CHAPTER VIII: Educational Facilities
Terms, Notations and Important Concepts
1. Notes on the Minimum Size of the School sites
- Non-central school with one (1) or two (2) classes only and no grade IV – 0.5 hectare
- Central school with six (6) classes and non-central school with three to four (3-4) classes – 1.0 hectare
- Schools with seven to nine (7-9) classes – 2.0 hectares
- Schools with seven to twelve (7-12) classes – 3.0 hectares
- Schools with more than twelve (12) classes – 4.0 hectares
NOTE: In cases where there is difficulty in meeting the above standards, the following alternatives are allowed.
- Central school with six (6) classes and non-central school with three to four (3-4) classes – 0.5 hectare
- Schools with seven to twelve (7-12) classes – 1.5 hectares
- Schools with more than twelve (12) classes – 2.0 hectares
- Central school with six (6) classes and non-central school with six to ten (6-10) classes – 0.5 hectare
- Schools with seven to twenty (7-20) classes – 0.75 hectares
- Schools with more than twenty (20) classes – 1.0 hectares
- 500 students or less 0.5 hectare
- 501 students to 1 000 students 1.0 hectare
- 1 001 students to 2 000 students 2.0 hectares
- 2 001 students to 3 000 students 3.0 hectares
- General/Vocational 4.0 hectares
- Agricultural 5.0 hectares
- Fishery, add for projects 2.0 hectares fresh-water fishpond
2. Notes on Donation/Usufruct
- Simple Donation – It is one whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a piece of land in favor of the municipality, city, province or the Republic of the Philippines.
- Conditional Donation – It is one in which imposes condition such as, “that the land should be used only for education”. In such case, the property is reverted to the owner when its use as stipulated in the donation is changed.
- Inter vivos donation – It takes effect during the lifetime of the donor.
- Mortis causa donation – It is when the donation took effect only after the donor’s death. The donations should conform to the formalities required of a last will.
3. Notes on the External Areas in the School and Other Concerns
- The tradition laboratory for agriculture, or what is traditionally known as the school garden, should be located on an area based on a minimum standard of 40 square meters of space per pupil.
- The allocation area for playgrounds which are needed for physical education activities may be determined on the basis of a minimum standard for six (6) square meters of space per pupil.
- The circulation area consists of the main walk, the footpaths, and the driveway which are intended to facilitate movement within the school site.
- The mainwalk , which is the primary access from the front gate to the main building, should at least three (3) meters wide.
- The footpaths, which are the secondary access between the different zones and buildings within the school site, may be one (1) or two (2) meters wide.
- The standard driveway, which is intended to serve vehicular traffic inside the school site, should at least three (3) meters wide.
- As a general rule, the top of the pole should be higher than the building to give the national flag due prominence. A flagpole should be designed and constructed in a way that is easy to use, and repair as well as contribute to the effectiveness of the school’s visual zone.
- The signboard of the school should be of appropriate length and width to accommodate the name and location of the school. The lettering, in simple block, or Roman style, should be big enough to be easily readable from the street at a distance of ten (10) to twenty (20) meters from the school.
- In a complete elementary school, there should be a building for Industrial Arts/Home Economics classes with a minimum standard area of 2.5 square meters per place, or approximately one hundred (100) square meters.
- The recommended orientation of a school building in the Philippines is a NORTHWEST – WEST to SOUTHEAST – EAST axial direction, taking into consideration of sunlight and the direction of prevailing breezes.
- The main building facing the front gate should be at least ten (10) meters from the said gate.
- The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is five (5) meters to minimize the intrusive sounds.
- The minimum standard for the administrative space is five (5) square meters per person and an air space requirement of 12.00 cubic meters per person.
- The minimum classroom size should be seven (7) meters wide by eight (8) meters long, which is considered adequate for a class of fifty-six (56) pupils. Desks or chairs maybe arranged in eight (8) rows with seven (7) desks in a row.
- Window openings shall at least ten (10) percent of the floor area of the room, provided that such opening shall not be less than one (1) square meter.
- Toilets and bath should not be less than one-twentieth (1/20) of the floor area of such rooms, or not less than 240 square millimeters.
- The windows shall be located on both of the longer side of the classrooms, provided with glass, steel, or wood jalousies. The window openings shall be at least 1.5 meters high, and from column to column in width.
- The ceiling height of the rooms with natural ventilation shall not be less than 2.70 meters measured from the floor to the ceiling, ceiling height not less than 2.40 meters.
- The ceiling should be a dropped ceiling.
- The roof should be a cathedral type.
- At least two (2) exit doors are required where the number of room occupants is over fifty (50) in the case of the classrooms, conference rooms…etc., a door shall not be less than 2.10 meters high and 900 millimeters wide.
- Repair – It involves remedial work done on any damage or deteriorated portion or portions of a building to restore to its original condition. Prompt attention on repair jobs will cut down maintenance cost.
- Minor repairs involving not more than Php 500 000.00 may be undertaken by the school head through the school administration, utilizing the Industrial Art classes teachers and/or community labor.
