The Department of Education (DepEd) Philippines announces the acceptance of the application for Teacher I positions, both in the elementary and secondary level, including Senior High School, for SY 2020-2021.
DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2015 (Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions for School Year (SY) 2015-2016) shall be the basis for the hiring policies for Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High Levels while DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2016 for Senior High School teaching positions, from hereon until further notice.
All applications shall be submitted to the school nearest the residence of the applicant, except for Senior High School (SHS) applicants who shall submit such to the school offering the Track/Strand applied for, for verification of documents/attachments.
READ: DepEd Hiring Guidelines for Teaching Positions for School Year (SY) 2020-2021
March 27, 2015
DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2015
Table of Contents
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
1. The Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions for School Year (SY) 2015 2016 are enclosed for the information and guidance of all concerned.
2. The issuance of these Guidelines aims to integrate and further institutionalize the primary objective of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, which is to enhance the overall quality of basic education in the country by hiring highly-competent teachers, and to uphold the Department’s mandate under the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (Republic Act 4670) to promote and improve public school teachers’ employment and career opportunities as well as to attract more people with proper qualifications to the teaching profession.
3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
READ: 2019 DepEd Online Application and Hiring Process
(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2015)
The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes that the success of any education system greatly relies on the competence of its teachers. Hence. one of the primary issues the Department aims to address through its comprehensive implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is the need for highly competent teachers in public elementary and secondary schools. The program plans to achieve this objective through significantly improving professional standards that will better ensure that the teachers hired are able to substantially contribute to the development of lifelong learners. Furthermore, the hiring system is also set to provide opportunities for the absorption of all qualified kindergarten volunteers and LGU-hired teachers into the national plantilla.
Faithful to the merit and fitness principle of the Civil Service Doctrine of the Constitution and DepEd’s continuing thrust to enhance the quality of basic education, these hiring guidelines are hereby promulgated for Teacher I positions consistent with the pertinent provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations effective School Year 2015-2016.
These guidelines, which will apply to the filling-up of newly created and/or natural vacancies for Teacher I positions in public elementary (including kindergarten) and secondary schools shall cover the following areas/aspects:
2.1 Announcement of Vacancies and Receipt of Applications
2.2 Verification and Validation of Documents Submitted
2.3 Evaluation and Selection of Qualified Applicants
2.4 Appointment of Qualified Applicants
2.5 Monitoring of Division Office Compliance with Hiring Guidelines by the Regional Office
3.1 Applicant refers to a person who holds a valid certificate of registration/professional license as a teacher from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) seeking to be appointed to a Teacher I Position.
3.2 Bonafide resident refers to an applicant who has been residing for at least six (6) months at the barangay, municipality, city or province in which the school being applied to for a teaching position is located, as evidenced by the Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212, Revised 2005) and a Voter’s Identification Card or any proof of residency as deemed acceptable by the School Screening Committee.
3.2.1 An applicant who has taught as an LGU-funded teacher, Kindergarten Volunteer Teacher (KVT) or substitute teacher for at least one (1)school year in the barangay, municipality, city or province where the school being applied to for a teaching position is located shall also be considered as a bona fide resident, to be validated by a certificate of employment.
3.3 Locality refers to the barangay, municipality, city or province where the school being applied for is located.
3.4 Qualified applicant refers to an applicant who has been screened and who, therefore, meets the evaluation and selection criteria used by the Schools Division as provided for in the enclosed guidelines.
3.5 Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) refers to the official list cf applicants who obtained an overall score of seventy (70) points and above based on the criteria set and as a result of the evaluation and selection processes.
4.1 Public school teachers requesting for transfer to another station are not considered new applicants and are therefore not subject to these hiring guidelines. DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2013, otherwise known as the “Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of Teachers from One Station to Another” shall be strictly observed.
4.2 Upon a teacher’s appointment, assignment to a station, and acceptance of the position, he or she shall not be transferred to another school until after rendering at least three (3)years of service in that school.
4.3 Residents of the locality, LGU-funded teachers, substitute teachers, volunteer teachers, and Philippine Business for Education (PBEd) graduates under the 1000 Teachers Program (1000TP) shall be subject to these hiring guidelines.
4.4 As provided in Section 26 (b) Paragraph 2 of RA 9293 entitled “An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Seventy-eight Hundred and Thirty-six (RA 7836), Otherwise Known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization. Act of 1994,” teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past five (5) years shall be required to take at least twelve (12) units in education courses, consisting of at least six (6)units of content courses.
5.1 All applicants shall register to the Department’s online system at, where they must encode their Personal Data Sheet and select the division where they want to be ranked. Once submitted, an Applicant Number will be issued. In the submission of application requirements, this Number must be indicated.
a. Each division shall assign an e-mail address (either its official division office’s e-mail or its HR’s e-mail) where the system will forward the applications.
b. Applicants who have already submitted requirements prior to the release of these Guidelines must still register to the online system, after which they shall submit their Applicant Number to the division office.
5.2 An applicant shall submit to the head of elementary or secondary school where a teacher shortage or vacancy (regular and/or natural) exists, a written application, with the Applicant Number indicated, supported by the following documents:
a. CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 in two copies with the latest 2×2 ID picture (DOWNLOAD: CSC Form 212 Revised 2017)
b. Certified photocopy of PRC professional identification card or a PRC certification showing the teacher’s name, LET rating, and other information recorded in the PRC Office
c. Certified photocopy of ratings obtained in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)/Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET)
d. Certified copy of transcript of records
e. Copies of service records, performance rating, and school clearance for those with teaching experience. If unavailable, the applicant must submit a justification citing the reason/s for unavailability.
f. Certificates of specialized training, if any
g. Certified copy of the Voter’s ID and/or any proof of residency as deemed acceptable by the School Screening Committee
h. NBI Clearance
i. Omnibus certification of authenticity and veracity of all documents submitted, signed by the applicant
5.3 The applicant assumes full responsibility and accountability on the validity and authenticity of the documents submitted, as evidenced by the Omnibus certification of authenticity (Item 5.2.i above). Any violation will automatically disqualify the applicant from the selection process.
6.1 The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall issue a Memorandum organizing and designating the members of the following committees:
6.1.1 School Screening Committee
6.1.2 Division Selection Committee
6.2 The Committees shall have the following compositions and functions:
6.2.1 School Screening Committee Composition
a. The Committee at the elementary level shall be chaired by the School Head with four (4) teachers as members. In the case of primary. incomplete elementary and multi-grade (MG) schools, the Committee shall be chaired by the cluster school head with four (4)teachers from the cluster schools as members.
b. The Committee at the secondary level shall be chaired by the School Head. The Department Head concerned and three (3) teachers from the different learning areas (as needed based on the school’s vacancies) shall be members. For small secondary schools that do not have department heads, the School Head shall be the Committee Chair with four (4) subject leaders from different learning areas as members.
c. Committee members shall be identified by the School Head using the above-mentioned specifications. The School Head shall then transmit the Composition of the School Screening Committee to the Schools Division Superintendent for the issuance of a corresponding Designation Order. Functions
a. Ensures that the updated lists of vacancies are regularly posted at conspicuous places and at the websites cf schools and teacher education training institutions at all times. The step-by-step procedure in applying for Teacher I positions, including a copy of this Order, must be posted as well.
b. Receives applications and documents.
c. Verifies and certifies as to completeness, veracity, accuracy, and authenticity of documents.
d. Issues a certification to each applicant that it has received the application specifying the documents that have been submitted in support of the application.
i. The School Screening Committee shall not refuse acceptance of any application. If any of the required documents are incomplete or invalid, the Committee shall immediately notify the applicant to facilitate the complete and proper submission of documents.
ii. Regardless of being incomplete or invalid, however, all applications must still be forwarded to the Division Selection Committee, albeit such submissions must be noted and marked by the Committee.
e. Produces copies of the received applications and documents before submitting the original submissions to the Division Selection Committee. The copies are then to be compiled and/or bound, with a table of contents and proper pagination, and are to be kept in the Office of the School Head for records purposes.
6.2.2 Division Selection Committee Composition
For Elementary Schools
Chair: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS) Members:
Three (3)Education Program Supervisors/Specialists Division Chapter President of the Philippine Elementary Schools Principals Association (PESPA)
Division Level President of the Parent-Teacher Association (FTA) Authorized representative of an accredited teachers’ union, as evidenced by the Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)
In the evaluation of SPED elementary applicants, the SPED Division Coordinator shall be part of the Committee.
For MG schools, the Division MG Coordinator shall be part of the Committee.
For Secondary Schools (Grades 7 to 10)
Chair: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Members:
Three (3)Education Program Supervisors/Specialists
Division Chapter President of the National Association of Public Secondary School Heads, Inc. (NAPSSHI) or the National Association of Secondary Schools of the Philippines (NASSHPHIL)
Division Level President of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Authorized representative of an accredited teacher’s union, as evidenced by a Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Civil Service Commission
In the evaluation of SPED secondary applicants, the SPED Division Coordinator shall be part of the Committee.
a. In schools divisions where there is no ASDS, the Superintendent shall designate an Education Program Supervisor as the Chair of the Division Selection Committee.
b. The official in charge of personnel actions shall provide secretariat services and maintain the minutes of proceedings of the selection and deliberation process. The minutes shall be signed by the Chair and all members of the Division Selection Committee. Functions
a. Receives from the School Screening Committee the list of applicants with the corresponding documents.
b. Verifies the documents submitted by the School Screening Committee as to completeness, accuracy, authenticity, and veracity.
d. Evaluates applicants on Education, Teaching Experience, LET/PBET Rating, Interview, Demonstration Teaching, and Specialized Training and Skills based on the criteria set forth in these guidelines.
e. Reviews and consolidates the results of the individual ratings of applicants, based on the scores they obtained in each criterion for evaluation.
f. Prepares separate division-wide RQAs for Kindergarten, Elementary, and Secondary,
g. Sends to each applicant a written communication detailing the scores he or she has received for each evaluation criterion as well as the final overall rating, signed by the Chair.
h. Secures list of its LGU-funded teachers from the office of the provincial governor, city/municipal mayor, or provincial/city/municipal administrator.
i. Ensures that LGU-funded and volunteer teacher applicants go through the application process as provided for in these guidelines.
j. Submits the complete results of the evaluation of applicants, including pertinent records of deliberations, to the SDS for approval.
6.3 In cases involving applicants who may be assigned in a school located in an indigenous peoples (IP) community and/or serving IP learners, the School and Division Screening Committees may appropriately consult with IP elder(s)/leaders recognized by the community to verify and better assess such applications in reference to relevant provisions of these guidelines.
Applicants shall be evaluated using the following criteria:
a. Education | 20 |
b. Teaching Experience | 15 |
c. LET/PBET Rating | 15 |
d. Specialized Training and Skills | 10 |
e. Interview | 10 |
f. Demonstration Teaching | 15 |
g. Communication Skills | 15 |
TOTAL | 100 |
7.1 Education – 20 points
Education shall be rated in terms of the applicant’s academic achievement. Thus, all subjects with corresponding units must be included in the computation.
7.1.1 Rating of Education shall be based on the following equivalents, with 1.0 as the highest and 3.0 as the lowest:
General Weighted Average (GWA) | Equivalent Points | General Weighted Average (GWA) | Equivalent Points |
1.0 | 18.00 | 2.0 | 12.00 |
1.1 | 17.40 | 2.1 | 11.40 |
1.2 | 16.80 | 2.2 | 10.80 |
1.3 | 16.20 | 2.3 | 10.20 |
1.4 | 15.60 | 2.4 | 9.60 |
1.5 | 15.00 | 2.5 | 9.00 |
1.6 | 14.40 | 2.6 | 8.40 |
1.7 | 13.80 | 2.7 | 7.80 |
1.8 | 13.20 | 2.8 | 7.20 |
1.9 | 12.60 | 2.9 – 3.0 | 6.60 |
When the percentage rating is used, the following table of equivalents shall be used, with 1.0 as the highest and 3.0 as the lowest.
Percentage Rating | GWA | Percentage Rating | GWA |
99.00 – 100 | 1.0 | 86.50 – 87.50 | 2.0 |
97.75 – 98.75 | 1.1 | 85.25 – 86.25 | 2.1 |
96.50 – 97.50 | 1.2 | 84.00 – 85.00 | 2.2 |
95.25 – 96.25 | 1.3 | 82.75 – 83.75 | 2.3 |
94.00 – 95.00 | 1.4 | 81.50 – 82.50 | 2.4 |
92.75 – 93.75 | 1.5 | 80.25 – 81.25 | 2.5 |
91.50 – 92.50 | 1.6 | 79.00 – 80.00 | 2.6 |
90.25 – 91.25 | 1.7 | 77.75 – 78.75 | 2.7 |
89.00 – 90.00 | 1.8 | 76.50 – 77.50 | 2.8 |
87.75 – 88.75 | 1.9 | 75.00 – 76.25 | 2.9 – 3.0 |
Applicants with non-education degrees shall be rated using their GWAs in their baccalaureate degrees and the eighteen (18)professional units in education.
If the school issues a certification of GWA with a corresponding percentage rating that does not conform to the above table, the committee shall refer to the grading system of the school.
For schools with “unique” grading systems, a corresponding transmutation table shall be constructed.
Applicants with a Master’s Degree (MA or MS) shall be given +1 point, while applicants with a Master’s Degree and with a Doctorate (PhD) shall be given +2 points.
