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DepEd Senior High School Career Guidance Program Modules and Reporting System

For information and guidance of all concerned, attached is DepEd Memorandum OUA-09-0710-0236, s. 2019, entitled, “Guidelines on the Utilization of Senior High School Career Guidance Program Modules and Reporting System”, which is self-explanatory.

Guidelines on the Utilization of Senior High School Career Guidance Program Modules and Reporting System

The Bureau of Learner Support Services – Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) is issuing the following guidelines on the Utilization of Senior High School Career Guidance Program Modules and Reporting System:

Pursuant to Rule V of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) is mandated to properly guide secondary level students in choosing the career tracks that they intend to pursue through informed career choices towards becoming productive and contributing individuals. Consistent with the said mandate, the Senior High School (SHS) Career Guidance Program (CGP) Modules were developed and rolled out nationwide during the National Training of Trainers and Mass Training of Teachers and Career Advocates per DepEd Memoradum No. 8, s. 2017.

The SHS CGP Modules (Grades 11 and 12) shall continue to be delivered by the class adviser or career advocate every third week of the month starting July of every school year. As such, school heads are advised to make the necessary arrangements relative to the schedule of activities and the loads of class advisers or career advocates, ensuring that classroom instruction is not unduly affected.

The class adviser or career advocate shall include the delivery of the CGP Modules in the School Teacher’s Program. It shall be considered one (1) teaching load, provided that it does not exceed six (6) hours of actual teaching a day consistent with DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2009. For actual classroom teaching in excess of six (6) hours and for work performed in excess of eight (8) hours done within the school premises, vacation service credits shall be granted in lieu of additional compensation or overtime pay, as per DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003.

The schools are enjoined to deliver four modules each semester. These modules, which are downloadable from the Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS), consist of Modules 1 to 4 for the first semester and Modules 5 to 8 for the second semester. Should there be different class advisers for the first and second semesters, close coordination between advisers concerned shall be ensured.


Download Grade 11 Career Guidance Modules

Download Grade 12 Career Guidance Modules

Download Grade 11 Career Guidance Manual for Teachers

Download Grade 12 Career Guidance Manual for Teachers

The schools shall conduct an orientation of SHS class advisers and teachers on the implementation of the CGP Modules prior to the beginning of the school year.

To gather feedback on the utilization of the CGP modules, the enclosed CGP Monitoring Form (Enclosure 1) shall be accomplished and submitted in accordance with the following:

  • The school guidance counselors, or designated guidance teachers/career advocates shall accomplish the CGP Monitoring Form (Enclosure 10) per semester, and shall submit these to the schools division office (SDO) for consolidation by the Youth Formation Coordinator (YFC) of the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD).
  • In addition to the consolidated information from the CGP forms, the Division YFC shall include in the SDO report information on the monitoring activities undertaken by the SDO, which shall include, at the minimum:

a) Date of monitoring visits

b) Name of schools visited, including school ID, name and contact details of school head

c) Class/section observed, CGP module implemented, and name and contact details of class adviser

d) Feedback/observations

e) Summary of implementation/utilization issues and challenges

f) Policy and program management recommendations to improve the implementation of the CGP in the school level

The SDO report shall then be submitted to the RO.

The designated Regional YFC from the Education Support Services Division (ESSD) shall consolidate the SDO reports. In addition to the consolidated information from the SDO reports, the Regional YFC shall include in the regional report, at the minimum, the following information:

a) Summary of feedback/observations from SDO monitoring visits (including during any RO monitoring visits)

b) Summary of issues and challenges as documented in SDO reports (including during any RO monitoring visits)

c) Policy and program management recommendations to improve the implementation of the CGP in the division level

The Regional YFC shall facilitate the submission of the regional report to the Bureau of Learner Support Services – Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD) at the Central Office.

  • Soft copies of the regional reports shall be submitted to blss.yfd@deped.gov.ph on the fourth week of November for the first semester and on the fourth week of April for the second semester.

Expenses related to the conduct of the CGP shall be charged to local funds or school Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

Enclosures 1 and 2 are the CGP Monitoring Form and the Terms of Reference for Career Advocates, respectively.

Immediate dissemination and implementation of this Memorandum is desired.

DepEd Career Guidance Program Modules Monitoring Tool

READ: Deped Terms of Reference for Career Advocates

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

1 thought on “DepEd Senior High School Career Guidance Program Modules and Reporting System”

  1. you have mentioned “enclosure 10”, can we humbly ask for a copy of such for us regular teachers assigned to deliver the said subject?


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