- Renovation – It is applied to old school buildings which have weathered the years, and remained sturdy, but need some facelifting to restore to their original condition.
- The Physical facilities coordinator shall take charge of the making the necessary arrangements for the insurance of all government buildings.
- Naming of a school after a living person is prohibited by Republic Act No. 1059, except where there is a special provision to name it so, as when so provided in the deed of donation.
- Republic Act 7160, Section 99(d) – It is known as the “Local Government Code”, provides that the Local Sangguniang Bayan has the power to change the name of the school through an ordinance and upon the recommendation of the School Board. Approval of the Secretary of education is no longer necessary.
- In consideration of the contents of DECS No. 108, s. 1991, “Discouraging the Indiscriminate Renaming of Public Schools and Colleges”, – a rationale for said change stating public achievement and recognition of the individual apart from donating the school site should be submitted.
- The proper height of the chalkboard from the floor to its top edge is determined by multiplying the mean standing height of the class by constant 1.2.
- The teacher-school librarian enrolment ratio shall be 500 or less-one (1) teacher –librarian, 501 to 1 000 – one (1) full time librarian and one (1) part-time teacher-librarian, 1 001 to 2 000 – one (1) full time librarian and one (1) part time teacher – librarian, and 2 000 and above, additional one (1) full – time librarian for every 1 000 additional enrollees.
- A teacher-librarian shall have one (1) teaching load; library orientation and literature appreciation for pupils from Kinder to Grade IV, library lessons for Grades V – VI, and how to do research for High Schools.
- The library fund is 5 – 10 percent of the school fund (based proportionately) as released by the Division office.
- The number of books in the classroom library collection may be a minimum of fifty (50) books and a maximum of one hundred (100) books, to be replenished from the school library from time to time.
- The sharing of the gross income derived from the operation of the canteen shall be on a 90/100 basis, ninety percent (90%) for the cooperative and ten percent (10%) as the share of the school.
4. Notes on Supplementary Materials and Other Concerns
- Supplementary Materials – these are teacher’s devices other than textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals which aid in the teaching and/or learning of certain concepts and skills for reinforcement, enrichment, and mastery.
- Print Materials – These are either published or unpublished such as general references and subject area specific reference materials that aid in the teaching and or learning concepts and skills.
- General References – These are specific materials which provide a variety of information on topics of general interest.. These include encyclopedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, biographical dictionaries, bibliographies, geographical sources, atlases, almanacs, serials and periodicals, and directories.
- Subject Area References – These are specific materials which provide information on selected topics which are useful to specific subject areas. These include books in history, social sciences, skill books, workbooks, reviewers, and illustrations that deal with specific topic.
- Non-print Materials – These are supplementary devices other than print materials such as video tapes, audio cassette tapes, films, transparencies, and multimedia learning packages, that aid in the teaching and or learning of certain concepts and skills.
- DECS Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS) – It is responsible for the evaluation and approval of all instructional materials, print and non-print used in public schools, while evaluation of prices on such materials shall be the responsibility of the Price Committee.
- The Special Education Fund ( Republic Act 5447) – It was created to provide additional financial support exclusively for the public schools.
- Adopt a School Program – It was established trough Republic Act 8525 which aims to create multiple partnership with the business sector, foundations, non-government organizations, and individuals to team-up with DECS in providing the needed assistance and service to public schools.
- Food and Nutrition Package – It shall include feeding a child for 120 days within the school year with foods enrich 300 calories, vitamins, iodine and iron.
- Donor’s Choice Package – It shall cover any kind of support a donor wishes to give the instant adoption and types of assistance are articulated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the donor and the school.
Good day! I have been searching for a 2000 DECS Service Manual but to no avail. Please, how can we have a copy of need. We are on the process of updating our student discipline manual and the said legal basis will be of great help. Looking forward for your positive response regarding my request. God bless!
Hi! I’d like to ask on how I can go about Grade acceleration/grade skipping. My 6yo son (born on Nov 2015) is now in kinder. Most of his acad learnings are done at home (we practice homeschooling) but we enrolled him in public kindergarten (modular) primarily to help us with his student registration and records, but we mostly take charge of what to teach him. With this, he seems to us to be ahead in learning (writing, reading, english, math and science, emotionally and socially) compared to his classmates and even to other kids we know who are 2 or 3 years older than him. Will it be possible if we skip grade one for the next school year? Many thanks in advance.
What is the depes memo or deped order on one gate policy in schools
Provide Detailed Service Manual for Teachers to Teachers… Sana ilabas na ang kopya para teachers will be guided… we are all professionals in the field of teaching… para wala mg magreklamo…
hu. just wanted to ask if teachers arw allowed to cut the hair of thw boys if ever they didnt follow the proper haircut? Thanks
THANK YOU so much Sir!! I am well equip to report because of your post..thank you 🙂
Thank you very much sir for this. God bless
Thank you sir
Thank you so much sir for sharing us these information. God bless you always sir.
thnk you sir
Thank you very much sir for sharing these information. Dios Mabalos!
Thank you sir for all of these information. They are of great help to us more blessings po…