7.1.2 Additional requirements for kindergarten applicants
a. He/she must have obtained any of the following degrees, or its equivalent:
Bachelor in Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Science in Preschool Education
Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Child Development
Bachelor in Elementary Education, with specialization in Kindergarten, Preschool or Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Bachelor in Elementary Education, Major in Teaching Early Grades
Bachelor of Arts/Science Degree in discipline allied to Education, such as Psychology, Nursing, Music and Arts, et cetera, with at least 18 units in content courses or subjects in ECE
Bachelor in Elementary Education, Major in Special Education (SPED) with 18 units in ECE
Bachelor of Secondary Education with additional Diploma in ECE including Practice Teaching in Kindergarten Education
Other degree courses and/with at least 18 units in Early Childhood Education
The Division Selection Committee may consider any other similar Bachelor’s degree in Early Education.
b. In cases where there are limited eligible teachers with ECE units, the following measures may be adopted.
Upon appointment, the teacher shall be required by the Schools Division Office (SDO) to earn ECE units gradually. Nine (9)ECE units may be earned at the end of Year 1; eighteen (18) units, Year 2; and twenty-one (21)units, Year 3.
c. Kindergarten teacher applicants must not be more than forty-five (45) years old.
7.1.3 Additional requirements for SPED elementary applicants
a. He/she must possess any cf the following qualifications:
Educational Qualification | Requirement |
BSEEd-BS Special Education | With Specialization in SPED-Undergrad |
BSEEd/BSSPEd | With 18 Units MA-SPED and 3 years actual teaching in SPED VS Performance Rating |
BSEEd/BSSPEd | With 15 units MA-SPED and 4 years of actual teaching in SPED VS Performance Rating |
BSEEd/BSSPEd | With 12 Units in MA-SPED and 5 years of actual teaching in SPED VS Performace Rating |
BSEEd/BSE | With 9 units MA-SPED and 6 years actual teaching in SPED VS Performance Rating |
BSEEd/BSSPEd/BSE | With teaching experience in SPED or Inclusive Setting VS Performance Rating |
In cases where applicants do not have the appropriate educational qualifications for SPED, they may still be evaluated but shall be categorized separately from those who have met the said requirements.
b. He/she must have at least three (3) years of experience in providing educational services to any of the categories of children with special needs. This is to be verified by a certification from the Principal to be submitted as part of the application.
c. A certification from the Principal that the applicant has had a Very Satisfactory performance rating for the last three (3) years must be submitted as part of the application.
7.1.4 Additional requirements for SPED secondary applicants
He/she must possess any cf the following qualifications:
Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in Special Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education plus 18 units in special education in the graduate level
Bachelor of Secondary Education plus 15 units in special education with 2 years of very satisfactory teaching experience in the regular schools and is willing to be trained within a year
Bachelor of Secondary Education plus 12 units in special education with 4 years of very satisfactory teaching experience in the regular schools and is willing to be trained within a year
Bachelor of Secondary Education plus 9 units in special education with 6 years of very satisfactory teaching experience in the regular schools and is willing to train within a year
Bachelor Of Secondary Education plus 2 years of very satisfactory teaching experience as a SPED teacher
7.2 Teaching Experience – 15 points
Teaching experience in Early Childhood (EC) kindergarten/preschool, elementary, secondary, tertiary, higher education, Special Education (SPED), Alternative Learning System (ALS), Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET), learning institutions offering culture-based education programs for indigenous peoples (IP) – even prior to passing the LET – shall be given 1.50 points for every school year but shall not exceed twelve (12)points.
For every month of service, 0.15 point shall be given.
Example: 8 months = 1.20 points
10 months = 1.50 points
The full 0.15 point per month of teaching experience shall be given to the applicants who have come from schools and institutions that are government-accredited or -recognized. Certificate/s of employment shall be used to determine validity of teaching experience.
Teaching experience of kindergarten volunteer teachers (KVT) and LGU-funded teachers shall merit additional points on top of the score they obtain from the above points system, as follows:
Less than 2 years experience = +1 point
2 to less than 5 years experience = +2 points
5 or more years experience = +3 points
7.3 LET/PBET Rating – 15 points
Equivalent points of applicants rating in the LET/PBET shall be as follows:
LET Rating | Points | PBET Rating | Points |
87 and above | 15 | 82 and above | 15 |
84 – 86 | 14 | 79 – 81 | 14 |
81 – 83 | 13 | 76 – 78 | 13 |
78 – 80 | 12 | 73 – 75 | 12 |
75 – 77 | 11 | 70 – 72 | 11 |
7.4 Specialized Training and Skills – 10 points
Specialized training for skills development in fields related to the work, duties, and functions of the Teacher I position to be filled shall be given a maximum of 10 points.
In the assignment of points, the following should be met:
Presentation of a certificate of at least ten (10) days’ training – 5 points or nothing
Demonstration of the skill – 5 points or nothing
For applicants who may be assigned to a school located in an IP community and/or serving IP learners, knowledge and proficiency in the language(s) and culture of the concerned IP community shall be validated with the following:
Quality | Indicator/Evidence | Points |
Language proficiency For those applying to teach in Kindergarten -Grade 3: Fluency in the community language needed to teach using the mother tongue | Can speak the community’s language with adequate fluency and ease to discuss various concerns with adults in the community | 2 |
For those applying to teach in Grades 4-10: Familiarity with the day-to-day conversational language of the community needed to interact with community members and culture-bearers * (* Culture bearers tire elders, leaders, and other community members recognized for their expertise on particular Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) who are willing to facilitate the learning of IKSPs.) | A certificate or any form of attestation from the IP elder(s)/leaders recognized by the community may be submitted to support this Can take part in simple conversations using the community’s local language A certificate or any form of attestation from the IP elder(s)/leaders recognized by the community may be submitted to support this | 2 |
Familiarity with and respect for the community’s culture | A certificate or any form of attestation from the IP elder(s)/leaders recognized by the community | 3 |
Competency in indigenization of the teaching-learning process/Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) | ||
Has undergone training related to the indigenization of the teaching-learning process | Presentation of training certificate/s | |
5 days 7 days 10 days and over | 0.50 1 1.5 | |
Has practiced appropriate indigenization of the teachingleaming process in previous teaching engagements | Certification from previous learning institution/s served | |
1 year 2-3 years 4-5 years 6-7 years 7-9 years 10 years and over | 0.5 1 2 2.5 3 4 |
If the total points reached by an applicant exceed ten (10) points, a rating of 10 is given.
7.5 Interview – 10 points
The Division Selection Committee shall interview applicants and ensure that all have equal opportunities to be assessed. Applicants shall be interviewed on topics such as:
Professional experiences
Instructional skills
Technology/computer skills
Classroom discipline
Classroom management
Knowledge of content/materials
Planning skills
Relationships with administration, staff, parents, and students
Personal qualities
Applicants shall be rated based on the competencies and standards indicated below; thus, interview questions should be aligned with these.
Applicants shall be rated based on the competencies and standards indicated below; thus, interview questions should be aligned with these.
I. Teaching Ability: Demonstrates an appropriate knowledge of content and pedagogy
- Conveys ideas and information clearly
- Provides reasonable examples cf effective lesson-planning, instructional strategies, and/or student assessment
- Makes content meaningful to students in the district
- Sets concrete, ambitious goals for student achievement
- Addresses the multiple and varied needs of students
- Focuses on achieving results with students
- Indicates confidence that all students should be held to high standards
- Maintains high expectations for students when confronted with setbacks; continues to focus on the students’ academic success
- Reflects on successes and failures
II. Classroom Management: Demonstrates ability to deal effectively with negative student behavior
- Assumes accountability for classroom environment and cultures
- Conveys reasonable understanding of potential challenges involved in teaching in a high-need school
- Demonstrates ability to deal effectively with negative student behavior
- Persists in offering viable or realistic strategies to deal with classroom management challenges
- Remains productive and focused when faced with challenges
- Conveys willingness to try multiple strategies or something new when things change or when confronted with challenges
- Displays willingness to adapt classroom management style to meet the particular needs or culture of a school
III. School Fit: Demonstrates skills and needs for development that can be a good fit with the school
- Interacts with interviewer in appropriate or professional manner
- Respects the opinions of others
- Recognizes that families impact student performance
- Strategies create positive relationships with administrators, faculty, students
- Expresses personal and professional expectations and/or preferences that are in line with the school culture
- Demonstrates interests and skills that match the school’s culture and needs
- Interacts appropriately with supervisors, colleagues, parents and students
The rater shall make brief notes to support his or her observations and judgments about the individual’s skills as related to the listed competencies and to make a rating, from Not Fully Acceptable (NFA), Fully Acceptable [FA), to Exemplary (E) for each competency, using these standards and equivalent points:
Exemplary (E) 5 points | Fully Acceptable (FA) 3 points | Not Fully Acceptable (NFA) 1 point |
Applicant’s response contained many, if not all, of the target behaviors. His/her responses indicate well-developed skills and aptitude for that competency, which would most likely lead to job success. The person’s responses are of superior quality for this job. | Applicant’s response covered some of the target behaviors, but not quite at the level that would be ideal for that competency. Still, the quality of the person’s answers leads you to believe that he/she would be successful with some additional exposure and/or training. | Applicant’s response contained very few of the target behaviors. Either the behaviors he/she discussed were not at, or even close to. the level indicated in the target behaviors, or the person did not give you enough information for you to have confidence that he/she has that competency at the level needed for success. |
The number of points attained for each of the three (3) listed competencies (TeachingAbility, Classroom Management, School Fit) shall be added and then divided by fifteen (15).The quotient shall then be multiplied by 0.10 or 10%. The product shall then be multiplied by 100.
Example: Sum of points attained for the three competencies = 9
[(9/15) x .10] x 100 = 6
Score for Interview = 6 /10
7.6 Demonstration Teaching – 15 points
Applicants shall be evaluated according to the rubrics indicated on the following pages.
7.7 English Communication Skills – 15 points
An English Proficiency Test (EPT) shall be administered to applicants by the National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC). The respective Division Testing Coordinators shall coordinate with NETRC regarding the conduct and schedule of the exam in their division, which should be within February to March.
The total percentage score obtained by an applicant shall be multiplied by the weight of fifteen (15) points, asfollows:
Percentage Score = 98% or 0.98
Weighted Points = 15
Rating = .98 x 15 = 14.7 points
8.1 The RQA is the list of qualified applicants for appointment, which shall include their names, permanent addresses, and final evaluation ratings.
8.2 It shall be used in filling-up new items and natural vacancies for Teacher I positions.
8.3 The cut-off score for inclusion in the RQA is seventy (70)points.
8.4 The RQA should 1) be published in order of highest to lowest scores of the applicants, 2) show both the results of each criterion and the final overall rating, 3) only include those who obtained total scores of seventy (70) and above, 4) indicate the date of posting, and 5) be signed by the SDS.
8.5 Separate RQAs for Kindergarten, Elementary, and Secondary shall be prepared by the Division Selection Committees. The RQA for Kindergarten shall be prepared by the Division Selection Committee for Elementary Schools.
8.6 Subject area specialization of the qualified applicants shall be the primary consideration in the secondary school level. Thus, the applicant to be appointed should have the subject-area specialization needed by the school.
8.7 The RQAs for Secondary Schools shall be prepared by subject area specialization, as follows: English, Filipino, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics, General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Music & Arts, Physical Education & Health, and SPED. Depending on the schools’ TLE offerings, separate RQAs for Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Information and Communications Technology (ICT),and Industrial Arts shall be prepared as well.
8.8 In schools with SPED teacher requirements, SPED specialization of qualified applicants shall be the primary consideration. As such, the applicant to be appointed should have the qualifications stated in Section
8.9 Following DepEd Memorandum No. 141, s. 2013 on the Hiring of Graduates of 1000 Teachers Program, of the Philippine Business for Education, qualified applicants under PBEd’s 1000 TP program shall be given priority in hiring.
8.10 The RQAs should be ready by the last week of April of every year so that qualified applicants may be appointed by May 1. The RQA shall be valid for a period of one (1)school year.
8.11 As a general rule, only applicants listed in the RQA are eligible for hiring and appointment, with priority given to bonafide residents of the barangay, municipality, city, or province (in the order as aforestated) where the school is located. 8.11.1 In cases where the number of qualified applicants from the barangay is greater than the number of available Teacher I items, priority in hiring shall be given to applicants from the barangay according to their overall rating (number score) in the RQA, from highest to lowest. The same rule shall apply in the appointment of applicants from the municipality, city, and province.
8.12 In cases where all those in the RQA have been appointed and assigned to their respective stations and there are still available positions, the concerned Schools Division Office shall coordinate with a neighboring SDO whose RQA has not yet been exhausted and facilitate their applicants’ deployment to the Division, subject to the applicants’ written concurrence. If an applicant refuses to be deployed to the other division, no deployment shall be effected. The evaluation process shall not be repeated; the scores given by the neighboring SDO shall be respected.
9.0 APPOINTMENT OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall:
9.1 Post the signed, complete results (RQAs) in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the Division Office and on the website of the Division Office. The RQAs must have the contents indicated in Section 8.4.
9.2 Provide the School District and every kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school with copies of the RQAs for posting in their areas of jurisdiction. Regional Directors, LGUs, and Legislative District Representatives shall also be provided with copies of the RQAs.
9.3 Advise newly-hired teachers to report for their first day of work on May 15, provided that appointment papers are already in order.
Regional Directors shall regularly monitor and ensure strict compliance with the provisions of these hiring guidelines, as follows:
10.1 Dissemination and discussion of these guidelines with teachers, school heads, district supervisors, superintendents, and other schools division officials:
10.2 Preparation of schools to receive and acknowledge applications;
10.3 Organization of Division Selection Committees and School Screening Committees;
10.4 Briefing and orientation of members of these committees regarding their roles and functions;
10.5 Preparation of scoring sheets, interview guides, and tests of applicants:
10.6 Briefing and information-sharing with local governments and other local stakeholders in teacher hiring;
10.7 Preparation of a report on the observations, both positive and negative, in actual division practices in implementing these guidelines; and
10.8 Submission of said report on a quarterly basis to the Office of the Secretary through the Office of the Assistant Secret ary for Planning.
