to parents who want to get more involved in their child’s education?

Many resources are available to parents who want to get more involved in their child’s education. Parents can contact their child’s school, school’s PTA, or Schools Division Office for more information.

How can parents and schools work together to support children’s education?

Parents and schools can work together to support children’s education by communicating and collaborating on behalf of students. Parents can provide support at home, and schools can offer resources and opportunities for parental involvement.

What are some ways that parents can advocate for their child’s education?

There are many ways that parents can advocate for their child’s education. Parents can talk to their child’s teacher or principal about their child’s progress or contact the Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office to voice their concerns.


Llego, M. A. (2022, September 4). The Importance of Parental Involvement in Education. TeacherPH. Retrieved September 4, 2022 from, https://www.teacherph.com/parental-involvement-education/



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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, from the Philippines, has significantly influenced the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access essential information and exchange ideas. His contributions have enhanced their instructional and supervisory abilities. Moreover, his articles on teaching have reached international audiences and have been featured on highly regarded educational websites in the United States.

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