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Brigada Eskwela Stakeholder Engagement Strategy


The occurrence of disasters affected school operations to the point of depriving our students access to quality education. While we have improved our classroom standards, strengthened our coordination with partners for disaster response and capacity building, and established the Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Service, there is a need to heighten support for school level implementation of disaster risk reduction.

Disaster preparedness of schools is an important factor to achieve resilience in our communities. DepEd, through 2018 Brigada Eskwela, seeks to mainstream disaster preparedness principles in readying schools for the opening of classes. More than the usual menu of provisions for schools such as putting up of fences, painting, roofing, among others, DepEd will provide a list of preparedness measures that partners could support in various capacities.

Our aim is to engage all education stakeholders, which would include the following:

  • Local Government Units (LGUs) from provincial to barangay levels
  • Private Partners
  • Academe
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Private Corporations
  • Individual Volunteers

Our partners could assist DepEd in the following areas:

  • Support implementation of school preparedness and safety measures
  • Provision of emergency kits and education supplies for teachers and students
  • Information, Education, Communication of DRRM

The matrix below provides specific steps that target partners could take for their active engagement during the Brigada Eskwela week.

How to Engage the Stakeholders/ What Each Stakeholder Can Do

StakeholdersNature of Engagement
Provincial Government Unitsa. Coordinate with DepEd Division Offices
b. Secure a copy of the school preparedness
c. Convene Local School Board (LSB) to identify
possible support in school preparedness
d. Mobilize local support through the business sector, philanthropies, academe and local organization to assist schools’ preparations for class opening
Municipal/City Government Unitsa. Coordinate with DepEd Division/District Offices
b. Secure a copy of the school preparedness checklist
c. Convene LSB to identify possible support on school preparedness
d. Mobilize local support through the business sectors, philanthropies, academe and local organization to assist schools’ preparations for class opening
e. If available, include schools in the early warning system implemented in the locality
Barangay Government Unitsa. Coordinate with nearby elementary and/ or secondary school
b. Participate in school preparatory meetings for Brigada Eskwela
c. Mobilize local assistance to support school preparedness strategies
d. Secure a copy of the school preparedness checklist
e. Support the school preparedness strategies
f. Assist schools in establishing an early warning system
Private Partnersa. Coordinate with DepEd Division or District or School
b. Secure a copy of the school preparedness checklist
c. Provision of Emergency kits/bags for students, teachers and schools, teacher’s kit, learner’s kit
d. Provision of advocacy/information materials for schools
e. Support the school preparedness strategies
Local CSOs and Volunteersa. Coordinate with target elementary and/or secondary schools
b. Secure a copy of the school preparedness checklist
c. Signify interest to assist school during preparation for class opening
d. Participate in school preparatory meetings for Brigada Eskwela
e. Identify and communicate support that will be provided to schools
f. DRRM Service orientation for parents
g. Assist in the conduct of risk profiling
h. Support the school preparedness strategies
Parentsa. Participate in school preparatory meetings for Brigada Eskwela
b. Support the school preparedness strategies
Centrala. Issuance of School preparedness guide, which provides checklist on school preparedness measures
b. Prepare guidelines on conducting risk profiling based on the following considerations:

• Location of the school
• Immediate environment of the school
• Historical disasters experiences
Regiona. Conduct planning meeting with DOs to determine school needs
b. Provide assistance to DOs in formulating strategies to support school preparedness
c. Monitor and prepare report regarding the implementation of preparedness strategies
Divisiona. Mobilize assistance from education partners and other government agencies for schools’ implementation of preparedness measures
b. Coordinate with local government agencies on local risk profiling
c. Ensure availability of the summary of school level data for local partners’ reference
d. Prepare list of schools that would be needing most assistance from partners
e. Ask local fire bureau, local PNP, local AFP to participate in "How to Make Your School Safer” campaign
f. Ensure support is equitably distributed to all schools
Schoolsa. Distribute emergency kits/bags to students and teachers, learner’s kit and teacher’s kit (See Annex C of Enclosure No. 1)
b. Spearhead the implementation of school preparedness guide

Continue reading.. 

  1. 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines
  2. 2018 Brigada Eskwela Best Implementing Schools Award
  3. WASH in Schools during Brigada Eskwela
  4. 2018 Brigada Eskwela School Safety and Preparedness Guide
  5. Brigada Eskwela Sample Request Letter and Solicitation Letter

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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