Aggrieved qualified applicants in the RQAs of the Schools Division Office and those who are disqualified under Sec. 5.2.i of these guidelines may file a protest or complaint, respectively.
These Guidelines hereby amend DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2014. Other rules, regulations and issuances which are also inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded or modified accordingly.
The guidelines and criteria provided in this Order shall take effect immediately.
Magandang hapon po. Allowed po bang magturo sa elementary sa Pinas kung ang bachelor’s degree ay secondary education?
Good Day,
Need po ba ng TESDA or teaching experience bago po mag pa ranking? O pwde lang mag pa ranking kahit walang TESDA o teaching experience?
Good day!
Why still now can’t acccess parin po and deped online application system? Required po ba yan sa lahat ng division?
Graduate po ako ng BEED last 2002, LET passer last 2003 kaya lng hindi po ako nakapag turo or na practice. Iba po kc naging work ko. Pano po ang dapat kong gawin,? Please need your help. Thanks po
Hello qualified Po ba Ang bachelor of science in home economics education sa kindergarten teacher position ?
Kasi may subject o course na child and elderly care and development pero education course Po sya
Hi po. Kung pasado po sa Civil Service Exam Professional Level po need pa din magparank?
opo lalo n kung mag aapply po kayo as teacher.
LET result and ID po need sa ranking.
Good day, Sir! Pwede po ba mag apply as DepEd Teacher ang isang Civil Service Passer/Eligible na may Teacher Education Undergraduate Degree? For some reasons hindi siya nag exam sa BLEPT kundi sa Civil Service?
Pwd sa SHS. 5yrs probationary
Good day po. Pwede po bang gamitin ang aking pagiging ESL teacher for RQA since we have Service Agreement?
Yes po, pwd nmn.
yun mga provincial local board teacher po ba ay may addtional points sa teaching exp. kasi po ay lgu funded sila?
Yes po meron nmn.
Good Bless!
Kung sino pa nag rank 1 sa RQA for teacher siya pa iyong walang item makukuha tapos yung mga nasa baba ng ranking sila yong binigyan dahil nasa barangay nila ang school. Napaka unfair nman sa part ng rank 1. hustiya!
Job order sa LGU po ba is macoconsider sa teaching experience and ang NC III Bookkeepper po ba ay consider din sa specialized skill? thank you.
No po, teaching experience only. Pero kung SHS pwd nmn bsta in line sa track.
Hello.May I know kung kelan ang teacher’s hiring this year.?English teacher ako sa Japan for 2 yrs.Ok lng po ba mag pa rank kahit lwang NCII?
In the RQA this S.Y., I placed second out of 59 applicants in the JHS-English. The Division office needed 6 teachers to fill in the vacancies. Unluckily,I was not able to get a position because they used localization in hiring. How about the other divisions? Do you prioritized the hiring basing on the localization or with the use of the RQA?
In our division, we prioritized the rank list.
ang hirap lang isipin that our country is in need of many teachers, yet many has been complaining that they were’nt been hired..the fact that you already sacrificed a lot during your studies, review for let and on your seems it’s not enough..ganyan n b tlga kahirap or there’s just this rumored “system” in hiring?
To whom it may concern,
Fresh graduate po ako this 2017. Kakapasa ko lang din po sa LET. Tanong ko lang po kung may updated na po kayong DEPEd memo about “Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions for 2018-2019”. Plano ko po kasi magparank. Thank you po sa sagot. Hoping for response. God bless.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH po. This copy helps me for I am one of the school selection.committee member in our school.
To whom it may concern,
I just want to ask po, kasi graduate po ako ng Bachelor of Secondary Education at LET passer na po ako, itatanong ko lang po kug pwedeng magparank ang isang BSED graduate kagaya ko para sa slot ng BEED.
If ever po pwede, anu po ba yung mga kinakailangang documents para dun?
Kinakailangan p po ba ng NC2?
Thank you po. Sana masugot nyo po ako……
Sir you can apply. the same requirements po sa high school. no need for the trainings but it is more advantage esp.if related to the subject you will be assigned to teach.
I am referring for the Tesda. NC2. if you have other trainings related to education these will add to your points.
hello po ma’am, tanong ko lang po, LET passer po ako (AB polsci with 18 units of Education). i am currently employed as Guidance Secretary for 9 years in a private school but now i want to practice my profession as teacher.Paano po kaya bibigyan ng points yung experience ko na 9 years as Guidance Secretary? Thank you so much po sa sasagot.
Tanong ko lang po… 5 years napo ako as T1 SPED TEACHER d2 sa Legazpi City Division… at Ko na po ang SPED COORDINATOR… pero bakit po ipinipilit sakin ng mga Panelist d2 sa Ranking na HINDI daw po ako pwde ma-PROMOTE kasi hindi daw ako MAJOR IN SPED…
OPO, isa po akong Graduate ng BS PHYSICAL THERAPY at kumuha lang ng 24 units sa SPED at nakapasa man ako s LET na may 78.+ na grade…
… ANO ang masasabi niyo dito, kasi yung mga bagong pasok na teacher ay Automatic na SPET 1… pero ako magiging Teacher I lang po ba for life dito s Legazpi City Division…? Kawawa man po dalawa kong anak… Anu po mai-advice niyo sakin? DIOS MABALOS PO…
Yes priority and SPED grad. If you’re not, then try finish your MA degree Major in SPED, the you can apply for SPET 1-3 thru promotion.
Hai po, gusto ko lang magtanong kung pwede pa po bang magpasa ng mga papers sa DEPEd kahit nag start na sila mag demo. I’m working po kasi as a call center at hindi po ako nkapasa ng papers. Thank you so much po. Pls email me at
no. you need to wait for the memo from the division for open ranking.
pwede po ba magpasa ng maraming pertinent papers sa lahat ng 4 na public high schools sa municipalities namin? mas malaki po ba ang chance?
pwede po ba magpasa ng pertinent papers sa lahat ng public high schools sa municipalities namin. mas malaki ba chances?
yes more chances of winning.
Hello mga co-teachers! good morning! may minor na concern lang po ako.
i worked as a part-time english teacher for 5months po kasi. pero, yung company ko di nagbibigay ng certificate of employment sa mga part-time na teacher. does it mean po ba gagawa pa ako ng separate na letter na nagsasabi ng situation ko, or sasabihin ko nalang yun application letter na ganun nga ang nangyari?
sana po may maka sagot. maraming salamat. God Bless satin. 🙂
Counted ba ang teaching experience sa abroad? 5 years working as a teacher in Bangkok. May points ba un?
I would like to ask if there is a certain memo / ruling that a certain public school can or cannot hire teachers from the same locality. Meaning all of the teachers of the school is from the same baranggay
Good morning sir/ mam,
I would like to known if there is such memo/ ruling in a certain locality is not authorize to hire teachers of the same place meaning . teacher is from the same baranggay or locality.
It’s so unfair forthose who has no experience yet , we need to look for aprivate school to have a teaching experience. We can’t even earn money to be practical and support our family financially because teaching in private willnot gonna give us enough money .
It’s great to have the old categories . Everyone will be given a chance to atleast work in public and start our career . Why making this things so hard ? It’s so complicated. How you can motivate others to take Education if this will be hard to them . Please if can , make it same process and categories, for good.
Yes true! Same situation 🙁
Anong mga TESDA courses po ang pwede para po macount dun sa point ng training/seminars? examples po. BSED english po ako., salamat
For English Major, events management po kunin mo. May points naman ung ibang NC’s pero 5 points lang ibibigay nila kaya events management dapat para makuha mo ung 10 pts.
Sang division ka ma’am na nabigyan ng 10 pts? EVM din ako, physci major
When will be the demo teaching and interview for the second batch of new applicants for Teacher 1 position in Elementary level? I already submitted all the pertinent papers enclede from the hiring guidelines. Yet, I have not receive any call or text yet coming from the division office. Please notify me. Thank you and God bless.
I thought 3-day-seminar/workshops will be rated under specialized training, hindi pala noh??? sayang lang pala kapag a-attend ng ganun tapos walang kwenta sa ranking.. may regional and national convention tapos marami ding iba pang seminar when I was working in a private school, tapos wala lang pala. Training lang daw na 10-days above ang considered, eh DEPEd nga 5-days lang ang alam. TESDA training lang po ba included under specialized training? Can you cite another example please para ganyang training din kukunin ko para next ranking na naman…
Sana yung equivalent points ng LET Rating hindi bracketing…parang unfair lang.
hi! anyone has an idea if it’s possible to submit 2 applications online? I’m want to apply in Dasmariñas and Gen. Trias Cavite.
hello mga ma’am and sir!
please help me to know more kung paano mag-aaply as Teacher I. I have read the above guidelines of deped. my problem is i never got the chance to practice my teaching profession since i passed the exam last 2005. as stated above on paragraph 4.4, i need to take 12 units of education courses. does it mean kelangan ko po ba mag-enroll ulit sa school to get the 12 units? meron po ba kayo alam na colleges or universities nag-offer ng 12 units of education? i will really appreciate your reply. thank you!
hi i have the same concern po…
Hello. Good afternoon. Ask ko lng po if counted ba ang teaching experience abroad?
Wala naman talagang bearing yang online registration na yan! since 2012 pa akong ngpapa rank. nkapasok ako sa bracket A na sabi ihi-hire dw nila that year but hanggang dis year di pa rin ako hired. this year binago pa nila lahat. BACK TO ZERO. edi nganga kmi ngayon. kawawa nman kaming mga fresh grad na nkpasa at wlang teaching experience kc akala nmin sapat na ang mkapasa sa ranking, di na ako ngteach sa private skul kc exclusive contract cla,pano kung bigla akong tnawagan ng Dep’Ed db? ai nko! un pala BACKER BACKER DIN!
I’ve lost my passion to teaching dahil sa HINDI SINUSUNOD na sistema. ngpa rank kmi tpos ung mga my padrino na kakapasa pa lg ng LET ang nkakapasok agad!
I feel you. 🙁 Rank 2 po ako this year sa SHS, pero hindi ako nabigyan ng item just because wala daw akong full time teaching experience when in fact nakastate naman sa guidelines under DepEd Order No. 3 , s 2016 (appendix) na walang work experience requirements sa Teacher 1 position for SHS. Tapos nireclassify pa nila ako as an “expert practitioner ” under letter D on the Deped Order No. 3 Addendum. Kaya good for part-timer position lang daw ako. It was so unfair kasi na meet ko naman ang minimum requirements ng SHS entry level sa ABM na track. BS Accountancy po natapos ko, I have earned 30 units of professional Education leading to Secondary Education- Major in TLE, meron din akong Bookkeeping NC3 and Food Processing NC2 Certificates. LET PASSER ako with 82.40% rating. Nagtataka ako kung bakit sa ibang division e hindi naman apektado ang applicants sa Addendum D.O. na yun. Meron nga naka-item na ZERO points niya sa industry or work experience. Nakakadisppoint lang.
Hindi na po bago yan saan po ba pwede mag complain ako po ay nag apply and followed the procedure paglabas po ng result failed po ang ang score i requested for a review of my results at to my surprise walang grade ang aking PBET as a result kung isasama ang PBET ko ako ay pumasa subalit ginawan nila ng paraan na hindi ako mapasama sa mga pumasa inivaluate uli ang aking papel ang akin lang sana kung ganon inivaluate na nila lahat dahil lahat naman ay inivaluate ng committee which consist of supervisor.
dba ang grade 11 or junior high eh different courses what if wla un gusto mo sa school kung san ka nakaenrol, d lipat kapa, and if nag open cla ng food tech na course tapos wla clang teacher at mag hire cla and un mag apply eh nd pa pasado sa let pero marami ng experience sa pagtuturo, at kaya nya ituro un course na food tech ihihire ba sya, pls pki sagot nga po thanks
what if na in ka pero naassigned ka sa malayo sa tirahan mo and then nag waive ka. is there a chance for you to be given another item.
Grabe talaga, hanggang kailan po kami maghihintay.. Andami nang tambay sa amin dito sa Bohol sa kakahintay kung kailan ipamimigay ang items na yan.
taas ng cut off..parang sa board exam..kung ganun,anong silbi kung makapasa ka sa let tapos di ka makakuha sa cut off na 70?shit naman!
aargg! i know right! kailangan natin g backer para maka in. lets face it. systemang bulok pa rin ang deped.five yrs na ako nakikiranking and they just keep pulling me down through interview and demo. nagaral ka ng mabuti duringncollege days, u passed the let tapos para ranking lang ilang taon buburuhin mo.IT SUCKS!!
Good news! Sa hindi nsama sa RQA, there’s a new memo, DO 22 s.2015. Kaso pabor parin xa sa may mga exp kc 1 month is equivalent to 0.5 pts instead of 0.15…. mgkakaroon ng reranking sa mga di umabot sa RQA kung my vacant position pa amd naubos na mabigyan ng item ung mga nsa RQA..☺
ano po chances na yung mga nkasama sa RQA this year eh mgka item, ang problem po kc is walang transparency ang Dep.edm hindi ko alam kng ilan na ba ang napasok, so frustrating po 🙂
look also the GWA..mas mataas na equivalent points na po sa new deped order..
In private schools before the end of school year they must know how many teachers would stay for the next school year so that, they will prepare the advancement of their teachers. Like me, I sent my letter of intent to my previous school that I will no longer extend my service to their school before end of March. Our principal decided not to include me for 5 days seminar because there will be a request of budget for the seminar. Then they will release a memo that there’s cut-off of seventy. We can prepare more if that memo issued prior to the ranking process. Then the result of ranking released by the third week of May. And if there’s lacking of teachers they will call in the middle of school year or class starts. Of course teachers don’t want to have breach of contract. Let us process all the immediately and accurately to the said plan so that you will not hear any negative comments.
i need suggestion guys. PLEASE help me. For how many time did I submit my pds i still dont have UAN. should I consider to make a new account on as in gagamet ako ng new email add?? oh baka ako din magkaproblema?
reg ulit….gamit ka ng new email…..
DepEd, sana po babaan ang cut-off score…
parang awa nyo na po….
DEPED, sana po babaan ang cut-off score…
parang awa nyo na po….
kahit pa po ma-perfect yung EPT, Interview, at Demo… kapag walang experience at training hindi talaga aabot ng 70 e…
napakasakit isipin na may license ka peo parang walang kwenta dahil sa RQA na 70 . .sa mga mkakabsa nito please i need help ..kasi bigyan daw ng item ung skul kung saan ako nagapply ngayun ako lng dn ung aplikante doon residence dn po ako don..peo ang problema d ako nka avut sa RQA ds year peo dati umaabut ung points ko sa RQA bumaba nga lng dahil sa EPT back to zero ..may experience napo ako nag LGU teacher Ako dati sa skul kung saan ako nag apply ..wala napo bah chance na makuha ko yung item? iibigay nalng ung sa iba na malaki ung score d nmn sila residence don at saka d nmn sila nag aaply sa skul na yun wala nmn sa kanilang application..saan napo ung LOCALIZATION na memo.. napasakit isipin dung ka lumaki dun ka nagaply dun ka nagturo dati as LGU teacher peo ibigay lng ung item sa Iba..grave frustrated talaga ako
Having this guideline for new teacher is good. However what they are thinking by saying 70% passing score,,, and try to imagine this memo was late and the hiring process is already done.. AS a result at May 20, 2015 only few pass.. and how about the rest who want also to teach.that are qualified enough (because of this wrong evaluation) . kulang na nga sa klasroom pati ba naman magtuturo kulang din… what kind of thinking you have.. Its not the fault of the new teacher why students fail,… its the system itself.. no budget, no support, nothing at all..what do you expect.. i hope the system has changed and try to consult everyone before implementing this kind of decision,,, I’m upset because we are here to offer the service we have but with this wrong criteria and evaluation makes us more desperate to leave our country and to teach other nation even we are professional.. Tapos magtataka kayo bakit wala teachers sa public ito ang isa sa mga dahilan… poor decision, bad execution of law,, lack of communication and leaders who don’t act like one… to make short : PLEASE REVISE THIS PASSING SCORE BEFORE ALL GRADUATE / NEWLY GRAD LEAVE OUR COUNTRY Because of your mission impossible scoring system… Who are you to set standard to 70% passing score? we know at the end of the day you past The (RQA) for 50% and above.. nakakaheya naman sainyo… For those who pass the 70% passing score .. Congratulations… I wish all the best in teaching.. and I hope you cherish your new opportunity.
Saan po makikita yung result?
pano po ung teacher na nag resigned na and work abroad for 7 yrs, priority po ba sila o kasama sila sa magrerefresher o mag eenrol ulit ng 12 un its?
I reckon you need to take a refresher course when you did not teach for five years. Palagay ko priority nga mga OFW. Ita try ko rin maybe after few more years.
Is there any chance that those who were not able to pass the 70% cut-off will be ranked this school year? In
my opinion, the number of those who were listed in RQA is quite few.
Paano po namin malalaman ang result ng ranking? D2 sa amin wla pa pong update sa RQA pa help nman po:)
Same problem with me.. I worked as a SPED Teacher in Davao City for 5 years. During sa interview, tinanong nila ako kong aling school dito sa davao ako nag teach ng sped. sinabi ko yong name ng school, ang sabi nila, magbibigay lang sila ng points if ang school is recognized ng DEPED. in my case kasi, registered lang ang school namin sa SEC and DSWD. so hindi daw nila mabibigyan ng points. so sad nga eh… hindi pa naman madali yong work ng sped teacher.
Yung system nila my problema talaga nakakahiya nga sa internet kung napakabilis eh paulit ulit ko yun ginawa bago naging successfully save, ayun nag request pa ako ng modification. . tama ka @Dana. sa mga wlang XP, I feel you. Pero True ang taas talaga ng cut-off score ngayon, eh feeling ko hndi rin masusunod yan. 1. Kung 70% ang hiring score, iilan lang ang papasok jan eh madaming teachers ang ihahire. siguro mga 10-20 applicants per division lang ang kayang magka score ng ganyan. 2. ang result ng ranking nasa computer na ng mga principals at secretray nila, hindi pa nila inilalabas dahil mag hohokus pocus muna bago ilabas, pinapaprepare na nila ng advance ang mga “manok” nila. Ang result ng ranking dapat nung APRIL 10 pa nakalabas. 3. Yung hiring guidelines na inilabas na DO7 S .2015 inilabas yan ng super late na, tumanggap na ng applicant mga principals, nakapademo na ang mga DO tapos saka sila mag lalabas ng Hiring Guidelines na yan na 70% at mag oonline. Ubos ubos na energy natin sa pag apply ag paglabas ng pera taz ang masaklap pa kung hindi ka rin lang pala mahahire eh yung mga requirements na sinabmit mo ginastusan mo din. original pa pati, taz ang feeling na for appointment na yung mga papers mo di ba, taz magpaparanking na nman next year, same process or worse pa. GANADO KA PA BA SA PASSION MO?
actually they implemented the 70% cut-off in Davao City out of 800+ elementary apply only 39 was inlucded in RQA. and out of 750+ in secondary more or less than 120.. i saw lot of aspiring teachers were crying.. and I were not able to pass the 70% cut-off my score was 68.80.
actually they implemented the 70% cut-off in Davao City out of 800+ elementary apply only 39 were inlcuded in RQA. and out of 750+ in secondary more or less than 120.. i saw lot of aspiring teachers were crying.. and I was not able to pass the 70% cut-off my score was 68.80.
paano mo nalaman sa iyo?? hindi pa nmn nag labas ang DEPED DAVAO CITY sa mga score….hmmmm??!!!
Tama ka jan. anu kayang pagiisip meron ang deped ngayon. NapakaBoBo na ng systema. Hindi na ako umaasa. Wala narin balak magpaRank Kahit kelan.
uo nga bat po ganun? naguguluhan na po kami sa online registration na yan .. sabi 48 hours pero hanggang ngayon wala pa po. pakipaliwanag namn po. kung may problema yung website. para po namna aware kami. Salamat .
KAILAN PO BA LALABas ang ranking sa Paranaque? ang sabi sa Deped Memo dapat by last week ng April meron na eh hellow anong petsa na..kaihit kailan talaga walang salita ang mga tao sa DO Paranaque
Sira naman yung site e
Ang news po kung kelan lalabas yung ranking? Though nawalan na ko ng pagasang maka 70% ang taas naman kasi. Unfair sa mga newly grad ?
yun nga po e..
kung alam lang sana namin ahead of time na 70 pala ang cut-off score, di na sana kami nagpa-rank… sayang sa time at pera
mayroon bhang deadline itong registrartion.?
kc hanggang ngayun wala phang verification grave ang hirap naman nito 48 years ata ang verification nito.tagal kunang nag apply april 9 pha hanggang ngayun wala pha.
pwede po ba wag nlng mag reg online….kc ngprocess n nga ng 48 hours taz d nmn ma open… 2 weeks ng lagi ganito….buti qng lagi may net……dpa po ba localization nmn kahit hindi n cguro online registration…hindi nmn cguro tau huhugutin para dalhin sa mindanao kc online reg all over the phil…hindi lng pinas kundi buong mundo…e approve n nga po ung localization….idea qlng po…kc nhhrapan lhat mk reg on line,actually smen district wla png nkapasok online reg na to….d ko alam f sa net ung prob o mismo sa web na to……maawa nmn po kau plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………
3 days na ako nag reregister but after 48 hours ayaw parin ma open.
Tanong ko lng po? Hanggang kailan po ung maintenance nio po kc natapos ko na ifil po ung last part nung pds ko tapos pag click ko ng save, nasa maintenance saving process from 11am to 3pm. Ngayon pag open ko na.,laging page cant be displayed ang cnasabi..
Ngiimplement kau ng memo and guidelines..pero in the end kung cnu may kapit sa nkatataas sya pdin nkkpasok khit ndi deserving… Sbagay khit kelan nmn ndi nging fair
…ang problema ko po,, pag submit ko sa online pds,, sinasabi po don,, enter your birthdate,, tapos nang enenter ko uli ang birthdate ko tapos save,, then balik po ako dun sa last part tapos click ko yong submit,, ganon pa din ang nangyari,, enter your birthdate pa din ang lumalabas,, ganito po lagi nangyayari,, ano po ba ang gagawin ko po? i have done the birthdate like 6 to 10 times already po,, pero ganon pa din… what should i do? help po!
ganyan din nangyari sakin nung una pero ang di ko ma save yung personal info ko….
wala talaga other option kung di reg ulit gamit ang new email nanaman
My problem is, nakuha q
Ko na ang UAN q pero pag e view q nA and PDS, d na kompleto ang personal info, may Mali petsa ng birth q, ai naq
kaya sino nagbabalak mag titser wag na ninyo subukan..pphrapan lng kyo..
sana ibalik ung gaya.last year..ngayon kelangan pa nmin mag turo muna sa private..hay naku dep ed pabago bago kayo ng memo/guidlines dba pwede na isa lng pra fair nma bkit nio ba kmi pnphrapan..
ang baba ng demo,eh un ang importante pa nman..mas mataas tuloi ang tor.haha taz experience ang taas eh alam nman nla na unfair sa la pang experience.tas sa tor ndi parepareho lalo na public kc mhrap kumuha ng grades compare to private.
agreed. dapat my additional points yung mga nagtapos sa universities
hindi lahat ng nakapagtapos ng universities ay mga magagaling, huwag kang ganyan, mayron akong kasama na aplikante di marunong mag lesson plan GRADUAte sA university . hahhaha LOL.
What I meant when I said “universities” was PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES/SCHOOLS na mababa ang tuition fee at pinaghihirapang mabuti ang mamkuha ng mataas na grade. Baka naman iyang sinasabi mo ay galing sa university na private.
. i am pretty sure d sia nag grduate sa private . sa public universty po. and please read it again your message . thanks.. LOL
May kilala ako graduate ng public state university, kulang pa talaga sa training. Kaya kung minsan mas lamang pa ang mga graduates ng private c0lleges at univ. Kc my mga accreditation silang pinafollow. Some are ISO pa. Nakapataas ng standard compared sa state UNIV.
hindi rin po… kasi makikita naman yan sa demo and interview kung talagang magaling. regardless of the differences sa grading standards ng schools. let’s just stick to the idea na experience is wisdom…mas magaling talaga ang may experience kesa sa wala pero same sa cognitive skills. bawi bawi lang yan.
the new guidlines is not good..its unfair tlga lalo na las year..kwawa nman ang mga 69 pababa..
hello po sa lahat…..
Experience 15%
Training 10%
Paano po ang newly Grad? automatically ZERO po talaga sa 25%…
so, 75% nalang po natira.
the Cut-off Score is 70%.
so SAD.
tama nga…parang unfair din taas nmn ng experience..taz mababa ang demo e db nga dapat ang demo ang mataas kc ung ang pnkaimportatnte lalo na interview..ang layo ng diference tlga ngyon gang las year..unfair talga
nakakapanghina po ng loob…
gang ngayon la prin confirmation ang dep ed sa online reg ko..las las wik pa yun..
lucky lang po siguro ako na hindi ako nahirapan sa online registration…
pero yung mga kaibigan ko wala talaga…
lahat ng prayers na-recite na…
Hindi naman. Mas maganda pa ring mataas ang experience kasi aktwal itong naranasan kaysa sa demo na maaaring ideyal at kinabisado pa nga.
pwede pa naman ngayon sa private schools tayo mag-apply
Kailangan ko magturo ng 5 years sa private school para magkaron ng pag-asa sa 70% #newlyGrad
bakit po wala pa akong applicant number though nkapagsubmit nman na ako ng pds ko…need ba na mag antay another 48hours?
depende po, Maam.
kasi po yung sakin, right after ko na-submit bumalik agad sa dashboard at may number na po…
mam ask ko lang po kung paano i apply baka mali ang pag process ko. after ko kasi masubmit nakasulat lang doon wait for 48hrs nag log out na agad ako. di ko man nakita yong number ko. saang site ko makita yon? wala mang confirmation sa email ko.
I agree..the memo was released just a day before our EPT… sa province namin yung result nalang dapat ng EPT yung hinihintay…additional job sa selection committee and hassle sa applicants because most of the time down ung website…luckily I login agad pagkabasa ko ng memo…I also hate the new metrics,,,, without the EPT result, my running score is 66 sa luma,,,, d2 sa bago 59 nlang…. that’s because they put a higher weight on training and special skills… Tinaasan pa nila ung cutoff score which is 70…. Paano nman ung fresh grads na mga wala pang experience? Frustrating! I feel sorry for them pati na dun sa mga years na ang binilang pero di pa rin makapasok….?
tama po kayo
Experience 15%
Training 10%
Paano po ang newly Grad? automatically ZERO po talaga sa 25%…
so, 75% nalang po natira.
the Cut-off Score is 70%.
so SAD.
like me wala akong experience,panu nlng ako..nakakaawa nman tayo mga teachers..
Quality Education daw hanap nila…. I don’t have anything against old teachers but I think instead of raising the RQA, bka gus2 nilang ibaba nlng ung retirement age. From 65 to 60…Admit it or not some of them, I mean most of them doesn’t even know how 2 use computers. Yung iba nkaupo nlng forever… Naparaming competitive and energetic young teaches na hindi mkpasok dahil wala bkante… Sayang dahil ibang industry ang nakikinabang sa kanila?
I’m happy that I already have my UAN and our division has finally confirmed it when I emailed it to them but I’m still unhappy and unsatisfied of DepEd’s new hiring process. Can’t it wait next year? It’s obviously not ready yet. Minsan nga naiisip ko nalang kung paano kaya kung ibahagi ko sa Failon Ngayon or sa Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo or sa T3 or sa kahit ano pang forms of media ang mga nararanasan natin mga teacher applicants ngayon… Baka kasi dun lang maririnig ng DepEd ang boses natin. Baka dun lang din mapansin yung hirap na dinaanan natin sa bagong proseso na ito. I also don’t think it’s logical na taasan nila yung cut off score tas bawasan ang points ng ibang categories at mag dagdag ng mas mataas pang standards para sa mababang points (like yung sa 10 days training).
Agree po ako dyan..sana may avenue para maiparating sa deped ung mga hinanakit sa kanilang pabago bagong guidelines nila.
Nakakaiyak na to mag tatatlong araw na po akong nagaantay ng verification sa email ko hanggang ngayon wala parin….. Pano po ako makakapag fill up ng PDS online…. Grabeeeeeeehhh huhuhuhuhu
Try registering using another my case 24 hours lng xa….
Yong iniregister ko pong accounts 4 days ago ay dalawa… Successful po kaso until now wala pang verification, taz nagregister po ulit ako ng bagong account last night… Aun po bali 3 accounts ko na ang iniregister ko. Sana naman may dumating ng verification.
Good Day po, I have concerns po regarding certificates of training po. I do have certificate na umabot po ng 10 days po.. I asked the Division officer and sabi po nila hnd raw po granted ang certificate ko po kasi hnd raw po siya related sa aking Major na Social Studies po. Nagtataka po ako kasi po yung isang classmate ko na may parehas na certificate ko ay na consider po ang kaniyang certificate of training last year of application sa Deped. Siya po ay Teacher 1 narin po ngayun.. where in fact hnd namn po ito related sa Major niya .. Thanks po
Hi, guyz! Cno na po ang nakapag-take na ng EPT administered by NETRC?
We’re done last April 30th…. I would suggest review on sentence structure (grammar) coz that’s the most difficult part.. like “been taken cared of vs been taken care of”… reading no prob kc sobrang dali lang…☺
Hi, Ma’am Rish! Thanks for the reply. Mali po yata ang na-type nyong date (April 30). Sentence Structure and Reading Comprehension nga po ang lumabas sa EPT kanina 🙂
Ay yah,,,sori,, March 30th pla,,,,hahhaha
tapos na rin kami, writing and reading skilla ang mostly intinest
paano po kung dalawang division yung i na applayan ko, tapos naka register na ako ‘dun sa una, mag re register po ba ako ulit?
Use different e-add para safe☺
mam bkt po sa case q wen I was applying n online rgstration hnd m masubmt submt ung rgsttion form q dhl lgng my prob.ang web,
Try different browser,,, minsan ayaw sa explorer gus2 sa chrome… then clear cached and cookies☺
Magandang araw po sa inyo, ask ko lng po kung paano gagawin kapag ibang DIVISION ang nailagay then naisubmit na….mababago pa po ba yun?…salamat po sana po masagot po ang katanungan ko…maramin salamat po..
After ng confirmation my option dun for 1 time edit…☺
Please po need help po tlaga any tagal k hang naghihintay para as along UAN Hindi ko pa din po natatanggap. Nagsubmit po ako last April 6 but till now wala pa din. Tapos may nkalagay nang reopen PDS nagrequest n din po ako baka may kulang ako savi maghintay daw ng 24hrs pero 5days na ang nakalipas awa ng dios wala pa din.. Pahelp po what should I do
good day po! malapit na po ang EPT. pero till now wala pa po akong verification code.
we can apply in two division but we’re going to use only one UAN? tama po ba pagkakaintindi ko?
hi the with the subject REQUEST FOR DATA CORRECTION they already reply my request then ask me the reason fordata correction and told me to wait for 24 hrs but until now hindi na ako makasign in kasi nakalagay nala login_verify.. ayaw na magload kahit anong gawin ko…
good morning…mattapos n po ang unli online ko for 5days..until now wala pa ding confirmation sa deped akong narereceived?nagpatulong na’ko sa kapatid ko..talagang wala…almost 1week na kaming puyat kakaintay sa verification just to fill-up the online application at ang PDS n yan…sorry po talaga..nakailang e-mail address na kming natry..wala pa din…we tried our best…and thank you pa’din kasi natuto na’kong mag fb…’di ko na din po alam kung san ang may problema..pero tama naman ang ginawa namin…hanggang kailan?hanggang kailan kami maghihintay?ng CONFIRMATION from deped…
maam/sir good afternoon po.pano po kaya civil service eligibility ko po ay naencode ko po ay ces eligible..let po ako..pano ko po un mababag??salamat po..
After mo mrcv ung confirmation my 1 chance k p iedit un☺
malapit na deadline. 🙁
no verification for application no. its been 3 days
Kawawa po talaga tayong mga teachers applicants . . . sana d lng ung advantages makikita nila kundi ung mga disadvantages rin sa part nating mga aplikante . . .
Okay lang sana ang 70pts. but the problem is ang dami nilang tinanggal, experiential learning na 5pts, pinalit dapat may 10days kana training, sa amin dito less chances ang contractual na mabigyan ng training, lagi na lang yung mga permanent, paano kami magkakaroon nyan.. yung sa education 1gwa=18pts lang dahil yung 2pts napunta sa postgraduate. Teacher1 ang inaaplyan namin… wala pa kaming pangtustos para sa masters degree namin. sana pag nakapasok na tsaka nila obligahin mga teachers na tapusin ang masteral nila, wala pa kaming pangaral…
tama po lahat kayo.. ANg aking training is 6 days lang .. sayang yung 6 days di ma add sa points, pinaghirapan ko naman yun puyat atpagod, at sayang ang pera na inilaan ko. in the end pala wala akong mapapala. hahhahai 10 days seminar grbehhhhh
kung hindi po ba makakuha ng UAN before the deadline kahit na above 70% ka hindi ka po ba makakasama sa qualified registry for teacher?
No verification padin .what should i do.
good eve po ilang araw na ako nag checheck ng verification ko wla prin ang hirap pa mka pasok pls help po thx..
Good eve po. Until now wala pa po akong narereceive na verification tru email. Nacheck ko na po ung inbox and even as my spam email but then wala talaga. Makaka-abot pa kaya ako nito sa deadline gayun need ko pa mgfill-up ng PDS online. Pls help me po. Thanks.
I’ve read in the internet na mali po yung hindi ka bibgyan ng TIN just because you are unemployed. I am also unemployed but I got my TIN last April 7, 2015. kapag unemployed po at gusto kumuha ng TIN, that would fall under E.O. 98 wherein pwede kumuha ng TIN ang mga unemployed persons para gamitin ito sa any government transaction. Just make sure that you have a certificate from your division na nag ce-certify na teacher applicant ka nga from that division para may proof kayo na kailangan nyo talaga ng TIN for applying in DepEd. I hope this info would help you. 🙂
I still dont have my UAN po..malapit na po deadline..still I cant figure out saan ang UAN ko?? Im done filling out the forms and PDS..The only thing I missed was the position I am applying for..I filled it out last.. paano po yun? Please naman!
Good eve po… I just want to ask about s verification number n matatanggap after 48 hours… I’ve been waiting pero wala pa rin.. nag-email n aq s kanila but i’m not hoping n papadalhan nila aq ng tamang sagot… I’m bothered n bka abutin n aq ng deadline eh bka wla p aqng verification number at hindi p makafill-up ng PDS online… tnx
same prob here.
Hello again Ma’am/Sir! Ask ko lang sana about sa teaching experience. Paano ba icacalculate yung teaching experience of one teacher who worked as a Kinder Volunteer Teacher, ALS teacher, and as a college professor at the same time for one whole school year? Tia!
Hi! I still dont have my UAN. I have sent a msg to have sent back am msg na antayin ko but untill now wala pa din ung UAN.What should i do next?i am beginning to become desperate.huhuhu.penge ng UAN
Good Day po! Nagfill out po ako ngayon 8 at until now hindi pa po ako tapos. Kase hindi na ako maka- enter. Pwede po bang mamaya ko na lang tapusin. Hindi na po talaga ako makapaglogin.Thanks
same with other teacher nakaligtaan ko din sagutan ung sa dashboard na position that we’ve applying for. Then sabi nyo po “They automatically know what position you are applying for”. but until now wala pa din UAN ko. nagtatry nmn ako n mag email like this “NO UAN AS OF APRIL 6, 2015” dun s email add n cnasabi nyo sa amin.. hanggang kelan po b kmi magiintay. We do our best, we comply what we need to comply pero bakit ganito.
same case here mam…
ganun din kmi…. malapit na deadline namin
Me too
Good afternoon po. First time po sa amin dito ang application tapos nag-apply na po ako noong tuesday pa po, tapos sabi po, ang verification po ng application is within 48 hours bakit po hanggang ngayon wala pa po ang verification po ng application ko? Do I need to apply again? Indi pa po ako naka-fill out ng pds ko kasi hinihintay ko ang verification.
Good afternoon po. First time po sa amin dito ang application tapos nag-apply na po ako noong tuesday pa po, tapos sabi po, ang verification po ng application is within 48 hours bakit po hanggang ngayon wala pa po ang verification po ng application ko? Do I need to apply again? Indi pa po ako naka-fill out ng pds ko kasi hinihintay ko ang verification.
Good afternoon po. First time po sa amin dito ang application tapos nag-apply na po ako noong tuesday pa po, tapos sabi po, ang verification po ng application is within 48 hours bakit po hanggang ngayon wala pa po ang verification po ng application ko? Do I need to apply again? Indi pa po ako naka-fill out ng pds ko kasi hinihintay ko ang verification.
Good afternoon. I just want to verify if in pre- assessment of document hindi nakaabot ng 70 yung score hindi na po yan makapasok sa ranking? thank you.
Last year my score was 71.83. Pero bumaba equivalent nyan sa bagong memo at nanganganib na hindi pumasok sa cut off. Hindi na ba tlga mahihire. I’ve waited last year. Am I gonna wait for another? Bat ganon.
I can’t edit the Education-College Section of my pds.d ku pa naman po nasusubmit. Everytime i enter data may confirmation na “successfully saved”but everytime bumalik wla na should i fixed that poh?
I think may nilagay kang symbol like(, – .) Remove any symbol lalo n dun sa honors / scholarship part…. ung sakin kc may nilagay ako like ( Best in Science, Academic Scholar) ayaw nya, same prob… so isa lng nilgay ko, aun kumagat☺
Sir/Madam Good day! If no confirmation for the UAN, is it necessary to register again? Thank you
ganun din sana gawin ko…pwede po???
My e-mail account has not yet been verified. 🙁 Nagsign up ako nung Apr. 1 & I’ve had the 5th account used in signing up pero wala parin. 🙁
same case….
What shall I do pag wala pa din yung UAN after how many days I have submitted my PDS.uulit ba ko ulit using another email??But it will take a couple of times…help pls
ano po pwedeng mangyari kung di makapili ng position to applied for ? nasubmit po ang PDS pero di nag fill up doon? or nasave na niya pero nung nag-edit siya di na niya yun nabalikan pa? nakasave na po ba yun? APRIL 1 PA PO AKO NAGSUBMIT..HANGGANG NGAYON WALA PA RIN
Good Morning,
They automatically know what position you are applying for. The division’s office only needs the number since you have already passed your pds/documents before.
– Mark
ako nga bumili p po ng wifi nahihirapan prin mg online…hindi po b masasama sa ranking pag di nakapag pasa ng online reg??
UAN is one of the requirements sa mga applicants. However, it should not be a hindrance/reason para hindi tanggapin ang application ng isang applicant.
good Evening po. ask ko po kasi sabi sa amin ng isang supervisor nung magdedemo teaching napo kami,no need na daw po magdemo at mag EPT ang mga volunteer teacher.ok lang po b ‘yun? volunteer teacher po ako 4almost 5yrs.last year lang po ako nkapasa sa LET nkasama naman ako sa ranking last year pero mas pinili ko pong magstay sa PantayE/S para sa mga bata..pinagpasa ‘din po ulit ako ng same requirements para sa ranking this year.naguguluhan ‘din po kasi ako, magtetest pa po ang mga volunteer teachers?pls.advise thnks!
Good evening po. Gusto ko Lang po malaman kung ano po dapat ko gawin. Na tapos ko na po I-fill out yung pds ko. Nakalimutan ko lang po isesentro ang position ko then na click ko po ang save. Ayaw po maglabas ng number dahil incompleye po ang aking INFO. Ngayon po ay hindi naman Ma-edit. Ano po dapat na gawin? Maraming salamat po sa sagot.
Good Morning,
They automatically know what position you are applying for. The division’s office only needs the number since you have already passed your pds/documents before.
– Mark
It’s already 48 hours but no verification email. how can I get my UAN. I already email to but still no reply yet
Good Day!
Mam, I’ll just like to inform you that I didn’t receive any confirmation on my e-mail address.I’ll already fill-up the username & the email as it is stated wait for the confirmation w/n 48 hrs until now, wala pa din po, April 6 pa po ako sign.Kindly fix po your system, I thought mag-send kayo ng e-PDS ….hoping for your response.
mam/sir good afternoon po, nung april 4 ako ng apply sa online, nrecieve ko po ang email confirmation ay nung 7 ng hapon,,magfifill up po sana ako kya lang 404 not found lge lumalabas, kya nagfill up po ako kninang mdaling araw..mga 1 am..kc sabi po sa ganoong oras mbilis at naisubmit ko na po tapos ang sabi po after 24 hrs. ulit iintayin ko..samantalang ung sa iba po pgkasubmit dumadating agad ang UAN nila.
paano po ung sa akin,,wla aq UAN…pwd pa po ba ung ifollow up ? sa 14 na po ang EFT namin.
-Ask ko lang if free choice ang pagpili ng topic/objective para sa demo teaching? At kung ikaw rin mag de-decide kung anung grade ang tuturuan mo. Thanks
after we email the what will happen next? can we get the UAN that we are waiting for? tnx
tried it several times, walang reply, ang ginawa ko kagabi, nag abang ako around 11:30 pm, at nag gawa ng maraming email address. After 6 email address finally nakapagsend sila ng email verification, natapos akong mag fill up ng pds ng 1 am.
ako din regards to the online tagal ko ng ng-aantay ng confirmation pra mka-fillup na ng e-pds wla parin… 5 email address na nggawa q, 5 times nrin akong ng-apply sa
ps. anu mgandang gawin?
We can’t do anything at the moment because deped’s website is down. Kindly inform your division’s office about the matter. That’s the least we can do now. Good luck and God bless!
I also do not have my UAN and I was waiting 8 days now and deadline for submission is fast approaching…What else can we do now??
Keep trying maam, this is out of our control. You can also inform the division’s office about the problem. Thanks! Good luck 🙂
no e mail verification as of April 3.
sir/Maam gup pm,
until now wal rin akong confirmation sa email ko.
i have already made 3 accounts, but lahat walang dumarating na e mail.
eastern samar division is already through with the interviews and demo teaching and so with the English proficiency test. does it mean we have to undergo such process again? this is not considerate on our part. this will also mean we have to spend time, money and effort again (especially money). another problem is internet connection here is not stable and we couldn’t get TIN number from BIR because of internet connection problems.
Good morning po. Sa education points po, paano pag 1.366 yung general weighted average? 1.4 na po ba yun? 15.6 yun equivalent points?
“Expect the Unexpected” a very frustrating news coming from the Department of Education! I can’t believe this and I don’t understand why the department of education has changed recently the guidelines in hiring teacher I position for the S.Y. 2015-2016 and take note it was published last month March 27 saying that the cut-off for RQA or registry qualified applicants is 70 pts-15pts higher than the last year and those who will get 70 pts and above will be hired-my goodness…I am not against in uplifting the quality of education here in our country what I am against for is YOU are hindering some teachers who passed already the LET but couldn’t make it on list because you changed the guidelines…is that the aim of our government in hiring teachers…in hiring jobless teachers…I have doubt SIR!
gud evening po! bat po ganun na check ko na pero ng click ko submit ng save napo..di napo ba pede open ulet yung pds?
They automatically know what position you are applying for. The division’s office only needs the number since you have already passed your pds before.
– Mark
no verification code sent as of april 6, 2015
Try to log in again, tapos may lalabas na why do you want to make some changes, ilalagay mo reason then ang reply nila wait for 24 hours.
Hello po. I notice ang dami na rekmo about the online registration. My friends who are teacher applicants are in great trouble too. Even in getting their TIN is already a big issue since they still dont have it because the BIR wont issue one if you are still unemployed.
And now, heto na rin yung late na update /confirmation sa emails.
Its a good thing that I was able to succesfully get mine after several attempts.
Im just worried that the website now is a bit faulty and always having errors.
Deped, please hear this out. Kawawa namn ung mga nagbayad at nag gugol ng oras sa mga internet cafe.. not to mention those people na nagpunta lang sa city to access the internet. 🙁
Have a pleasant day. Tanong lang po, last april 1 pa po ako nakaregister. until now po wala pang verification through e-mail. Wala pa pong dumadating na UAN.
Paano ko po makukuha ang UAN ko….noong April 1 pa po ako nagsubmitte until now wala pa rin po
nagemail na rin po ako sa pati kay karen sa………….wala pa rin po……….araw-araw at palagi po akong nagiinternet para makita lang if mayroon ankong dumating na email kaso wala pa rin po….please help naman po!
no verification email as of april 6,2015
good day!
ma’am please bigyan nyo nah kmi ng application number,my deadline npo ang division sa amin
May I just clarify if teaching experience abroad will be awarded points.
I have 12 yrs teaching experience at Assumption College Rayong, Thailand, a sister school of the Assumption Schools here in the Phil. The school where I passed my application is in doubt, neither is the district supervisor whom I approached sure of the exact ruling regarding this matter.
I will appreciate whatever clarification you can provide regarding this matter.
Ps: No confirmation email yet for the UAN. I applied last April 4.
Hi. Just like to clarify/ask about Section “7.4 Specialized Training and Skills – 10 points
Presentation of a certificate of at least ten days’ training”
If I understand it correctly, the teacher-applicant must present or has attended a seminar-training-workshop for 10 days? Otherwise, no point shall be given to him/her? Thank you for your answers.
Good Morning DeeDee,
bakit ganun poh wala p din ung applicant number ko ang tagal ko ng nakapagsubmit ng pds malapit n poh ang deadline parang awa nyo na phingi ng applicant number thanks poh
according to the district supervisor… ung specialized training and skills mahahati sa dalawa…. 5 points para sa trainings… like seminars na 10 days…… another 5 points para sa skills na related sa profession natin… kung inilagay nyu na ang skills ninyo ay dancing, singing, painting, typing… bibigyan kayo ng 5 points… so hindi rin zero ang specialized training…
sana ung DEPED before they pass this memo inayos muna ung system nila… padalos dalos eh.. hassle tuloy sa mga applicants .
+1 Agree!
no verification email as of april 5 2015
mag try ka around 12 midnight, and prepare a lot of email address
I just wanna ask po if when will we get our application numbe? Since I registered last week I can no longer open it to verify my application numbet. What will I do po. Thanks and God bless!
Please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 7, 2015.
Good morning…no UAN pa rin as of april 5 till now….sakit ang balik sa mga applicant na ngttyagang mghintay sa harap ng computer..ang iba hindi na nattulog sa kkhintay sa verification…kawwa nman ung may mga potential sa pagtturo..hindi mapparank kasi kulang ng UAN as one of the requirements of the deped…pls. help us.thanks
I received the email from deped dated april 1..tried to filled up my pds dated april 5 and submit it without saving..the submission of my pds was successful and 48 hours waiting for verification (supposed to received the verification yesterday) but my prob is until now NO VERIFICATION PA RIN TO KNOW MY UAN….paano ko po mallaman ung UAN me please….thanks
Good evening po maam,,,there is no UAN as of april 6,2015……sana po ma recieve ko na po ang aking UAN.Im begging po maam.Thanl you and Godbless>>>
I tried to send the NO UAN SENT as of April 6, 2015 on the email address that you’ve said unfortunately I couldn’t even sent it says” Please specify at least one recipient in the TO: field. The email address is right?
For Questions and Clarifications about DepEd Online Application please post it here =>
Thank you.
– Ro
san po makikita yung pds? hindi ko po mahanap yung pds… pls help me naman…
Good Evening Rochilyn
The email that gave you your UAN also provided the link to download your ePDS (PDF version only).
– Ro
good evening ma,am/Sir I have a problem po regarding sa PDS na pinil up an ko. i dont know what the problem is? peo every time po na sinsave ko po ung unang part ng PDS ung Personal po always po siyang nagbablanko 4 times ko po siya pinil up an at sinave peo same thing lang po ung nangya2ri so akala ko po natural lang kaya nagproceed na po ako sa iba pang pipilupan kasi how many times ko na po siya sinubukan isave. my notice naman pong dumadating na ur PDS was succesfully saved so panatag po ako ksi save na po im just wondering po na halos lahat ng pinilupan ko di naman po nagbablanko tanging ung unang part lang po ung ganun hanggang sa sinubmit ko na po siya. nung inupdate ko po wala ponh laman ung iba sa Personal data especially po ung mga addresses po and numbers.and the worst po female po ung naging sex ko dun. okay lang po ba yun? tsaka wala pa pong email na dumadating sa akin regarding po sa pagdodownload ng PDS. but then i have my UAN po im a bit nervous lang po baka di po ako ma email ng PDS because of the information needed. pag naemail na din po ba sa amin ung PDS pd po bang iedit especially po ung S E X ko po dun. thank you po worry lang po talaga ako salamt po.
Good Evening Jaymart,
When encoding your work experience or any other data in your PDS, please refrain from typing in apostrophe (‘), quotes (‘ ‘), double quotes (“ “) and double dash (–).
– Ro
even i used only dash on my sss no. all would be affected ,even my sex classification and addresses and so on po wala po kasing instruction wag gagamit ng ganun po mam pano po kaya un nasubmit ko na po kla ko po kasi natural lang po na nawawala after saving ? how is it po maeedit pa po ba yun pd po b un iedit pag pinasa na po sa amin thorugh pdf?.
tsaka mam/sir i have UAN my concern is after having UAN no email coming from your site po regarding sa pagdodownload ng PDS.
pano po sa akin… kung 48 hours ang aantayin eh nung march 30, 2015 pa ako nagcreate ng account… ang message is the email is already in use… kung yung sabi niyo na 48 hours pano pa kaya saken eh march 30 pa.
paano po kapag walang tin number?pls answer.ty
Good Evening Maam Diana,
Teacher-applicants / Applicants without Tax Identification Number or TIN can register online starting Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Please be ready with any of the following IDs: Voter’s ID, Passport number, SSS number, GSIS number (or UMID Card number), Postal ID or PhilHealth ID.
– Ro
Hello po!!! Matanong ko lang po paano po ba talaga ang process ng ranking ngayon? ano ba talaga ang totoong flow ng process ng online registration? what are the steps that we are going to follow? Sa totoo lang talagang nalilito kami kung paano ba talaga mag.aplay? alam nyo ba na yung gastos namin sa nakaraang ranking ay napunta lang sa wala tapus ngayun binago at tinodo pa ang challege. ano ba, sabi nyo marami yung kailangan ninyung teacher ngayun peru paano naman kayo mkahanap ng ganoon karami e napakataas naman ng standard ninyo. sana sinabi na ninyo kaagad bago natapos ung demonstration at interview namin para hindi nalang kami tumuloy sayang yung ginastos namin e wala namang napapala.
good afternoon po. pano po yun need namin po iprint yung PDS na may UAN,kaso po wala pa kami narereceive sa email namin?
Ma’am, kelan po kau nagpasa? Ako po last April 4 pa, until now wala pa rin po ako natatanggap na email ng PDS.
Good Evening Nel, share ko din sayo experience ko.. nag online application po ako last March 30 at kanina ipinasa ko na yung PDS ko sa Division Office namin.
– Ro
Buti pa kayo, ma’am Ro. Ok na ang PDS nyo. Email na lang po ng PDS ang hinihintay ko. Alam ko na po ang application number, nakita ko po sa dashboard. Nag-email po ako kanina sa, until now wala pa rin po ang reply nila =(
just want to ask i just finish my registration but I cannot log in “Your IP ( has been flagged for potential security violations. Please try again in a little while…” ang laging lumalabas…paano ko malalaman if I have successfully registered. Please reply…
Good day po mam, paano po kaya yun case ko? kasi po I have my RQA last year and nagkaroon po ng problem sa division na inapplyan ko kasi po some of my score were not recorded kaya nde din po ako na in ng same year.. but when I followed up my application they say na okay na at naka rank na daw po ako.. ang tanong ko lang po is honored pa po ba yun RQA ko kung last year kung kelan ako nag parank? or kelangan ko po ulit dumaan sa process ng RQA? when I called the division office po kasi na inapplayan ko ang sabi nila my RQA is as it.. update na lang daw po un ibang details if may nadagdag like experience or certificate..
I did not receive the confirmation on my email address until now, ng email na din ako sa but then, no confirmation receive.. deadline of submission is on on the 8th and as advised if we cant submit our UAN we cant take the exam? Please fix ur sytem so we can continue our application process. and how can we be assured that our application is valid if no wont receive any confirmation nor have our UAN?
I already fill up the pds at first and submit it so I was so surprised to received that kind of note. I tried to fill up again and again but it seems it’s impossible to do so. So how can I get the UAN? I need an answer please. tnx.
There is no other way of acquiring the UAN except through the online application system because it is auto-generated upon submission.
If by today, April 6, 2015 no UAN had been sent, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
– Jho
halu mam kelan pwdng mag aply ung walang tin number?
You can get your TIN here:
– Ro
Good day. nag apply po ako sa tapos po nag fill in together with my TIN # at pinagawa ng account name and password.. pero nung nag log in na po ay wrong password or account name?? then after so many attempts page not found na po . please help po. thank you
Good Evening Hazel,
This happens when you have already registered your data but may have skipped or forgotten to check the verification email sent and proceeded to the login page. It is an important step to confirm that the email address you registered exist by clicking the word ‘here’. After which, you are directed again to the site to login. Please take note that the verification link is only valid for one click.
– Ro
I received a note saying you must apply at least one position before submitting your pds to acquire a Unique Applicant Number, Fill up the form below. Unfortunately I couldn’t fill up the form again and there’s no word “Submit” at the last page. What should I do?tnx. I need an answer please
Hi Czy,
Send your complete name and email address to with the subject REQUEST FOR DATA CORRECTION.
same prob po.. I will try it po..
Ma’am good day po! Nong april 1, 2015 morning po ako nag register tapos i-verify ko daw po email ko after 48 hours pero until now wala pa din po. Nag sign up aq ulit tapos sabi incorrect username/ password daw po.Pano po ito mam?Thank u po.
Ma’am/Sir, gumawa kasi ako ng ibang account with different name and tin number. Luckily I received a confirmation e-mail na din. Okay lang ba na yun na yung gamitin ko sa pag-submit ng PDS? Ilalagay ko lang real name and real tin # ko?
Sure 🙂
Thanks Ma’am/Sir! 🙂
sir albert pki comment dito kung nakatanggap ka ng UAN ha.. naka send ka na ba last week ng pds na ngkamali ka lng ?
I received a note saying you must apply at least one position before submitting your pds to acquire a Unique Applicant Number, Fill up the form below. Unfortunately I couldn’t fill up the form again and there’s no word “Submit” at the last page. What should I do?tnx
good morning.. pwede po bang magkaparehas ang UAN sa city divion at saka sa province?dalawa kc ang inaaplayan q eh.. nag apply po aq sa dipolog city division at sa zamboanga del norte division.. may UAN na po ako sa zamboanga del norte division.. sa dipolog city nalang po ang ung wla akong UAN….
thanks po…
Isang UAN lang po gamitin niyo. 🙂
good day po.. nag register na po ako online and sabi po that i have “successfully registered” i’verify ko nlng dw po sa email ko kaso po wla pa po akong nareceive para maverify ko yung registration ko.. ano po ba ang pwede kong gawin?
Good Morning Famie,
If no verification email had been sent, please email with subject NO VERIFICATION EMAIL AS of April 6, 2015.
404 not found 🙁
Magandang Buhay!
For 404 not found / no data received / slow loading /
Some issues that you encounter with (404 not found / no data received) can be solved by changing your browser settings, refreshing the page, or clearing the browser cache and cookies.
Mark 😉
Hello po. Wala pa po ako natatanggap na verification sa email more than 48 hours na po. I’m worried kasi we are about to have our interview by april 7 and baka hindi na ako qualified magpa interview kasi wala pang applicant number. What should I do? Thanks po. God bless sa lahat.
Good Evening,
Maam, hindi po ibig sabihin na wala po kayong Unique Applicant Number ay hindi napo kayo pwede mag pa rank. Pwede pong to follow nalang ang UAN.
If by Monday, April 6, 2015 no UAN had been sent, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
Ibig sbhin po ba counted na din yung teaching experience of someone who taught both in college and kinder, pero sa elementary nag-apply? Wala na ata restriction sa new DepEd Memo, ‘di ba po?
I registered mid of March in the DepEd website but until now wla pa ring verification na dimadating s email ko and I can’t log in to my account…is this some.kind of a joke from DepEd???
Isang malaking joke po talaga 😀
As suggested, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
Sa tingin ko po, mas bibigyan ng chance Deped ang mas marami ng experience, ok naman yun para samen kaso yung 70 points, napakahirap i-achieved, and the training, napakalaki ng points na ibinigay nila, Parang madedehado naman yung mga fresh graduates lang. Tinaas naman nila bigla, alam ko naman na sa quality education, pero parang wala namang masyadong connect yung TESDA training..especialyy if Core Subjects ang ituturo such as Science, Isa pa nabalitaan ko na alam na ng ibang division yung new memo bago pa lumabas, unfair sa iba na bigla na lang ininform, nakarank na, .. nakakalungkot lang, parang unfair lang kasi..
The DepEd guidelines for teacher I applicants are very Challenging especially to teachers with less than 36months of teaching experience. DepEd really speaks of Quality Education…. Goodluck to all the applicants and give ur BEST Shot!=)
hindi ko po makita ang personal data sheet sa online?..
Good Afternoon Lea,
For 404 not found / no data received / slow loading
Some issues that you encounter with (404 not found / no data received) can be solved by changing your browser settings, refreshing the page, or clearing the browser cache and cookies.
Force Refresh
A force refresh or reload will cause the browser to re-check with the web server to make sure it has the latest copy of the web page you are viewing. Here are keyboard shortcuts for force refreshing your browser:
Windows: Ctrl + F5
Mac/Apple: Apple + R or Cmd + R
Linux: F5
Instructions for clearing your browser cache will be different for each browser and version
Firefox User:
Chrome User:
If you are still having trouble, here are a few more things you can try:
1. Upgrade your browser and Flash Player to the latest version available.
2. Try an alternate browser. If it works, then the issue is with the browser settings. Look for troubleshooting tips on your browser’s support documentation.
3. Try an alternate computer in the same location. If another computer works, then the issue is computer settings on the first one.
4. Try an alternate location that has a different Internet Service Provider. If it works, the issue is with your local network.
Maam…paano po idownload ang e-PDS with the UAN already?
wala po kasi akong nattangap na email nya pwede nang idownload ang PDS.
Mag to-2days ba po. 🙁
Please wait for UAN in your email within the next 48-hours. If by Monday, April 6, 2015 no UAN had been sent, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
Maam…paano po idownload ang e-PDS with tha UAN already?
wala po kasi akong nattangap na email nya pwede nang idownload ang PDS.
Mag to-2days ba po. 🙁
If by Monday, April 6, 2015 no UAN had been sent, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
ang taAs ng 70..d2 samin 4 na applicants lang last year naka 70 -.- dbA pwdng 60 na lang…
good day po … magtatanong po sana ako,, nag send po ako ng application 3 days ago pa po .. kaso until now po wala parin akong narereceive na confirmation sa e mail ko,, kahit pds form wala parin po,,, tinatry ko pong mag register ulit kaso sinasabi na existing n daw po account ko… tinatry ko pong mag log in… ayaw naman po,,, tapos na po kasi yung 48 hours na sinabi po nung nag register ako ng una. until now wala parin po…. ano po kaya yung pwede kong gawin…? sana may makapag suggest po… tnx po,,,
check mo yong email mo taz i click mo that you read the message , then try signing up again.
wala pa po akong narereceive na kahit na ano pong email or message from depEd…. 🙁 nag sign up po ako ulit kahapon using new email kaso wala parin po 🙁
Meron na po akong number. ano po susunod na gagawin?
Good Luck 🙂
Good day!
Ma’am up to now wala pa po akong nareceive na applicant number na send ko na po two days ago.
Good Morning Sheila,
If no UAN had been sent, please email with subject NO UAN SENT AS of April 6, 2015.
TeacherPh Sa pagreregister po ba ay kailangan ba fill up pan ung Username , at Password? bago iclick ang apply at Parehas ba dapat ung i-fill up doon sa username at doon sa emailadd? tnx po and godbless us always
bat ba 70 pts agad? db pwdeng 60 lng? grav nman ang itinaas,…. 55-70…. sobra nman!!!! Bro.maawa k nman…..
Gud pm po…pd po b mgapply online kht wla p po tin#? tnx po..
Gud pm po…wla p po aq TIN no..panu po yun pd po b q mg apply on line kht wla po tin #? Tnx po..
Good day!
Ask ko lang po kung paano maeedit yung PDS.Naidownload ko na po ung PDS at meron na akong application number pero yung PDS ko po na nadownload kulang yung experience na nakalagay doon. Chineck ko nman yun bago ko sinubmit sa online bakit kaya nagkaganoon?paano ko po maeedit?thank you po.
mam good afternoon! in may case po wala pa akong na receive na confirmation sa email ko po i used 3 email adss napo 2 sa gmail at 1 sa yahoo..hindi po ba baka ma invalid ang pagregister ko po kasi ive been trying to find ways para may makapasok na confirmation inorder me to proceed sa pag fill in sa pds pero kasi hanngang ngayon wala pang dumating worried na ako baka mali ang pagregister ko having mutiple email add..
Teacher PH
Mam, i have been registering for how many times but always failed. The message says “404 not found”….mam, how can i register? Thank you..
tapos na po ako sa pds tapos isi nubmit ko na ngunit wala pa ring applicant number?namali nga ako sa pag fill up kasi dumiritso ako sa pds ko i nevermind the division at ung municipality dahil sa ka ekcited ko sa pds, importante pala yun,pwd ba ako register ulit para matama ko ang pag fill up bago i submit?paano na ngayon….?pano ko makukuha number?pls help me…tnks…
bkit po laging email used? naregister n po b pagganun? sobrang hirap po mgregister!! we’re so worried n about the deadline. pls. fix nyo nman po ung prob.
Good evening! Nice website…Thanks for sharing your information. Maraming guro ang matutulungan ng website na ito.
Maraming Salamat po! wag niyo din po kalimutan i-like ang Fan Page namin 🙂
I think the new guidelines is patterned to accommodate college professors who will be affected when K-12 is fully implemented but quite unfair to fresh grads.
Indeed, and Practice Teaching (Experiential Learning) is no longer required. I bet, sa mga sunod na years mas marami ng college professors ang magtitake ng education units, ang laki ng chance nila magka-item with this new DO. Unfair sobra!
San po makikita ung application number???
San po mkukuha yong application number? kc d ko nmn po ntanggap yong application number after ko po mg fill out ng PDS.
bkit po plaging lumalabas e ur mail address is already use ayaw niyang mag sin up
good day po!
first time ko lang po magpa ranking.. the moment nagpunta ako sa malapit na secondary school sinabihan po ako na mag submit na lang ng mga documents without knowing po sa bagong guidelines. tanong ko lang po kung dapat ko pa po bang kunin yung PDS na ipinasa ko sa paaralan at palitan ng bagong PDS file na galing sa online registration? hindi ko lang po talaga maintindihan kung ano ang gagawin ehhh.. maraming salamat po.
siguro maaayos din eto after the holy week holiday ngayon kaya walang pasok ang kawani ng deped
paano pala kung walng internet signal kung nasaan ang ibang teacher applicants. kailangan pa nilnag pumunta sa city to apply online. tapos puro 404 not found ang lumalabas. kawawa naman tayo.
Sir Rhodz, check this out:
i checked it out kaso putol naman ang lumalabas sa screen ng pc ko.
yup. nakita ko na. wait wait and nilaynilay na lang muna
wala pa ung applicant number ko na isubmit n ung pds q at successful naman. uulitin q ba ulit ung pag fill up?tnx
Hellow po ask ko lng nakaregister na po ako pero wala akong PDF na na fill up…nag reply po na successfully registered hintayin lng ng 48 hours
Good afternoon po! Ngregister po aq nong monday pa, pero po hanggang ngayon wala pa po akong natatanggap na verification. Thanks po!
me too, wala pa din verification
Please check this out:
maam what if wala kaming tin no. kasi hindi require nman noon. kailangan po ba talaga un pra mkasign in tnx
If u don’t have TIN yet just check this site Pa like din po ng fan page namin maam 🙂 salamat po.
bakit po pag nag fill up ako sa appl button sinasabi the email already in use, pag sa sign up incorrect username or password? sa @ permanate employee ang requied magkaroon .
Hi Sir Rhodz, kaya po sinasabi na email is already is use o incorrect username/password kasi nagamit muna siya sa pag register at hindi padin na veverify yung email address niyo. Ang maganda po nating gawin sa ngayon is antayin nalang po yung sinasabi ng DepEd na 24-48 hours bago dumating yung email verification. Sa dami din po siguro ng gustong mag register sa system..hindi nila kayang i-accommodate ng sabay-sabay.
okey. thank you for the information. akala ko masyado na akong tanga at hindi ako maka pagregister.
hi teacher ph pwede din ba mgsend ng pds gamit iba na name sa pagregster? tapos real name na lng po sa another pds ko po?
what shall we do eh ka tatapos lng po naming mag take ng EPT. Susundin pa ba namin tong new guidelines? Hindi pa kami na orient from our School Division regarding this matter.
kelangan nyo pa din mag apply online..
Yhup! Kailangan po kasi DepEd order po ito at lahat ng Division Office ay required sundin ito.. gawa nadin po kayo ng pds niyo sa Salamat!
Good noon teachers,
Until now hindi parin ako nakaregister sa online kasi wala pa akong narereceive na verification sa email ko. Pano ba yan lumalabas na lang lagi not found. Paki fix naman ng website niyo para madali tayo dito.
good day! anu pong website kung saan kame pwedeng magfill up. kasma po ba taga antipolo diyan?
Hello po! Once na nakuha na yung application no., ano po ang next step? Ok na ba yun? Sabi isa-submit s division office, meaning isa-submit personally ng applicant sa division office or yung website na po ng deped ang bahala magforward ng application no. sa DO? Thank you very much!
The confirmation will take 1 to 2 or more days. Just wait.
nagpalit po aq ng email address,, tapos lumabas ung you have successfully registered an account!,,, tas i check q daw po ung email for the verification within the nxt 48 hours,, may mali po ba dun,,, may assurance po ba na maverify tlga un after that hours,,, reply po,, tnx po and God bless…
Good Afternoon Maam,
Okay naman registration process mismong website na po ng DepEd yung may problema lalo na sa verification process nila.. mas maganda kung tawagan natin sila o i-inform thru email na sana ayusin nila yung system.
saken prob ko talaga d pa na verify ung email ko pero naka filled up ako ng pds.. and isa pa bat wala akong application number na narecved … nkakafrustrate sana magbgay nmn sila ng chance na magpaulit sa pag regster..
Hello! After completing the Personal Data Sheet please click submit then go back to the dashboard and your Applicant Number will appear.
Walang lumalabas po po na applicant number po huhu
i forgot to filled up the position po.. na submitt ko kaagad.. kaya namali ako.. wala na bang chance mag submitt ulit? kasi pag magregster ako nakalagay the tin number is already in use.. panu yan ? d ako makakaparanking dahil doon? i admit na ngkamali ako ng … hay so bothered na talaga .. wala na bang ibang paraan?
paano po kaya un,, kahapon pa po aq nagsasign up lage parin po 404 not found ,,,ask q lang po kung may cutoff ang pagreregister,, sa april 11 na po kc ung ept namin,, bka need po tlga ito prior to the exam,, paano po pag nd tlaga aq nakaregister,,,, bka nman po may specific site na pd pagsign up ng bawat division,,,,thanks a lot po
Hi po.. Ask ko lang po, upon registration po ng account, kailangn po ba na ang e.mail ad na ibigay nami ay po talaga? ang yahoo na email kasi nailagay ko. Tapos hindi ako mka sign in, might be incorrect dw..
Maam it depends po kung may kayong email address.. kung wala po gamitin niyo nalang po yung sarili niyong email add.. pag hindi po kayo maka sign in (incorrect password/username) hindi niyo pa po na vverify yung email address na ginamit niyo sa pag signup sa
so oky lng yung yahoo e.mail ad ko? thank you po.. God bless po..
hellow po ,bkit po d q mkita ung pds na dpat po naming fillup pan…nkpag registered nah aq
where can i get the application no..isend po ba to via email o dun po sa mismong page ng deped…salamat po sa reply
goodmorning po…tatanong q lng po….paau po makukuha ung application no. after ma fill-up ang pds? salamat po
Maam pili po kayo ng Division Office na pag aaplyan para makuha niyo po yung applicant number.
i did…pero wala nmn po application no. n nlbas po…
applicant number pala…. 🙂
hello po,,, d ko kasi na filled upan ung sa position po and na submit ko na po till now walang application number.. hay ka ST han ko .. d na ba pwede maka submitt ulit/
i cant register to the said website bcoz it requires a TIN no…im stil an applicant hence, no job. i dont have no tin.
Maam ask ko lang po talaga po bang hihintayin yong email within 48hrs.? Un po kasi nakalagay after ko magregister ..
Sa case ko po kasi, na received ko po kaagad yung email verification.. pero sa ibang teachers po isang araw yung inantay nila bago dumating yung email verification.
Good morning po mam… ask ko lang po, nakasign na po ako, kaso ang problema po pag click ko po ng submit, wala po ako natanggap na aplication number and nag pump out po na “congratulation you verify your account successfully. may mali po ba dun? thank you po? thank you po and GOD BLESS…
Kailangan mo po muna sagutan yung buong pds at ifinalize ito pagkatapos pumili po kayo ng Division Office na pag aaplyan para makuha niyo po yung applicant number niyo..
Salamat at God Bless! cgeh po matutulog na ako bukas nalang ulit..
kaso po pag i click ko po mam ang municipality ko, ayaw po lumabas talga pero nag successful po siya, pwd po ba ako magreg ulit? ayaw na din po maedit kasi…
thank you po sa reply…
Sir hindi ko pa na try yung pag register ulit.. ikaw po nasa inyo po yun.. Cgeh po Salamat..
nag register ako dito pero it took me 1 day before i received the verification email… i encoded my pds…. laging error. it took me 2 days to complete. now im waiting for the pdf for e-pds… i dont how many days to wait… i need its application number… i hope deped will update this system…. mabigat na siguro dahil sa LIS… dagdagan pa nito.
thankful na din ako kc natapos ko pero i re-encoded many times some of the data sa e-pds kc pag save mo pag open mo ulit wala n nmng laman. buti nlng sa education lang (college)…. at thanks na rin hndi nangyari sa may training naku sobrang dami i type hehehheheh
deped pls update your system..
thanks and God bless!
Same here. D ko pa rin natatanggap ang pdf CS form 212 since april 2 ko pa na send and pds q.
mam pnu un nkapgfill up n ko ng pds ..taz note sa kin fill up ko raw ung sa taeching position…kazo wala nmng nlabas sa email add ko ung application nos.pnu po un uulitin ko po uli bng mgregster uli ng pnbagongo
Good morning po.Di ba po username is the email na nilagay natin sa form?
mam, good morning po, ask ko lang po, naka fill up na po ako, kaso po after ko ma click ang submit, wala po lumabas na application number… may mali po ba? thank you po and GOD BLESS…
Maam/Sir y po laging username and password is incorrect everytime na magsign in ako?Have you encountered the same situation ?
hello po! hihintayin ko pa po ba talaga ang 48 hours para matanggap ko yung verification sa email? please reply po. thanks.
Good Morning!
Ang maganda nalang po natin gawin sa ngayon ay mag antay nalang tayo sa allotted time frame na binigay ng DepEd para ma send yung email verification.. kasi sa iba pong mga teachers isang araw po muna yung lumipas bago nila na received yung email verification. Salamat!
panu po pag hindi na filled up ung postion na nakalagay at na submit agad .. d na ba pwede umulit?
ako po,yes po.!!! march 30 ako nag sign up… april 1 na nagreply ang deped!
ma’am after niyo bang nkapagregister, my verification po ba kayong natanggap? Nakapagsign po ba kayo agad? kasi sa akin laging wrong password or username. Paano namin mafifill up ung pds qng d kmi mkasign in. pano kmi makakuha ng unique applicant number qng d po kmi mkasign in?
Good Morning Maam Erica, hindi po ako kaagad nakapag register.. kasi palaging 404 not found lumalabas. Noong maka tsamba na ako naka pag register din ng maayos at natanggap ko din yung email verification tapos noong nag fill up na ako ng pds natagalan din ako dun dahil ang lumalabas sa bawat pag click ko ng submit button is “no data received”.. Try and try lang po makaka pasok din kayo.
good morning too ma’am, in my case po nkapagregister n aq, and sabi check email for verification, pero wala p din po aqng natatanggap na verification dapat po bang magregister ulit? at im trying to sign in pero always wrong password or username po and sometimes 404 not found. Im worried na po ma’am especially na monday is the deadline na po sa amin.
Maam check niyo po muna yung Spam folder niyo sa email baka doon po bumagsak yung message ng DepEd.. pag wala po talaga.. try niyo nalang po ulit mag register gamit ang bagong email address. Baka bukas din po gawan ko ng step by step guide yung online process ng DepEd.
sa mismong email account b pa2sk ung verification namin,wht if d kmi mkareg d b maco2ncidered kmi s ranking?
When encoding your work experience or any other data in your PDS, please refrain from typing in apostrophe (‘), quotes (‘ ‘), double quotes (“ “) and double dash (–).
maraming salamat po!!! nakalaki po ng help na ito…!! last na pong tanong…ano po pwedeng mangyari kung di makapili ng position to applied for ? nasubmit po ang PDS pero di nag fill up doon? or nasave na niya pero nung nag-edit siya di na niya yun nabalikan pa? nakasave na po ba yun?
Do we all have the same EPT? Or iba iba per division?
Lagi nman pong mli daw ung password or the username. D makasign in. walang pds. Pano ba ito?
ganito po din sitwasyon ko kay maam erika..wala din po ako nafill upan n pds..pano po to?
bakit laging wrong daw ang password or username. nakakafrustrate
I feel you. hahahaha! kalokohan ng DepEd..
bakit ngayon lang sila naglabas ng memo? tapos na ang ranking dito sa amin CAR
Kaya nga ie.. kahit dito sa amin tapos nadin kami sa Interview.. maliban nalang sa English Proficiency Exam.. tinawagan kami ng Division Office na ni rerequired kami mag register sa online application ng DepEd tapos nag bigay din sila ng email address kung saan ifoforward yung PDS na ipinadala via email. Grabi kawawa kaming mga new applicants.. 70 yung cutoff score.. edi wow!
kami nga tapos na lahat… hihitayin lang dapat ang result kaso eto nga lumabas ang bagong guidelines. kawawa nga tayo.
ang ginawa ko mga teachers ay refresh lang ng refresh kasi lage nalng 404 not found…
ganun pa din po kc ung saken
helo po
i cant register online.pano po ako magkakaroon ng registry or application number?
Maam Gemmalyn, ulit ulitin niyo lang po mag register hanggang makapasok kayo.. pag 404 not found / no data received refresh niyo lang po yung page.
Paano po hndi kmi makaonline register, walang dumarating na confirmation at ung PDS na ififill up db nagpass naman kmi ng gnun sa documents nmin,,,,,,hndi b pwedeng iconsider ang mga hndi makaregister…at dapat may other ways para makakuha ng registration number..Thank you for your immediate response!
Hi Maam Faith, wala pong ibang paraan para makakuha ng applicant number. Nag tanong din ako kanina sa Division Office (Samar) required po ito sa lahat ng mga nag paparanking.. kung naka pag pa rank na kailangan padin mag register online.
hindi po ako makaregister ma’am/sir, nag-eeror po, how can I get my application number? thanks po.
Maam Cathy, i-try niyo lang po ulit.. ganyan talaga yung system nila. Make sure na valid din po yung email address niyo. Salamat!
thank you for your information guys.
sa mismomg email add n nilgay namin mta2nggap ung verification galin s deped?
sa mismong email add n nilgay namin mta2nggap ung verification galing s deped?wht if d kmi mkareg s online d b mkmi mco2nsidered s ranking?
God bless everyone!
Naka pag register Ako and nakapang fill up ng pds but when I triedto submit ang lumabas 404 not found then I tried again I can access my account my lumalabas din na pds pero ayaw ng lumabas yung submit or save. I ended up to make another account new emailad pero wala naman verification sa new emailed. Now my question is panu I submit kung walang submit na makita sa app para makuha po yung applicant number?
Paano po tayo makapagregister o makakuha ng application na wala naman pong pds na lumabas…
mam, ung PDF po ba ay isesend thru e-mail or kapag nagonline sa application. deped kz po pag inoopen namin ang lumalabas lang ay Account Registration Form. na fill up na namin and then ang sabi check your email…. question tama po ba ang pinasukan na min ksi wla nag-appear n PDF… Tnx
Maam tama naman po yung ginawa niyo.. hindi ko lang po masabi kung bakit wala pong pdf file na dumating sa inyo.. kasi sa akin na received ko naman po sa email.
Ngreply din ba agad sila after mo mag submitt ng pds online? kasi saken wala pa? wala rin ung application number.
Hi Maam Barbara, yes po na received ko po kaagad yung PDS at application number.
Paano po ma download tong pds kagaya ng pinost nyo po? Salamat
Hi Maam Amor, please check this out:
What I mean is wala akong natatanggap na PDF file ng PDS q sa aking email address. Noong April 2 q ka natapos yong registration q. So what will I do? I need to send my Unique application number to our division office
We do not send to you your ePDS directly. The email that gave you your UAN also provided the link to download your ePDS (PDF version only).
wala pa rin akong narereceive na pdf ng aking CSC form 212 sa aking email account. ganyan po ba talaga? ang tagal kasi. baka hindi ko ma send sa aming division office. Salamat po
Okay ma’am. So you mean it doesn’t really matter if I would not be able to download the said Epds? as long as I have the application number, our division office would still recognize me as their applicant? Am I correct ma’am? I am worried kasi. Thank you. You helped a lot.
What if I was already ranked last year? But I wasn’t hired. Should I take the interview and the proficiency exam again?
Yes, kailangan mo ulit mag pa rank at mag take ng exam.
Ano po ang maari naming gawin sa aming online application? Nakaregister n but yet walang email verification at hindi naman masign in.. Deadline n po samin on monday
Are you sure po? kc ang sabi po sa amin last month ay hindi na. I-rererank na lng. Does this mean na uulitin yung proficiency exam?
what if hndi makaregister online hndi kba ba iqualify na applicant?
Wait p rin po ako s email ko ng verification until now po wla p rin at d rin po ako mkpg sign in.. ano po ggwin namin sa Palawan, DivisonPuerto Princesa?
Hi Kenneth, yung about sa Palawan.. example lang po yun ng ranking process nila.. 🙂
pano po ba magregister online para po makakuha ng application number from deped?
Hello po, register po kayo dito:
ng apply po ako may… nag reply na registered pero bkit wala pong pds n lumABAS PRA I FILL UP AT YAW MBUKSAN ng account? tnx po
Ganyan talaga yung website ng DepEd minsan okay minsan waley.. try niyo lang po maam arlene.
Same po tayu ng experience. Kanina pa lang po aq nag sign up then nakalagay lang na wait aq ng email for verification. Until now wala pa aqng natanggal na email. Tapus hindi naman aq maka sign in nung tinype q na username at password.
Hello Icy, nag try din mag register yung friend ko.. hindi siya matuloy tuloy sa pag fill up ng forms kasi pag sinasubmit niya lumalabas “no data received”.. tapos noong naging okay na wala ding email na natanggap.. Sa mismong DepEd website na yung may problema. Check niyo din po ito galing sa Division of Palawan:
Same din po sa akin. Unang try ko po pero na mgregister, deactivated po ung email na nasubmit ko, Nag-apply po ulit ako gamit ibang email, nakaregister naman po pero wala pong e-pds na lumabas at wala pong nareceive na email para po sa unique application number. What po pwedeng gawin? Thanks po.
Maam Meah, itry niyo lang po ulit ganyan po talaga yung system ng DepEd kahit ako nahirapan din maka pag register.. Check niyo din po yung screenshot ko sa isang comment. Salamat!
When is the deadline of application?
Maam depende po yun sa school/division office na pag aaplyan niyo.. dito po sa amin noong nakaraang Feb pa yung deadline nila sa pag paparank.. tapos last week ng katapos lang ng English Proficiency Exam nila.. results nalang inaantay.
i am a BEED graduating student i just want to ask if failing grades like 5 and drop subjects written on transcript are still counted when computing for the rating ing education
No. Dropped and failed grades are retaken in order for you to graduate.
The passing grade will be the ones used in the computation.
Why is it that some division are almost done in ranking procedures?while us.. still trying to apply online?Do they follow the guidelines in hiring teacher 1 position for the S.Y.2015-2016?
Our school didn’t include the PE and NSTP in computing our average..How about your school?
The points for education is 20 pts.. Why is it that if your GWA is 1.0 (highest) it is equivalent to 18pts only?an error in editing guidelines?
Nope. It is not an error. The remaining 2 points were reserve for those who finished Post Grad. +1 for Masters Degree holder and +2 for Doctorate Degree holder.
Pakibasa na lang po ulit yung guidelines. Sabi po doon +1 for applicants with Master’s Degree and another for applicants with PhD.